The Discovery of Him

The Last Will


We practiced everyday after school for five hours, vocal training, dance training, acting, posing, everything we had to do to hold the judges' attention. We learnt from other auditions that they don't just look at what you specialise in, but in every aspect of performing, that's where you had learn to read in-between the lines. I'd always wished I was born with a voice like Reina. It was something indescribable; strong, sweet and slightly raspy with an amazing range and control, She learnt quickly as well, dance was not her forté but it was definitely not her weakness. However, I possessed something she did not. Something at that time I wasn't even aware of, but it was in me, it was what allowed me to surpass the difficulties I faced.


The Audition day arrived. Last minute warm ups, revising and stretching took place within the cold streets of Apgujeong , Seoul. Reina and I stared bewildered at the legion of young people outside the doors of AMOR ENTERTAINMENT, previously only exclusive to the prestige, now admittinh the children of the revolution through its doors.


One by one, we entered the audition room, like lambs to be slaughtered. We silently said our prayers, for our fate laid in the hands of the four judges. Ten went through at a time, allowing the process to be quick and easy. My heart began to beat violently against the cavity of my chest.


Reina slipped her hand in mine, looked deep in my eyes and said “ There is no one else more talented than you” and hastily entered the audition with her group of ten. Her comment struck a nerve within me, left me bewildered and uncomfortable. I was never the type to be sweet or intimate, however Reina was. Her words made me want to cry - I don't even believe my parents loved me the way she loved me. My best friend.

The nine left the audition room, Reina still hadn't exited the room, I didn't understand what could be taken so long. Finally the doors opened and my group was taken in. I was the last in my group to audition, I sat, hyperventilating as I watched those who were triumphant and those who had failed. I kept wondering which group I would be, I had a deep feeling it would be the latter. I sang with all the power and delicateness my body could resonate. I shut my eyes tight, to open them to an empty room with only the judges.

Do you dance?” the stern lady with a short bowl haircut asked.

Y-yes, that is more my speciality” I stuttered.

You have a minute and thirty seconds to show us your talent” the handsome middle aged man said.

I bowed gracefully and suddenly heard a blast of electronica pop through the speakers. I soon became entranced and, without thinking really, my body started to move to it. Rei's words ran through my mind, I am talented! I thought to myself, I deserve this! I want this! I need this.

The music came to a halt and 4 other people came to the audition floor. There I see Reina's smiling face gleaming at me, I smiled back. I looked back at the judges, their faces were pleased.

We found them.” The bowl hair cut lady said to the other judges.

Well done everyone, all of you who stand before us have passed our auditions and made it into our training program. This offer is a privilege, only given to those we believe are the very best and can prove themselves worthy in the music industry. You are all to return tomorrow with your parents to sign the contract, it is only there we will review your new life as a trainee and go through guidelines. You've worked hard, please take your leave.”

My parents signed the contract without a moment's hesitation. Not because they support me, but because they believe this was the fastest way to be rid of me. To them, I was a mistake.

Trainee life was difficult. Reina had nose bleeds every night, her life was practicing and studying, she didn't eat much or sleep well. To much of a surprise, she managed to retain that beautiful smile. She made me work harder than I wanted to, exhausted all the time. I wanted to dedicate my life to sleep; but whenever I perform, the world disappears and all that is left is a ball of pure fire within me that sends electricity around my body.

This routine of dance practice, vocal lessons, language study, acting and school continued systematically for 2 years. This year we would be graduating, and then totally devote ourselves to becoming true artists.

For 2 years Reina and I had been ranked as high performing trainees within the company, this brought us favour with our trainers and Sajangnim. However, entering the company at the tender age of fourteen left us ignorant to the real aspects of life, and this soon was to prove itself.


Ya! Min, Rei! Guess what!?” Avril, our French-Korean trainee friend yelled out to us.

“What is it now, Avril!?" I demanded, tired of Avril's habit of spreading rumours. "Please don't tell us another stupid piece of gossip! We have to go to vocal soon, we need to practice!”

Trust me, you'll wanna know this!”

“What is it!?” Reina in her innocence gleamed with excitement

“We have a transfer! He's apparently from JYP!” She stopped to think “Or was it YG...? ANYWAY! Our company got him! He apparently was the top trainee in his previous company!”

So what... AMOR bought him?” I said with a spiteful smirk

NO, they did a trade! Don't you remember Jaejoonie got kicked out!? They needed someone else to lead the debuting boy group! Oh, come on! You forgot the Jaejoon scandal with teacher par-?”

SHUT UP!” I roared, “We're not supposed to mention it”.

Avril just stared at me with bewilderment, I didn't mean to yell in her face.

Sorry... It's just we can't mention stuff like that, we'll be punished! I didn't mean...”

“It's okay,” she cut me off sharply, before enthusiastically beginning again. “I want to find him! I also heard he has one of the best vocals in Korea or something and that his dancing is daebak as well!

“ Okay, so let's find him! We'll split up and text each other if we do.” Reina suggested with delight.


The hunt began. Halfway through the search I became very frustrated. I was looking for a Korean boy who I didn't even know or what he looked like. I must be crazy, I thought to myself. At that moment, I received a text from Rei;

 'Target located. Windowsill of level 2 dance studio.'

