Going To Jeju!

Why Wont You Fall For Me Already!?!

Oh Mae Rae's Point Of View


As soon as I got home I started packing for Jeju. What should I bring? I will bring 7 shirts and 3 pairs of jeans. I think he said we were going for a week. Knowing Key he will probably make us all go out to somewhere fancy, so I guess I will bring my silver strapless dress and a pair of black heels. I will also to bring a hairbrush, toothpaste, and blah blah blah.

I packed everything at night so tomorrow I can get up and just leave. I didn't want to pack while I am still half asleep.

I laid in bed and though about what Seung Ri said to my mom to let me go. Whatever. All I know is that it worked.


I woke up by my alarm. Key said he was going to pick us up at 9:00, so I set my alarm for 8:00 so I could get showered, get dressed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, eat, and all that stuff.

Since we were going to be on a plane I have to dress comfortably, so I put on jeans and a random t-shirt I found in my drawer.

I went downstairs and ate a bowl of Honey Combs.

As I was eating my Mom walked in the room. I felt bad since I will be in Jeju during Christmas. This will be my first Cristmas away from my Mom.

"Are you ready to go on your vacation?" My Mom asked. I could tell she was upset that I was going. It's not my fault. Blame it on Seung Ri. She forced me!

"Yeah. I am just waiting to be picked up." I said.

We stood there in scilence for a couple minutes. I heard someone honking a horn, and I knew it was Key. I walked to the door.

"Bye Mom." I said. I got sad thinking I will be away from her for a week.

"Have fun! Don't forget to call me everyday!" She yelled as I was putting my things in the trunk.

"I will call you everyday! I promise!" I yelled back.

I got in the car and saw everyone. I was the last one to get picked up because I lived closest to the airport.

When I shut the door Key said, "IS EVERYONE READY!?!"

When no one responded he said, "HEY! DID YOU GUYS NOT HEAR ME!?! I ASKED IF YOU WERE READY!"

"Stop screaming you are going to get us in an accident!" Jonghyun said.

"Sorry I am excited! What is wrong with you guys!?!"

"We are tired!" I said. I didn't  know if anyone else was tired, but I was. I just didn't want to say I am tired, so I said we are tired.

"Whatever. We are here anyway." Key said.

We all got out of the car and went to the trunk to get our stuff. We went inside the airport and went through the metal detector. After that we went to where our plane was and waited.

During our wait no one really talked. I was trying to sleep, but that didn't work. Before I knew it we were making our way on the plane.

I looked at my number and then tried to find my seat. I was in the asile seat. I wanted the window seat. I sat down. I wonder who will sit next to me.

"Hey! I guess we are seat buddies!" It was Onew. The way he said that was really creepy. There is just something about him that seems strange. He took his seat next to me.

The plane started. It was a long ride, and Onew didn't make it any better.

"That cloud looks like a chicken!" He said at almost every cloud.

I looked over and saw Minho. When he looked back at me I mouthed help me!

He leaned over and wispered to me, "I have to sit next to Key! I would rather sit next to Onew then Key!"

Yeah. Key is way worse to sit next to then Onew. I looked over and I saw Seung Ri resting her head on Taemin's shoulder, and Taemin's head rested on her head. So cute!

I was getting tired so I reclined back and went to sleep.

When I woke up there was 10 minutes until we landed. Did I really sleep that long?

For the last 10 minutes I listened to my iPod. I didn't want to hear Onew talk about chicken so I blasted it in my ears.

I listened to Gee, Oh, Oh Yeah, and Y. By the time I listened to all of these songs the plane landed.

I was trying to get my stuff out of the compartment above me. My stupid bag was stuck.

Onew just looked at me like I was some sort of idiot. Thanks for helping Onew!

I was almost about to give up and ask a random stranger walking by to help me, but before I could someone had already took my bag down and gave it to me.

"Thanks." Finally someone decided to help.

Minho gave me a little smile and started walking out of the plane.

I got off the plane and walked to where Key told us to meet.

I walked over to the entrance of the airport and saw a car. As soon as the car window rolled down I saw Key.

I got in the back seat and saw that Seung Ri, Taemin, and Onew was in the car.

After a few Minutes of waiting Minho opened the door and got in the car. Then a few Minutes after Minho, Jonghyun opened the door and got in the car. Jonghyun was holding 2 chocolate ice creams. I love chocolate ice cream.

"Ice cream! Hyung can I have some!?!" Taemin asked. What is up with that kid and sugar?

"No! I got it for Mae Rae as a thanks for welcoming me to the school gift." Jonghyun said. Yay! I get ice cream!

"Thank you!" I said while taking my delicious chocolate ice cream out of his hands.

"Your welcome!" He said back.

I ate my ice cream as we drove to where we were staying. Where are we even staying?

The whole ride there was silent except for Key telling us how boring we are.


Jonghyun's Point Of View


The whole plane ride I was watching Onew talking about chicken to Mae Rae.. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Onew had his chicken face on.

When I saw her look over I started smiling. I probably look like a fool, but I don't care. As long as I get to look at her beautiful face.

I saw help me!

I leaned over to see who she was looking at. It was Minho.

