Strange Meeting

After five months being together (start at the time after YooSu had been official), both couples had ups and down but the most couple who had more problem would be YooSu and they would involve ChangKyu in their problem causing them to fight among them too. YooSu almost break up just because Yoochun was being a jealous monster when he found out that Junsu being all too touchy-touchy with his teammate Hyukjae.

He ignored Junsu and don’t give a damn. He realized that he being a stupid idiot when the boyfriend of this said Hyukjae punch him in the face in the cafeteria and announce to the whole school how much up he is which ChangKyu couldn’t agree any better.

Yoochun muster up all his connection just to make up with Junsu but this time Changmin and Kyuhyun didn’t help him cause they had to worry about their relationship almost break apart because of their friend.

Sensing where the relationship is heading, Changmin ask their parents what he should do to make Kyuhyun fell in love with him all over again.

His father said, “Make love to him.” , Which got whacked in the head by Jaejoong and Changmin only coughed awkwardly.

“Here take this.” Jaejoong gave him a pair of paper which happens to be a pair of airplane ticket to Jeju Island.

“U-umma? What’s this?” Changmin gaped at the suddenly shoved gift in his hands.

“I notice how ridiculously apart you and Kyuhyunnie are so your appa and I decided to get you two a vacation – “ “More like honeymoon-before-marriage” “so that you two can be close again and this is the time that you make the spark between you two alive again.” Jaejoong finished it coolly despite his husband disruption.

“Thank you so much umma. I love you.” Changmin hug his umma very tightly.

“What about me? It’s my money that had been spending on.” Yunho sulked and the mother and son couldn’t help but rolled their eyes at this.

“Alright appa. I LUB YOU SO MUCH!” and Changmin gave a really big hug to his appa making him almost choked to death.

After all the dramatic hugs inside his house, Changmin quickly text Kyuhyun about the trip and it seems like the latter anticipate it very much. At the date of flight, both of them seem nervous about the whole trip. Their parents embarrassed them at the airport talking about the safeties in having .

They only got to cool down their heated face when they already board the plane and relax themselves in the first class sit. They are really grateful to their parents. They checked in the hotel and quickly enjoyed every bit the island had to give.

They ended up visit the whole Jeju just in three days but they still had four days left to spend in Jeju and they decide to focus more on each other than the scenery and finally did what Yunho suggested ( mind activated). (Don’t worry about their school; their parents had taken care of everything).

Once they back home, both of them being more lovey dovey than the past meaning their parents plan is a success. Junsu quickly tackle them both the moment he sees them step inside the school ground sobbing really hard on their shoulder.

Yoochun literally had to lift him off from the both of them and calm Junsu down.

“Where were you two? We’re both worried sick but your parents said no need to worry but how come we not to worry since both of you didn’t contact us at all during this whole week?” Yoochun asked when they got inside the classroom and still had 10 minutes left to spare.

“Well, we go to a healing time as in fixing our relationship because it becomes distant the minute both of you got into a fight.” Changmin explained and the look on his friend’s face instantly becoming pale but Kyuhyun immediately pulled Changmin ear.

“Awwee.” Changmin screeched.

“Don’t mind what he says. It’s not you guys fault.” Kyuhyun tried to reassure but who was he kidding. Of course it’s the two fault that they got into that situation where things suddenly becomes awkward when they were left alone and both of them give a silent treatment toward the other.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to involve you two until you had to fix your relationship.” Yoochun stated guiltily.

“Dude. It’s okay. We have to face it later some time in our life. Not all relationship will sail smoothly throughout the life. There would be bound to a fight. It gives us a lesson how to deal with it for future references.” Changmin explained and most of the guilt feeling disappeared but still.

“All right students. Time for class.” The teacher already steps inside the classroom and stop the conversation between the four.


After a while, the guiltiness disappears and the four of them enjoy high school like any teenage would do with the addition of two other people or should we say one couple – Hyukjae and Donghae.

At first, Yoochun and Hyukjae are awkward around each other and not to mention that Donghae always glaring at Yoochun making him even more like a turtle. Eventually, Hyukjae start to lecture to Donghae about being nice to Yoochun and all and sides, he ing owes him an apologize.

Donghae man up his pride and apologize which earns him something special at the end of the day and the three of them are closer than ever. School already over and all of them decided to do part time before the entrance day to university.

Like the genius the Changmin and Kyuhyun are, they ended up study until PhD. and they own the university they graduate from as it was a gift from the previous owner. Kyuhyun end up being the sole owner of the university while Changmin become the next CEO of his family company soon after him graduate.

Junsu and Yoochun both become the second in command for the Kyuhyun and Changmin while Donghae and Eunhyuk decided to work in Japan as they were promoted to handle part of their current company there.

Once a year, they will meet up by having two weeks’ vacation anywhere and spend them like crazy. Along the way, both 6 couple got married and happily lives together.

Both of ChangKyu parents are still alive and look younger than their real age and make people ask them whether the child in their hand is their second child. They denied it of course as the child was their grandchildren name Minho.

Kyuhyun somehow got pregnant and trust me both he and Changmin don’t want to face the pregnant phase again and incredibly happy to have Minho as their child. Yoosu had two kids of their own while Donghae and Hyukjae only had one.

The bottom always talk about their sons and said that in the future they will both married their son to each other son. Minho will be Taemin future partner (YooSu second child) and Jongin (HaeHyuk child) will be Kyungsoo partner (YooSu first child).

They plan all this and told their mom about this plan and of course all of them were ecstatic while the dominant just shake their head at this and say in their heart, ‘Just let the kid do what their want in the future.’

Well, apparently what every mother wish for finally come true.


As the title say, this is where the story ends.






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erghh...somehow I wanted to delete this fic and write again but I don't want to waste energy and time so I'm keeping it as the way the story are.


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Chapter 20: Yeay yoosu together now.... Changkyu is absolutely cute couple
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 20: Awwww, so glad you are back.
Finally, Yoosu are together. Looking forward to the next update.
Chapter 20: Awwww! I haven't seen an update in so long Unnie! I'm so happy! Welcome back~
Awwww!! Yoosu finally together at long last! Kyuhyun fangirling like a good fangirling xD :3 so cute!
:0 I'm going to miss this fic T.T
DaisyRose #4
Chapter 19: Hi there, I'm ur new reader. OMG ur story was short and simple, it was easy to read and cuteeee.. I'm glad I found it. Hope u can update later. U also can check out my fic (if u want, its okay). Have fun for ur ss5.
joanna20 #5
Chapter 18: u finally back! thought u forgotten it...anyway update soon! ty :D
Chapter 18: Both parents accept ChangKyu relationship right??? Can't wait for the next chappie
Chapter 17: gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! -fangirling fangirling!!!- Changkyu HWAITING!