The Man In Action


Jonghyun POV

“Can’t get you out of my head, I want you

After a thousand times, I still think the same

See who’s gonna protect you in the end...”

This morning, just like the other morning, Jonghyun woke up and found himself lying in bed alone. He used to be with Key last night, but it seemed his roommate had already up earlier—just like usual. He stretched lazily, staring up at the ceiling. Light blue colour covered the ornaments on the ceiling and he didn’t know why, a smile appeared on his face. It had been four years since he lived with Key. He was a great partner and a perfect best friend for him. He didn’t know what he could do without him around.

Geez... what am I thinking about?! Tch, silly me... He chuckled at his own thought and then sighed. He had to get to his office this morning. A lot of things he had to finish, especially the case of Taemin and the new one, Onew’s kidnapping. He was not so sure that they had a relation to each other. But the fact that Taemin was Minsoo’s cousin—which was being a witness of Onew’s kidnapping—tickled his mind. He could not help but thinking that there was a slight possibility that both cases were related to each other.

Deciding to wake from his wonderful sleep, Jonghyun walked directly to the bathroom and took a bath. The fresh water hit his milky skin, relaxing his muscles and nerves. It made him feeling fresh and his mind could think straight. About the matter he faced, Jonghyun believed he need to use all of his ability to analyze the facts, evidence and events. And he knew, there was a piece of the puzzle that he had missed.

Okay, and I need a key to solve this case... I mean, I do need Key to help me...

Okay, so where is her now? Jonghyun walked out from the bathroom and he just realized the room was empty. There was no one else except himself. He could not believe Key would leave him to work. This was just... strange.

“Key, where are ya baby? Hahah—” He laughed, it was always entertaining to make fun of his partner. But when he did not get any respond, he started to get worried and quickly snatched his cell phone. He wanted to make a call when he received a message on his cell phone and it was from Key. His heart pounded for no reason and his hand shook when he opened the message.

‘Hyung, I get to work earlier this morning, and I left you some notes on the desk. Make sure to read them before you leave! Okay, take care. Meet me at the office.’

“Geez... this guy...” Jonghyun clutched on his cell phone and swore. He didn’t like the way Key ordered him around as if he was the ‘seme’ here. Wait, it sounds like we’re gays, he frowned and put his cell phone on the table.

There were some pieces of paper on the table and he guessed those were the notes Key was talking about. Perhaps that man had already found something about the case. Without thinking too much about it, the detective took the papers and sat on the sofa comfortably, stretching his legs while eyeing at Key’s always-neat-writing on the paper.

It didn’t explain too much, to be honest. But there was something made him very surprised. It was about the anonymous letter. Before he read Key’s explanation, he always thought both cases—Taemin’s and Onew’s—were not related to each other. Whatever happened to Taemin was not as clear as what happened to Onew. Taemin was only mysteriously missing, while Onew—considering the fact that there was a witness—was abducted by a group, no but a couple to be exact, persons.

But here, Key explained everything neatly, though it was as brief as usual. Jonghyun as his partner could see that Key focused on the anonymous letter for some reasons. And he believed that his partner has a sharp feeling through the cases the faced.

He is the ‘key’.

Taemin was missing in his small party with his friends after his small party with couple of his friends in a bar. The reason was simple for a graduated high school student to make a party in a bar; he was accepted in one of the most well known college in Seoul. –Jonghyun noted the bar’s address and kept it aside at the moment. He supposed to be home before midnight but he wasn’t seen until the morning came. At the same morning, Key and Jonghyun received an anonymous letter told them something very mysterious. Perhaps it was not a big deal if they were not a partner who worked to solve crime’s cases, but the situation turned out different when the letter was subjected for a detective and his partner.

A simple ’21-3, die.’ was written on the paper, perhaps it was ripped from a high school student’s note book. It did not give any hint for both Key and Jonghyun, but somehow the letter bothered the doctor very much. That was why Key focused on the letter, trying to move every particles in his brain to solve the letter. But none result came.

Again, shoved the anonymous letter aside—few hours after they met Taemin’s mother in the office, in the same city, someone was kidnapped. His name is Onew and he was a model who lived in a dorm with his fellow models. It was a simple yet logical thought to say that there was no relation between both cases. A suddenly-missing guy, and a kidnapped model.

