The weekend

The weekend


You set your school bags down as you looked at a piece of paper that was set on the side table by the front door. You picked it up and realizing immediately your mother’s handwriting. Your father and I went out… Be back Sunday afternoon. You went to the kitchen and looked in the cupboard for something to eat and moved on to the fridge after the cupboard failed to give you anything. You took out some waffles and put them in the toaster and ran to your room to dress into something more comfortable than your school uniform. You walked into the kitchen with your hair in a bun, a tank top and shorts. You smelled the waffles being cooked and sat down and waited. Your mind wandered off thinking of what you had to do on this Friday night. Just as you did your waffles popped. “Yah!” you screamed, startled by the sudden noise.

You put your waffles down on a plate as your phone buzzed. You grabbed your phone, your plate, and sat down on the couch. You smiled as you looked at your phone. It was from your best friend, Jongup. “I have the weekend off. Do you want to hang out?” You couldn’t text back faster. “Yes! I miss you!” You thought twice about sending the last part but knew he wouldn’t think twice of it. Your heart started to beat faster just at the thought of seeing him, but you knew he just likes you as a friend, as a sister more so, but you still had your hopes up a bit. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. You realized he was calling you and picked up the phone. “Yeoboseyo?” you asked. “Annyeong, ______-ah, I miss you so much!” You melted at the sound of his voice and replied. “Annyeong, so what do you want to do on your weekend off?” He paused before he said “I was wondering…” “Yes?” you implied after he was quiet for a moment. “I was wondering if we could have a sleep over…” You didn’t miss a heartbeat. “I would love to! At my place, right?” “If it’s alright with your parents,” You knew your parents loved Jongup like an addition to the family and knew they wouldn’t mind. “I’m sure they don’t care all that much.” “Okay, I’ll be over in half an hour!” You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke and in turn made you smile. You called your parents to make sure they didn’t mind, just to be sure, and, of course, they didn’t. Your father just wanted him to sleep in the extra-bedroom and you in your own room. Once you hung up the phone you squealed and ran around jumping up and down. You stopped and looked around. I guess I should clean up a little…

You just put away the sweeper as the doorbell rang. You looked at yourself to see if you looked alright as you ran to the door. “_______-ah,” Jongup said as you swung the door open. “Oh, how I’ve missed your face!” he said that a bit jokingly, but it still made you smile. He dropped all of his things and hugged you as you spoke. “I have missed yours a whole bunch, too.” “You sure you’re parents are alright with me sleeping over?” he asked sceptically. “I called them and made sure and the-“ “Called?” he interrupted you. “Are they not home?” You smiled innocently at him while you grabbed one of his bags. “No,” He grabbed the rest of his stuff and walked with you. “Oh,” “You just have to sleep on the couch. Father’s request.” You said the last part with a silly accent. You both laughed. “I was going to assume so.” You remembered that your parents weren’t going to be home until Sunday afternoon. “You can sleep over the whole weekend, too, if you want…” Your voice trailed off. “Really? I guess I’m staying until Sunday then…” Jongup said with a smile.

You two sat down on the couch as you discussed what movie to watch. “You know I don’t like horror movies, Jongup-oppa!” you whined at Jongup. “And you know I love them, ______-ah.” Jongup mimicked your tone and smiled at you. You cocked your eyebrow at him. “Fine, but don’t complain when I can’t get to sleep and you have to stay up with me the whole night.” “Fine by me.” He said as he pulled out the horror movie. You looked at him with your mouth wide open. “You knew what I would say, didn’t you?” He nodded his head as he pressed play.

The movie was at its and you couldn’t stop hiding behind Jongup. He laughed as he watched you cower behind him. You covered your eyes or just hid behind Jongup the rest of the movie. “You missed a great movie, ______-ah,” He taunted you. You just stuck your tongue out at him. “Do you know what time it is?” he asked you while he yawned. You looked at your phone “Almost midnight.” You yawned in response. “Bed time?” he asked. “You know I can’t sleep after that movie!” you whined. “You didn’t even watch the whole thing!” he said in reference to you hiding your face throughout the movie. “It still scares me…” “You’re too cute…” he whispers under his breath and scratches the back of his head. “Huh?” you inquired not sure of what he just said. “Huh?” he echoed you with a slight pink on his face. “I guess I’m just hearing things…” you decided as you got up. “Do you want a snack?” you suggested, more so to yourself than him considering you were hungry. “I thought you would never ask!” Jongup yelled.

You leaned down into the fridge and freezer to look for something quick to eat and pulled out some fruit and ice cream. You put that down and leaned back into the fridge for something for Jongup. You whirled around and looked at him. He was admiring you from the door way. You thought of asking of it but didn’t. “What would Jongup like?” you asked talking in third person. “______ would like to know.” Jongup snapped out of his daze. “Jongup thinks ice cream and strawberries are great.” He went along with the whole talking in third person thing. “Cho hee will cut up the strawberries while Jongup gets some ice cream.”

You put the dirty dishes in the sink long after you were done with them and looked at the clock. 3:00 a.m. already?! You thought. You walked back to Jongup looking off into space. You decided to ask him about what was going on. “Are you alright, Jongup-oppa?” you looked at him with a worried expression. “You’ve been acting weird all night.” “You really want to know?” he looked at you and you nodded your head. “I like this girl…” he sighed. Your heart almost broke. You couldn’t love him more and yet another girl has captured his heart. “Who is it?” you gulped thinking of how beautiful she must be and how she must be so much better at everything than you. “I’ve known her for a really long time…” you looked at him with a blank expression. He looked back at you with something in his eyes. You tilted your head like a puppy dog. It hit you. Me?! Is it me?! Could he really like…me?! “She is sitting on this couch with me…” he looked away and blushed the moment he said it. You threw yourself onto him and hugged him. “Really? Is it really me?” “I thought it was obvious when you heard me say that earlier.” He said. “I love how cheesy this is.” You smiled and looked at him. “I do too…” You started to doze off while lying on his chest. You felt him playing with your hair and smiled. “Will you be my girlfriend, ______-ah?” he whispered softly into your ear with a slightly seductive tone. You giggled quietly. “Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Jongup-oppa.” He hugged you tightly and you two fell to sleep.

The rest of the weekend went by in a blur. It was already Sunday afternoon and your parents were talking to you and Jongup. They didn’t know that you two were now dating or that you disobeyed your father’s orders of sleeping separate. But what they don’t know won’t kill them. You and Jongup passed glances throughout the whole time your parents were talking to you. When it was time to leave you walked him to the door and noticed it was raining. You picked up one of his bags and an umbrella and walked him to the waiting car. Zelo was in the back of the car and smiled at the two of you. “Is this her?” he raised and eye brow. “You’re lucky we’re together now or else I would have literally punched you for that.” Jongup replied and you smiled at him. “See you later… Jagiya.” He kissed you on the cheek and ducked into the car. “Bye,” you smiled and waved at the car going in the distance. You ran up to your house and thought: What a wonderful weekend…

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amazingexoplanet #1
Waaah ! I love this fic ! :D So romantic (: Jongup<3
U should make it a longer version!!!
Zuzu-Chan #4
Kyaaaaa~ loved it :')
UlzzangsLover #5
Awww~ this is so sweet ♥♥♥ Jongup i love you!!!
Anaire #6
This story is so romantic