Minho is so lucky he gets to sit near her. I have to sit next to sleeping Taemin. I looked at Taemin and Seung Ri. So cute!

When I looked back at Mae Rae she was sleeping. She looks like an angel.

I felt my eyes get heavy, and soon I was asleep.

Taemin woke me up, "Hyung! It is time to get off!"

I stretched a little before getting my luggage.

I saw Mae Rae struggling with her luggage. I was about to help her when I saw Minho get her things for her. Why cant that be me?

I walked off of the plane. I went to the ice cream shop and got two chocolate ice creams.I got one for Mae Rae because maybe she will like me better.

I have to think of an excuse if she asks why I got her some. I will say it is a thank you for welcoming me, or something like that.

I went to the front of the airport and got in the car. I was the last one.


"Ice cream! Hyung can I have some!?!" Taemin asked me as soon as he saw the chocolate ice cream.

"No! I got it for Mae Rae as a thanks for welcoming me to the school gift." When I said the ice cream was for her she looked really excited.

"Thank you!" She said taking the ice cream. The way she is looking at the ice cream is so cute! I wish she looked at me the way she looks sat her ice cream. That is one lucky scoop of chocolate ice cream.

"Your welcome!" I said.

She started eating her ice cream. She didn't even notice me staring at her the whole ride.

The whole ride there was boring. No one said anything except Key who was nagging the whole time. He was telling us how boring we are.

We finally stopped at what looked like a mansion. I am so jealous! Key's family is so rich.

I walked inside and gave myself a tour of the house. There were 4 bedrooms and each room 2 bed except for one. The master bedroom had a king size bed. Each bedroom had its own bathroom.

This place is amazing! I walked back downstairs and Key started talking about who gets what bedroom.

"Okay guys! Here are your room mates!" I listened to Key waiting to hear who my room mate is.
"Taemin and Onew! Seung Ri and Mae Rae! Minho and Jonghyun!"
I am with Minho. This may be a little awkward since we both like Mae Rae.
Wait I didn't hear Key say his name.
"Key! Where are you sleeping?" I asked him.
"In the master bedroom duh! I don't  want to share a room with anyone so I gave myself the master bedroom!" He left before we could say anything.
Everyone went to their rooms and started to unpack.
Oh Mae Rae's Point Of View
I went to my room and started to unpack everything. I put everything away as neatly as I could. Even my neatest looks awful.
When I finished I waited for Seung Ri to unpack and we went to the living room.
Everyone was watching T.V. They were watching Star Golden Bell.
Key suddenly came in and said, "I am really in the Christmas spirit everyone!" He walked over to Minho who was sitting next to me. He pulled something from behind his back and put it over Minho's and my head. "Mistletoe!" He yelled.
"What!?!" I said.
"It's a mistletoe! You 2 have to kiss!" He said.
What is wrong with him? Why would he do something like this? He is really annoying right now.
"I am not leaving until you 2 kiss!" Really Key!?! Why doesn't he go do this to someone else?
I was about to yell at him when i felt a hand on my face. I felt something on my lips for not even a second.
"There you happy? Now leave us alone." Minho said. What did he just do? He looked so expressionless, like he didn't even care. I guess he just had enough of Key today. He had to sit on the plane with him. Maybe he didn't feel like listening to Key nag so he gave me a quick peck on the lips.
Key walked away from us and he started to make dinner. It smelled good. I cant wait to eat.
Minho's Point Of View
Key wouldn't stop nagging at us so I gave Mae Rae a quick kiss so he would leave. He lips were so soft. I cant believe I even did that. What came over me? What made me do this? Could it be my feelings for her? Could it be that I wanted Key to stop? Was it both?
There are so many questions I have in my head. I need answers, but I don't know how to get them.
Jonghyun's Point Of View
He. Kissed. Her.
I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I grabbed my chest where the sharp pain was trying to make it feel better.
The scene kept replaying in my head. Each time I thought of it I felt a stab to my heart. This hurts so bad. WHy does this have to happen. Why was the mistletoe over him and Mae Rae? Why not me? My heart hurts. Why does this bring me pain? I need to know why all of this is happening. I need to know who she likes better.
I have an idea of finding out a way for her to pick one of us.
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I feel bad for Jonghyun <3 He is my Bias....
Love it. :))
It's sooo strange to read that Seung Ri is a girl! Or was that just a grammar mistake? 'Cause Seung Ri from is definitely a hot guy ^_^
I love it!!
I smacked my head when I saw it was Minho. XD towards the end I was so sure it was Mir for some reason. I feel stupid now...haha.
LOL. I totally saw this coming.. ^^ <br />
<br />
OMG. IDK if you have a sequel yet or not.. but if you do, you should make her and Minho have a yoogeun baby :D
i want u to make a sequel of this one....and i wanted JONG to be wid her...:(..never mind..all is well
she chose Minho!!!! :D YAY!!<br />
ooh i hope you make a sequel ^^<br />
looking forward to it :)<br />
thank you for writing this, <br />
OMG! I knew she was gonna chose minho!! :) <br />
O h my gaah!!! :D<br />
its minhoooooo! >:D her fake bf dat is... Update soon! :D