But then there they were, in a hospital where Onew’s fellow model named Kang Minsoo collapsed after got attacked by two people who kidnapped Onew. The boy told them a very important thing. He said that he was Taemin’s cousin.

See something there, detective Jonghyun? Jonghyun tapped his finger on his knee, thinking.

Another surprising fact came this morning from Key’s note on the table which he’s currently reading. 21-3 was not a random number which people wrote to make fun of them. It exactly had meaning in it. And from there, Jonghyun started to think that Key might be right. Taemin was perhaps being kidnapped, and both cases were connected by the anonymous letter. Someone who sent the leter must be one of the related people.

“Hello, I need Taemin’s address now,” Jonghyun said on the phone. “Ah... yeah, he wasn’t found? I see... ah, yeah... Yeah I’m working on it. Sure thank you, I’ll check it on my fax machine now.”

Jonghyun walked toward the table on his room and found a fax from the office it was Taemin’s address. He needed to make sure by himself that 21-3 held the meaning of Taemin’s house address as Key told him from his note.

Driving his car alone right to Taemin’s house, Jonghyun did not bother going to the office first. He could wait until later. For now his focus was making sure that Taemin wasn’t been found and he had to talk to his mother.

The house was simple with a nice garden in the front and some flowers blooming beautifully in it. A woman with curly hair was watering the flowers when Jonghyun pushed the bell’s button on the hedge. After he waited for a minute, the woman opened he gate and greeted him happily, tears running down her cheek.

’21-3’ was this house’s number, so it was true.

“Detective! Finally you come here! Taemin didn’t go home yet! I’m worried that something bad has happened to him!”

“Mrs. Lee... please calm yourself. I am working on it, okay?”

It was not a wise decision for him to show the woman the anonymous letter—besides, it was useless too because it was clear enough that this house had 21-3 number on its address. But then this frightening thought came to Jonghyun’s mind. There was a word ‘die’ on the letter he received. Perhaps... Taemin was really being kidnapped? And maybe the kidnapper was fater his... organs? A human’s trafficking?

It’s not enough for a speculation... He reminded himself.

“I am here just to check your condition, Mrs. Lee. Besides, it has already twenty four hours and we haven’t received any information about Taemin. I don’t mean to delay my search of your son, I was gathering informations past twenty four hours and I can say I already collected more than fifty percent of it, Madame.” He sighed and casually leaned his back to the sofa.

A warm, small living room was set in his surroundings. His perception about Taemin was all correct. He was a good high school boy who lived with a care mother. They seemed to be a nice family who had no reason for being chased after by some bad guys. But the fact said different, Taemin was now missing and his mother was waiting at him with worry filled her heart.

“I only need some more information from you Mrs. Lee.” He began. “Where is his father?”

“His father had died few years ago. I only have him right now. It’s so painful that I- I lost my son—” Her voice trembled and Jonghyun saw her hands were shaking.

“I see.” He said thoughtfully. “Did he act strange lately?”

Mrs. Lee was seemed trying to remember his son’s manner lately and she shook her head doubtfully. “I... don’t think so...”

“Please remember carefully, Mrs. Lee because this is very important.” He emphasized his words, nodding to the woman before him.

“I think...” She cupped her cheeks. “I think he is a bit weird lately... He never went home late before, but last week he always came home late. He said he has a friend who needs his help to study but he didn’t tell me any further and I don’t see it as a strange thing until—until you ask me, Mr. Detective...”

“I see.” Perhaps it was only a reason he searched to lie on his own mother. But most importantly, who is this guy or girl he was spending his time with last week? Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows. “Anything you can remember, Mrs? His friends who went with him to the party?”

“Hm... he went with two of his friends, as far as I know...”

“Can I have their phone numbers, or their addresses?”

“Sure... Detective Jonghyun. Please wait a minute, I will give you their phone numbers.” The woman disappeared behind the curtain and he noted to himself. He needed to meet Key and talked about this. They were so close and he could feel it. And Key was all that he needed. Yes, Key.


Mrs. Lee came back and gave him a piece of paper with two different phone numbers written on it. Jonghyun eyed curiously while his heart was pounding uncomfortably. There was something bothering his mind and he looked back at her.

