Trapped in a Room

Trapped in a Room

“Why do I have to help move all this junk?” You grumbled to yourself, lugging two boxes filled with MV props. You were helping out around TSEntertainment as a part time job since you had nothing else better to do. Plus you were getting paid.

You got this offer thanks to the fact you were good friends with B.A.P member Jung Daehyun. You two had went to school together when you were younger but you had moved away and lost contact. One day you both met up again and got reconnected. But that was in the past and right now your focus was on moving these boxes.


Thanks to your absent mindedness you managed to bump into someone and drop the boxes you were transporting, succeeding in knocking them over. “I’m so sorry; I shouldn’t have been so careless…” You apologized rubbing your backside.

“It’s alright; I should have been paying attention myself.” You looked up at the hand being offered to you to see Daehyun hovering above you. You frowned as you took his hand, pulling yourself up.

“Yeah you should have.” You picked up the boxes and continued walking past him without looking back. It was like a game you used to play with him; it wasn’t that you didn’t like him. Quite the contrary since you always had the biggest crush on him. But you’re terrible with admitting your feelings so you would come off rude or confusing if you tried.


“Yah” He called out and ran to catch up with you “Do you need any help?” He asked eying the two boxes in your arms you seemed to be struggling with.

You kept your head forward while responding with a simple “No” but you stumbled a little and almost fell again before he caught you. He pulled you back to stand erect before taking a box from you and walking ahead. Your pout turned into a smile before you giggled lightly to yourself, following after him.


Setting down the box in your hand, you let out a puff of air, exhausted from carrying the heavy load. You looked over to see Daehyun coming in with a box himself and setting it down next to yours. He pulled down his mask letting out a huff himself.

“All finished, right?” He asked. You caught yourself staring at his lips which were normally hidden by his mask. They were moist, you noted, his habit of his lips you recalled.

Snapping out of your daze, you nodded “Um, yeah, that should be it.” You shook your head and walked towards the door to leave.

“Hey, ______-ah, did I do something to upset you?” Daehyun asked approaching from behind, sounding a little worried.

You turned around to face him and answered with a quick, high “No!” You touched your lip wondering why you did that. “I mean, no, why would you think that?” Your hand dropped to rest on your chest, which started to beat faster for some reason.

Daehyun drew closer, the space between you getting smaller, “I’m getting a hostile vibe from you sometimes, and when we pass each other you either glare at me or don’t acknowledge my presence.”

You let out a sigh looking away. Sometimes all you could do was ignore him to prevent yourself from ogling him or turning into a mushy mess. Just the mere sight of him made your heart pound and your mind go blank, you hated how he made you feel and that it couldn’t possibly be returned.

“S-sorry, I have to--” You tried the doorknob but it wouldn’t budge. Wondering if you just needed more force you pulled harder, jerking the knob. “The hell…” You let go of the handle and stepped back.

______-ah, what is it? What’s wrong?” Daehyun asked, a little panicky.

You looked at him over your shoulder “The door is locked.” You bit your lip trying to hold in a shout of frustration and anguish. Stuck in a room, alone, with Jung Daehyun. Your bias in B.A.P and your crush for as long as you could remember.

Daehyun’s eyes grew wide, freaking out a little, and suddenly grabbed hold of your arm, “You’re joking right? You’re just messing with me like you used to when we were younger.”

Something about seeing him freaked out and panic about this made your heart flutter even more than it did before. And the fact he had such a grip on your arm made your temperature rise. You wanted to jerk your arm free but you didn’t budge and just turned away, “I’m not joking, we’re really stuck in here. Stop freaking out, you’ll just make this worse.”

Realizing the way he was acting Daehyun pulled away and looked down embarrassed, his cheeks flushed, “S-sorry…”

Covering your mouth you started to laugh. You remembered how you would when you were younger, sometimes even stealing his glasses away and running around with them. It may have been seen as bullying by others but you both enjoyed each other’s company and antics.


There was a long silence between you two, the air growing thick and intense. You were about to say something when suddenly you felt your arm being grabbed again and you were jerked toward him. Your eyes widened with shock as your eyes met. “Wh-what are you doing?” You asked a little shaky. Your faces were a little too close and your heart was about ready to pound out of your chest.

