Chapter 4

Is It Love?? 

The students were dismissed, Eunjoo gathered the stuff she needed from her locker and went out

Insoo was talking on the phone, "oh Su Min, where are you?? You already left, oh ok bye" he hanged up

*perfect* Eunjoo smirked

Insoo went to his parked motorcycle and was about to get on, when he heard someone cursing, he looked up and saw Eunjoo

"Aish, stupid bicycle" she grumbled and kicked the flat tire

Eunjoo looked up and saw him "oh hi" she smiled

"Hey, you need a ride??" he asked and motioned towards her bicycle

"No, its ok, I'll just walk" she said

"No I insist, if your friends with Su Min and Chaejin, that means you’re my friend too" he said in his calm voice

*Su Min is not my friend anymore* she nodded and walked to him

He handed her the helmet, and she put it on, she got on

"Hold on if you don’t want to fall" he said, Eunjoo put her hands around his waist, and smiled to herself *I always wanted to do this*

He started the engine, and sped off

Eunjoo looked back, and saw Su Min limping out of the school, she saw them both, and looked hurt

Eunjoo could careless, she felt the wind and giggled, she rested her head on his warm back and tightened her arms around his waist

Insoo's heart fluttered, and his titled his head *weird, why do I feel like this?!*

Eunjoo saw the playground, and told him to stop, she hopped off and quickly got on the swing, he raised his eyebrows

Eunjoo smiled and motioned him to come, he sat on the swing next to her "it's been so long since I last played"

"I always do, it's fun" Eunjoo said as she played back and forth "the weather is great right??"

He nodded "yeah"

She looked up the sky with a smile on her face

Insoo froze as he gazed at her, he never realized before how beautiful she is

Eunjoo looked at him, and their eyes kept searching each other, she felt her heart about to burst

He got up "l...let's go"

"Wait" Eunjoo got up, and got closer to him *I think it's time for me to confess* "I…I like you"

His eyes widened "what?!" he raised an eyebrow "I thought you were Su Min's friend, think about her, how could you do this to her??" his tone was getting louder

Eunjoo's eyes started getting teary "wait, let me explain"

"Look, I have to go" he marched towards his motorcycle and left

Tears ran down her face *what just happened?!*

*why isn’t anything going right in my life!!* 


The next day Eunjoo went to school, she was walking alone in the hallway

She saw Insoo, he was walking with Su Min, and their hands were interlaced

Eunjoo gazed at him quietly

He saw how sad she looked, and felt bad

 "Insoo" Su Min called him

He looked at her as she continued talking

Eunjoo quickly blinked her tears *I can't cry right now*


Eunjoo headed to the school cafeteria, she took her tray and looked for a place to sit

She saw Myname's table, Chaejin waved to her

she waved back with a forced smile

"Eunjoo-ah come here eat with us" he told her

She took a glance towards Insoo and Su min, and shook her head no

Eunjoo sat on a empty table, and ate on her own

"What's wrong with Eunjoo??" Gunwoo asked puzzled

Insoo tried hard not to think about her, but he couldn’t, her sad gaze started repeating over and over in his mind


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