“Ah... thank you, Mrs. Lee. I will call you as soon as I get any further information. Or better, I will visit you soon. Please excuseme for now. I have to go, and thank you for your time.”


No, this is obvious...

Or a mere coincidence.

Jonghyun sat on a cafe with two boys in front of him. They looked scared at him and for many times they looked at each other as if they were in danger and they had to go as far as they could. But their body remained in their seat while the detective ordering some drinks for them.

“Now tell me when did you guys see him last time?” Jonghyun started without warning, startling the boys.

“Eh—we saw him in the party. Yes. At eleven and then we didn’t see him again.” One of them said nervously.

“And you guys let it be? Did you try to look for him before leaving?”

“N-no! We tried to look for him before. But we were too drunk so... so I don’t think we look for him with our clear mind. In the morning I just realized that we left without him and—and his mom called me so I think he’s still in the bar, falling unconscious or something. So I went back there but I didn’t find him...” The other explained.

“Did you know that he spent his time with one of his friend lately? I mean... during last week?” Jonghyun was sritting on his note book.

“Y-yeah... Taemin told me he’s a new friend. But we never saw him personally. I thought we would go on the party with this his new friend but there were just the three of us...” The first boy spoke.

“A boy or a girl?”

“A—a boy. Uh, he said, he said he’s already graduated from a college so perhaps he’s a man.”

“Ah... did Taemin told you that this man perhaps will join you in the party?” Jonghyun.

“N-no. But he was so happy that time... but we think that it was because he was accepted in a college.”

“I see.” Jonghyun said and nodded to them. “Alright. Anything you want to add?”

“Nothing... I suppose...” The other said thoughtfully. “I-is he really missing?”

“Hm. As you see... I’m a detective who work to find him. So I can say yes he is. But I’ll find him. So you guys don’t worry. Ah, so that is. I have to move to the next job I have today. Thank you for your time guys, please enjoy your drinks.”

Jonghyun just arrived at the office and found his boss sat on the sofa in his room. It was quite a rare moment when he found his boss in his room. Perhaps because he needed to be told some rules—

“Doctor Key left three hours ago, I think he’s with you, Detective Jonghyun.”

“Eh?” Jonghyun blinked, taking off his coat.

“He said he found something, so I simply think he’s go after you to talk about the cases. So, how is it going so far?”

“Key has left?” He didn’t hear his boss—or more likely he didn’t care of what he said about the case. All he needed right now was his Key to solve the case, not his boss. “Where did he say he would go?” He took back his coat and wore it.

“I think he’s with you, what’s the matter?”

“I’m sorry boss but this is very urgent. I need to talk to him because we’re so close. My current assumption is that Taemin has been kidnapped and Onew’s case has a relation with Taemin’s—” Right, the boss did not hear about the anonymous letter yet. “I’ll go meet him. See you later—or tomorrow boss.”

“Come on... pick the phone up damnit!” Jonghyun swore to his cell phone when he did not get any answer from Key. “Damnit where are you now when I really need you?!”

He drove his car to his apartment and casually waltzed through the door, yelling to the empty room. There was no one there so Key supposed to be not in there. Being frustrated because he really have to finish the case immediately, he threw his weight into the sofa and groaned.

Damnit. Where are you?

A mail?

He opened his phone and he just realized he had received a mailbox from Key. It supposed to be sent fifteen minutes ago, but he just received it now. Perhaps the server was not working well so some messages were delayed.His heart pounded when his brown orbs read those letters on his screen.

Oh my God Key where are you now...

I need to tell you...

His hand tucked into his pocket and found two pieces of paper. The one with Taemin’s friends phone numbers, the other was the anonymous letter. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but those different letters were written in the same-style papers.

“I found Onew’s car. It’s few blocks away from our apartment. I can’t give you the address because there’s no address. It’s near to the subway station. Hyung, help. - Key”

Author's Note: Please excuse my shippiness ^^ I just can't help but write it down. Hurr~ Jongkey FTW!

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sofie93 #1
Chapter 7: Lovely story :) I hope that you will finish it :)
kayeblaise #2
I can't wait to see where you go with this! :D Great job and...I'm so curious YEAH! (Forgive me, haha, I couldn't help myself). :3
I'm loving this mystery!
Pls update soon