Daehyun parted his lips slightly as he was about to say something; his grip on your arm was tight, you could feel him shaking a little. “Since we’re alone…” He started wrapping one arm around your waist, pulling it close to his “…together like this,” his voice got low and seductive.

Your palms got sweaty and your lip quivered holding in a squeal, you did your best not to pass out right then and there.

His eyes blinked, his face stopping mere centimeters from yours “Shall we kiss?”

That had done it. You were pretty sure your heart just burst into a million pieces and your stomach was full of newborn butterflies. Your mind was processing things at such a high speed yet you couldn’t manage to form any words. You let out a weak sounding squeak before muttering a dry “K-kiss?”

Daehyun smirked at your flustered reaction and pulled his other arm up to your face, cupping it in his hand. “Kiss” He repeated before taking your lips into his.

It was a hot, passionate kiss that sent a violent shiver up your spine. You closed your eyes and just fell into the kiss, moving in closer to him. This moment, you always dreamed of, was finally happening. Save for the area being a locked storage room instead of a field of flowers by the water, but you were still happy.


Daehyun pulled away, slowly breaking the kiss, you unconsciously jerked forward a little still wanting more. Your eyes fluttered open, breaking away from your dreamland you entered while in the heat of the moment. “That… was…” You panted, a little out of breath, still not believing what just happened.

“Perfect?” Daehyun finished for you, forming a small smile. He brushed a strand of your hair behind you ear, his gaze was loving and soft, the same look he would give you often but you would never notice.

You nodded smiling lightly, “Yeah… But why?”

Daehyun dropped his hand to your waist and held his other hand behind your back, “I’ve wanted to do it for so long now. I thought this would be my perfect chance. I’m sorry if you hate me for it.” His eyes shifted to the side, his expression a little dejected. He looked back to you, “I… I’ve liked you for a long time _____-ah. I never got to tell you because you moved away. You don’t know how happy I was when I found you again. But I was worried you hated me the way you—“

Without letting him finish, mid sentence you grabbed both sides of his face and pressed your lips against his. This time, you shocked him, but he took less time to get into the feel of the kiss then you did.

You bit his lip lightly before pulling away, running your fingers through his blonde dyed hair. “Idiot, I like you a lot too. I don’t hate you; I never did and never will. I was just so frustrated with how much I cared for you and didn’t have an outlet for these feelings. I was convinced you wouldn’t feel the same so I gave up and just tried to ignore you hoping it’d go away.” You chuckled closing your eyes, “But no such luck, you’re hard to get rid of.”

Daehyun’s eyes lit up and his bright smile returned to his face, that same smile that melted all the fangirl’s hearts. You got to witness it up close and personal, and you were the cause of it.


He pulled you into a warm embrace, overjoyed with the outcome of his bold actions. “_____-ah, promise me you’ll stay by my side.”

You laughed softly, “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

He pulled back so you were looking at him, “You’re my BABY from here on.” He responded with a sly smile on; using the B.A.P fandom name.

You had hated the term at first but hearing Daehyun call you that personally, made it a little better. “Of course.”


Suddenly the door opened as you both looked to see who it was, “We thought we heard voices in here.” Himchan said leaning on the doorway with a smile on his face.

Yongguk raised a brow at the two of you, “Daehyun, what are you two doing?”

You both broke apart from your embrace with flushed faces looking away from one another.

Himchan chuckled, “I think we interrupted something… Come on Daehyun, we have practice. You can talk to your girl later.”

His comment caused you both to become even more embarrassed and fidget uncontrollably; Daehyun looked over at you and flashed you a quick smile before pulling his mask back up and following behind his hyungs to the practice room.

Left alone in the room you slid down, seated on the floor holding your face in your hands, you shut your eyes smiling to yourself as you touched your lips.


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Chapter 1: Am in love with this like how can it be so damn perfect???
Chapter 1: This was PERFECT !!!
Reading this + "Coffee shop" for BGM = too much feels for my heart *p*
Thank you author-nim :)
Chapter 1: I loved it omg so cute <3
Chapter 1: Omfg so fluffy! Loved it.,
GingerP0P #5
Chapter 1: Awww this was sooo cute
thehoodblah #6
Love it! ;)
Sweet cute sweet cute !! I wanna be locked in a room with Daehyun toooooo ^^