For no particular reason at all, I became delusional, a wide smile crossed my face and my heart began to race, fuelling me to run to the studio. I sprinted with all my might up the stairs, as the elevator was taking too long to reach the level I was on previously. Out of breath, I stopped outside the classroom before I entered, thinking of ways to kill Avril for making me feel like an idiot. I entered the desolate dance studio, it was the largest in our company, consisting of mirrors which concealed one whole side of the room, timber floors, a high ceiling and windows opposite the mirrors in the same manner, displaying the beautiful monstrosity of Seoul. Reina was standing in front of him, I creeped in as if not to make a sound but Reina heard me come in, turned to smile and signaled me forward with her hand.

She moved to reveal him, this boy with his back to me, facing the window looking out, his arms nursing a guitar. The room was lit by natural light which provided a mystical feeling. My heart began to pound once more.


“Sehun seonbaenim, this is my dear friend Lee Minhyeon, Min” Her sweet voice resonated the room.

He turned to me slowly, the light shone on his back, providing a halo around his head. My eyes were out of focus then were fixed on his delicate face.

His eyes stared into mine, a caramel brown colour which made me lose my breathing pattern. His skin as pale as ivory, his lips a perfect shape slightly opened as if to utter a whisper, his long legs now stretched out in front of him. He placed down his guitar and smiled at me with refinement, as if not to show me his true self. He stood now, I lifted my head in order for our eyes to remain fixated. Those eyes, as divine as no other, shattered the last remaining part of my pride. My soul was for the taking.

Annyeonghaseyo,” His perfect mouth titled to the side to form the most alluring smile. “ My name is Oh Sehun, nice to meet you."

We bowed in respect, but I could not speak. I felt him awaiting a response but I sincerely had no words.

Reina stared at me in confusement. “Ahh.. Min is very shy, seonbae. She's one of the best dancers here!”

“Oh really?” He said in his nonchalant manner, his smile and facial expression was different towards Reina, more loving and sincere.  It burnt me inside, I became envious.

Yes! You'll have competition!” I said stupidly, fuelled by my jealousy, wanting his attention.

The room filled with awkward laughter. At this point I wished to die, to escape this misery.

“You guys are really nice, no one has greeted me ye-”

I WILL GREET YOU!” Avril ran in screaming, cutting him off while he spoke.

“Sehun-ssi, its nice to see you're socialising but the CEO wants to see you, your timetable has to be distributed.” Teacher Choi entered with a power.

Ne seongsangnim” He bowed to her, then to us and left with his guitar.

OH MY GOD” was all April said.

He's sweet huh!?” Reina replied.

'He's sweet huh!?' I thought to myself, is she stupid!? He's a prince! I had already decided that I would try to get close to him, by any means. He and I would make the perfect team. I didn't like they way he looked at her...

Avril and Reina left soon after to attend extra vocal lessons, I stood there for 10 minutes in silence, try to recount what it was that just happened. My heart still pounded at a great rate and the smile did not fade. I decided to sit where he had sat and look at the world from his perspective. I wanted to know him, a desire filled me to possess him; and I loved it.

I didn't attend vocal, I decided to just immerse myself in my limerence. However, that came to an end when the junior dance class entered.

Hey eonnie! Whatchya doin here?” my dongsaeng called to me.

Are you speaking banmal to me right now?” I asked sternly.

aniyo” She giggled, running towards me.

Eonnie! Is this yours?” She picked up a scrunched up piece of paper near the foot of the windowsill I was sitting by.

“Umm... that depends, give it to me.” I took the paper and unfolded it from its ruins, it had some kind of poem written on it, the top of the page reading 'SEHUN'. My eyes gleamed in utmost happiness and I ran out of the studio, almost hyperventilating.

YA LEE MINHYEON! Where have you been!? I was waiting for you! Did you just skip class!?” Teacher Han roared at me.

Aniyo seongsangnim, I was..I was sick.” My heart sank deep in my chest. Because of a stupid boy, I skipped class for the first time.

Come here,” I shuffled to her, dragging my feet along, my head down. She pressed the back of her hand to my forehead and felt the temperature. “You're hot. Okay, go to your dorm now, but next time you're sick, you must come to me first, ARASEO!?” She walked away muttering something under her breath.

I concluded this was my chance to rest. Finally, after two years, a prince had given me the chance to unwind from the strain of training.

It was around 10:30 that night that I decided to read the paper left behind. Reina wasn't around but I hesitated, thinking it was something personal to him. I came to realise it mustn’t have been if it were scrunched up and therefore read it:

'Love is not a game. It's not something to be tampered with. It knows no boundaries or limits. It is persistent, heartbreaking and beautiful. It will make you feel empty and complete at the same time. It does not fair well with the faint hearted. It will change you, tear you apart, make you view the world from different eyes. Love comes and goes when it pleases, but unconditional love binds to you forever. And we still continue to ask, What is love?

...I guess few will ever know.'


Something within me moved, a shift, a transition almost. For someone who did not wish to be embraced, I wanted him to embrace me. For someone who never uttered the words 'I love you', I wish I could say these words to him over and over in every language that human tongues spoke. For the first time in my life, my barriers were breaking, I wanted to be eternal with him.

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potaotao #1
Chapter 6: jokes! sehun's not so much a playboy! ahahhaha
potaotao #2
Chapter 6: oh my god O_O poor reina!!! DX but um sehun is such a playboy! :O
i hope reina's okay ;_;