Chapter 3

Is It Love?? 

The next day, Eunjoo was riding her bicycle to school, and as she reached the gates, a black motorcycle that she would recognize any where passed and stopped in front of the gate

Su Min hopped off and took her helmet and handed it to Insoo

She met eyes with Eunjoo, and her eyes widened at her new look

Eunjoo changed her style completely, instead of your long hair, her hair was now short and she had put on a little makeup, she looked completely stunning 

Su Min quickly looked away and a smirk came on Eunjoo's face

Eunjoo stood by her locker, everyone was surprised by her new look, but what has caught everyone's attention the most was the new couple

Since Insoo was so popular with girls, Su Min got MANY rivals


The bell rang for lunch, Eunjoo got up and headed to the cafeteria

Su Min was sitting at Myname's table, she raised the spoon to Insoo "say ah"

He chuckled and let her feed him

Eunjoo narrowed her eyes at them, and then Chaejin saw her

 he waved at her "Eunjoo" he came her way and took her tray in one hand and pulled her with the other

Eunjoo sat next to him, and in front of Insoo

They all gave Chaejin a questionable look

"guys, this is my friend Park Eunjoo" he said

Eunjoo put on her best smile "hi, nice to meet you, is it ok if I sit with you??"

Their faces changed completely as big grins spread on it

Seyoung went and sat next to her "of course, if that's means more cute girls" he wiggled his eyebrow

Eunjoo laughed, and met eyes with Insoo, she smiled, he slightly smiled back, then he glanced at Su Min who still shocked *what is she doing here!!!* She was fuming

Su Min got up "I'll be back" she leaned in and kissed Insoo's cheek, smirked at Eunjoo and left


Eunjoo raised an eyebrow *ur challenging me!! i'll make you regret it Han Su Min*


 *I'm sure that she has something on her mind, if she think that she could steal my boyfriend she's wrong*

Su Min fixed her hair in the mirror and was about to go out, when suddenly the door banged open and  the three queenkas of the school entered with their arms crossed "where do you think you're going?? You have to get your punishment first

 Eunjoo went inside of the bathroom, and saw them beating her up, Su Min gave her a look *help me*

Eunjoo just smirked, washed her hands and walked out *she deserves it*

she went back to the table, and saw Insoo sitting and chatting with JunQ *Kang Insoo, I'll make you fall for me no matter what*  

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