
Love Sick

~Day of Appointment~

TOP hesistantly steps out of the van. Pulls the hoodie over his head trying to hide his face. He walks slothily towards the hospital doors. He walks up to the desk and tells the lady that he is there to see Dr. Geum. She directs him to the waiting area.

He walks over to the waiting area. Sits in an uncomfortable chair, clearly made for a person with a the size of Mars. TOP looks down to find magazines upon magazines of Health and Life. He flips threw a couple of them, aimlessly. He finds a magazine with BIGBANG on the cover. He wonders about reading it but figures it would be too much to be full of himself.

Waiting impatiently for 15 minutes now, he stands up and starts to wander the hospital.

He walks around the big waiting area taking a corner turn into a hallway. There were a couple of vending machines filled with healthy snacks and drinks. He walks pass a bathroom. Then he walks into an area that lead to a courtyard. He then decides to walk back to the waiting area. On the way back, a bunch of children were running towards him. Obviously children who were admitted indicated by the hospital outfits they were wearing. They were all laughing and screaming "You can't catch us!" TOP turns around in the direction that the children were running, puzzled. He then turns around bumps into a girl. TOP stares at the girl, trying to get a good look at her. Her hair was covering her face. She bows and apologizes for bumping into him. She looks up and smiles straight at TOP and runs after the children. TOP stops and wonders if he's seen her before. He turns around in the direction that the girl went and ponders where he's seen her before. After a minute, he shakes off the feeling and returns back to the waiting area.

In the waiting area a nurse ushers TOP to the exam room. TOP sits on the bed and waits for the doctor. After a couple minutes, Dr. Geum enters the room.

"Why, how much you've grown" chuckles Dr. Geum as he sits down on the chair next to the bed.

"Yeah, thing's changed in a couple years. So what would we be doing today?" asks TOP sitting there twiddling he fingers.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a simple check up. So how's your family been?" asks Dr. Geum as he writes something on his clipboard.

"Oh, they're fine. I'm going to go see them soon," smiles TOP.

"That's good. Taking a break from your busy life to see family is always good. Okay, let's start."

~After examination~

"Well, everything looks fine. No need to worry. You should just take it easy. Drink warm liquids and watch what you eat and you should be fine," said Dr. Geum.

"Okay," sighed TOP. "That's good."

"Haha, quite a relief huh?" chuckles Dr. Geum. "Like I said, it was nothing. Just a routine checkup. Well, I won't keep you any longer, you're probably more busy than I am. Here, I'll walk you out."

Dr. Geum and TOP walk out to the waiting area talking about how TOP not overwork himself and to bring flowers to his mom when he goes to visit and to send his regards to his family. In the waiting area, TOP said goodbye and starts to walk towards the doors.

"Ah, appa. Have you had lunch yet?"

"Ha, no, Hee-nee," answers Dr. Geum.

"Hee-nee?" thought TOP. TOP turns around to see the girl that he bumped into earlier.

"Appa, I thought I told you not to call me that anymore. I'm not a child."

"Okay then, Kyung Hee. Let's go," said Dr. Geum starting off for the cafeteria. Kyung Hee smiles and loops her arm around Dr. Geum and asks what he wanted to eat.

"Kyung Hee?" thought TOP.

*ring ring* TOP answers his phone.

"Ah, yeah, I'm done here. I'll be there soon." TOp hangs up and turns around towards Dr. Geum and Kyung Hee as they off. TOP, a bit puzzled and startled, turns around and exits the hospital.




~~~~~~~~~~author's note~~~~~~~~~~

yay,finally an update. it's been a long time coming, but i got it. hope you like it. the ball should start rolling now since i've introduced kyung hee. hope you keep reading to see what happens.

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Frottoe #3
lmao @ Daesung, GD and Seungri! xDD<br />
>.< top~~ i wonder wat's wrong with him <br />
thanks for updating! <3<br />
cheonyhang #4
Ha. The Playful boys are just so childish.<br />
Cute~<br />
<br />
And I hope TOP's gonna be okay.<br />
I REALLY don't want him to die in the end. :(<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update!
lisasian #5
trying my best to update "hwaiting"
sparkles #6
Oooooo, TOP got scammed into going :/<br />
I like this....hope he's not dying or anything 0.0
Frottoe #7
LOVING this story so far!!<br />
TOP~ please be ok! >.<