Chapter 6

Is It Love?? 

at school, Eunjoo avoided any places where Insoo might be

Eunjoo were putting her things in her locker, and closed it, she started walking and froze when Insoo suddenly came in front of her "we have to talk"

She tried to leave "I have to go to my class"

He furrowed his eyebrows "no you don’t" he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into an empty hallway

He turned her way "look I understand that I got rejected, but I don’t like the way you avoid me"

Eunjoo didn’t answer, her eyes went past him "Su Min"

He turned to see Su Min standing a little further, her head hang low that he couldn’t see her eyes because of her hair "sorry" her voice cracked *I knew it*

She turned and walked away; Eunjoo sighed "wait Su Min" and ran after her

Su Min turned her way and said "why did you reject him?? I thought that you liked him a lot??"

Eunjoo bit her lips "yeah I did and I still do, but…. You're still my friend and you're more important to me"

Su Min softened, and she started to cry "I'm so sorry Eunjoo-ah, I wasn’t a good friend please forgive me"

Eunjoo hugged her tightly "it's ok"

Su Min cried on her shoulder, Eunjoo saw Insoo a little further, he gave her a little nod and quietly left




Days passed and the graduation day was coming soon, Eunjoo were walking in the hallway with Su Min, when they passed by Chaejin and JunQ

Chaejin's face automatically smiled as soon as his eyes dropped on Eunjoo, she brightly smiled back

Su Min suspiciously raised an eyebrow and she asked Eunjoo "is there something going on between you and Chaejin??"

Eunjoo shook her head "what?!! No were just friends"

"Yeah right" Su Min said and walked in front of Eunjoo *he's totally in love with her*

"It's true" Eunjoo whined, and took a quick glance at Chaejin before following her  



Eunjoo kept thinking about what Su Min said *why did she say that?!! Chaejin and I are just friends nothing more than that*

"I don’t understand Chaejin, if he likes the girl why don’t he just confess??" Eunjoo over heard JunQ and Gunwoo's conversation *Chaejin likes someone already?!* her eyes widened

The bell rang and the students were dismissed

Eunjoo slanged her bag over her shoulder, and closed her locker

Eunjoo walked home,  she couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed knowing that Chaejin likes someone else


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