Chapter 2 - Muddled Memories in the Rain

One Day It All Changed


Tiny raindrops began to paint themselves on the front window of Bom’s car. Faint classical music with hints of a cello was playing, and the car had steadied to a usual beat on the long stretch of highway. Bom’s slender fingers tapped along with the chorus of string instruments on the steering wheel as she felt the music flow into beautiful notes in her mind. She threw a casual glance at Seunghyun. His eyebrows were creased and tension ensued on his face. Bom took her hand of the wheel and placed two fingers between his eyebrows. Seunghyun’s face lightened after a moment, and a calm smile ensued. Bom smiled along and returned her eyes to the road. The rain had grown stronger in forces, and the windshield vipers fought hard against the wind  She looked out past the road wondering what had been preoccupying his mind of late. She thought back, wondering if he had left any hints. Perhaps... before... when... 


Suddenly the car spun out of control and Bom fought to gain control of the SUV. The rain and wind was too much  and Bom’s car slid off the inner highway road, and slid down the small hill. After moving downwards, slipping at odd angles, the car gave a huge jolt. After that, the car stopped moving. 


Bom opened her eyes slowly. She released her and Seunghyun’s belt panicking and rushing. She leaned over to check on the stirring Seunghyun, when the shift in weight slid the car further down and headed towards a sycamore tree. Bom’s body flew, and moved from the impact in the car. She shut her eyes tightly, readying herself for the pain and impact. It was too fast, she thought, there was no way out of this one.


Seunghyun eyes flew open and he saw Bom’s glistening eyes shut tight, a single tear of fear falling. He moved rapidly. All thoughts faded and the priority of Bom’s safety held his mind captive. He shifted, catching her body and hugging her tightly into the car seat, managing to pull her back just before Bom’s head hit the cracked window glass. Seunghyun froze, not releasing his tight grip on her. His hands turned white from the loss of blood. He spoke silent prayers in his mind and let his eyes roam, checking for any damage on her. Bom wasn’t moving. And he couldn’t bring himself to either. He started seeing black and neon colored spots in his vision and his eyes zoomed in and out, until he saw a black border in his field of vision. He couldn’t feel his arm, and then, all of a sudden, he was aware of a wet sensation near his hands. He tried to crane his neck down, but it felt as if his brain was dislodged from his head and his mind fell into a spiral of pain and twists. His vision started fading, and soon the sound of the rain through the broken window was a mere stereo echo sound of water.


Seunghyun... Seunghyun? Oh no. No. No. No. God, no. Seung-Se-Se-Seung --hyun look at me, listen to me. Don’t stop listening to me. Wake up! Don’t leave me! What do I do? What do I do!? Don’t die, damn it! Wake up, i’ll help you! Wake Up!


Seunghyun’s eyes fluttered slightly. In front of his constantly switching eyes of incredibly HD vision and sometimes blurry vision was Bom’s face wet with tears, inaudible words shaping . Good, He thought. She’s awake-why’s she crying. Is she hurt? Where is she hurt? Where are you hurt? He kept trying to ask, but the words lodged in his dry throat. He fought the raw pain and raised his hand enough to wipe one tear, before his red arm fell. Just sing to me, and I won’t fall asleep. This isn’t good bye Bom. I still have to, no need to tell you how much I love you. Just sing, I won’t die. I promise... i'll listen. He tried, He tried so very hard, to say. But all that came out was 



Then everything faded into darkness.


Bom froze for a few minutes, and then went frantic calling his name over and over. She sang loudly and then softly in his ears. She thought hard what to do, but her mind had cascaded into chaos. Suddenly a flashlight shone in through the window. A man appeared, and Bom grabbed his hand, cutting her arm slightly. She looked straight at the shadowed figure, hoping that the light through the cracks would prove a miracle.


a/n : Sorry it's so short guys! I will work harder at updating regularly and to keep the story flowing. Let me know of your ideas so that I can have fresh palettes of ideas to start with! Thanks for reading the story guys. I hope it gets interesting for you soon. I appreciate any tips or advice I get, so keep them coming. It seems people are confused whether it's going to be a TOPBOM story or a GBOM one. I haven't decided yet, but look out for the entry of Jiyong. ^^ Lots of love and happy reading!


a/n (numero dos): I had to change my original picture! :( I thought it fit better. If you're curious here's the link! Also, i will being to add songs that are reccommended to go along and be heard in the background on repeat to feel the emoions of each chapter. Will update that soon! :)

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Kay37541 #1
I hope Seunghyun is alright! :O And pwetty pweaaasssseee let this be Topbom? :D Pleaaassssee!!!!!!
Hey guys, thank you for reading! I'm really excited to have such a pleasant response!

ChocoPanda - thank you for the encouragement and compliments! i'll work hard to live up to the hype! Ha-Ha! My writing tends to get boring at times, so if you ever have a recommendation, lemme' know gurrllll! :) See you with your next update!

Cimmotabi - thank you for subscribing! let's see how your hopes play out! ^^

Bungsky_- Aww keep those puppy eyes away! I am weak to cuteness! ha-ha.

dreamsaremadeof - wow, it's an honor to have you to read and comment on my story! Your writing is phenomenal as well! I like your tabisan story as well, it's really compelling and engaging. I cannot wait to read more of it! And I hope I can write a story that leaves you enjoying and interested to the end! :) Just like your stories are to me.
dreamsaremadeof #3
you have a good story here to develop i'm really looking forward to the rest of the story :)
Oh My God, oh my God please let them be okay! Please let Seunghyun be okay, pleaseeeee T.T Oh my God, I hope everything's going to be okay. Anyway, I want TopBom, pweaseee??? *puppy eyes*
i hope it's going to be a topbom :(
well, i'll definitely subscribe! yeay
Hey ChocoPanda (that's a bit long... can I call you CP? haha) I'm glad you were kinda sorta pulled in (crosses fingers) to my story. I AM A DISGRACE TO THE VIP FANWORLD! I didn't realize it was similar to Taeyang's Wedding Dress. Gah! Talk about it, timing seriously in this one. I'll have to update soon, but i'm excited! Ha-Ha. I have 12 subscribers to my first story... I COULD DIE. I'm so touched. Is this normal?! Anyways thanks for the HWAITING!~ See you with your next update!~
Thanks guys!~