

The dorm was quite quiet this morning. The man with light brown hair sat quietly on the living room as his friend left one by one to their office. Living by himself in Seoul was not as easy as he ever imagined before—no, but it was totally different. Working hard was not enough to feed himself. Now that he had turned to 22 made he thought more about his job. No one would be a forever model.

A sigh. He ruffled his hair again as his mind kept thinking of what he had to do. Perhaps he had to start looking for another job—if there was a job vacancy, of course. Silently he stared outside the window, looking at two men in black who just passed by the dorm. What he busy morning, he thought, and he wondered why he was still at the dorm without anything to do.

The golden, bright glittering light passed through the window and the brown-haired man yawned when his friend entered the living room, waving his hand lazily.

“Oi Onew hyung! Heheheh why are you still here?”

“Oh... hey, ah... yes. I’m off today. What’s up?”

“Yaaaa... you’re so lucky! I just finished showering and I’ll be going at ten,” he pointed at his wristwatch. “But having a day off on Monday is not really fun, huh?”

The man named Onew chuckled, lying on the sofa. “Ne... No one is at the dorm so it’s kinda boring. I wonder if I can go to watch your photo-shoot today! Heheh it must be fun I suppose...”

The boy grinned before replying sheepishly, “Ah... hyung... I don’t think my photo-shoot will turn out right if you are there...” He grinned again and waved his hand while walking toward Onew. “I’ll be nervous if you are there!”

“Ahahahah of course not... I really want to watch your photo-shoot! I believe it’s daebak! Yuuush!” Onew threw his fist in the air and laughed again. He could not help but teasing his roommate, Kang Minsoo.

He was a high school student, a 17 year old boy who also worked as a model. It had been his 2nd year as a professional model. Being Onew’s roommate, he became even better since Onew always helped him to fix all his lackin some points.

“Oi, Minsoo... I want to ask you something,” Onew started, now his tone was more serious.

“Ah yes?”

“Do you think... something like, kidnapping—or murdering can happen in this city?”

Minsoo jolted slightly from his place, eyeing at his roommate in disbelieve—or rather in a confusion. “Huh? That’s a strange question, hyung... why would you know?”

“Um... nothing, I’m just curious...”

“Well...” Minsoo cleared his throat and looked outside the window. “Perhaps there could be... But I hope it happens so faaaaaar away from me, yes! Far away so that I wouldn’t know anything! Because you know what hyung, being a witness is very troublesome! Both police and the culprit will go after you, ahhh... that’s very bothersome if it happens to me!” He sighed. “But there’s nothing happened to you, eh, hyung?”

“Ah, no, no, there is nothing...” He nodded, convicing his roommate. “It’s still eight by the way, would you like to eat something? I’ll cook,” Onew offered.

“Hyung! Stop treating me like baby! Oh come on... I mean stop babysitting me... I can do it myself! And, I’ll cook for you this time hyung,” Minsoo waggled his eyebrows and grinned at his hyung, heading to the kitchen at that instant.

His mind was drifted away from the current photo-shoot he attended. Perhaps what Minsoo said was true—oh no, but it was true. He blamed himself for seeing something he shouldn’t. But his face somehow did not leave his mind, that familiar face he knew when they went to the same college a year or two ago. Onew tried to remember his name but nothing came into his mind except that brown eyes which stared at him intensely that night.

Is it possible that he recognized me that night? Onew thought about it last night. But the thing which attracted Onew’s attention was what that messy-haired man did last night. They did not seem to be friend—that messy haired man and the other who had been dragged away from the bathroom—and that boy seemed to lose his consciousness.

He did not know why but there was a voice inside his mind telling him to take a piece of paper and a pencil. He took a note book from his bag and a pencil, scribbling something on it. He seemed to contemplate everything that had happened before and tried to connect each event with his mind.

He remembered he went to the bar last night at nine with two of his friends from the dorm. They went there just to hang out because it was their first break after the long photo-shoot they had. Around twelve, before he left the bar, Onew went to the toilet, and there—where everything began. He heard something strange inside the toilet, and his first thought was someone made out inside there. He waited until ten minutes and he was taken aback by the appearance of two men—one looked younger and he was unconscious. It was more surprising when the man glanced at him with the same shocked-face.

I think I know him before… but where?

Right. When he was in college. He must be one of his classmates, but he could not remember his name. Onew kept scribbling on his note book;

’11:50 pm, X bar, a boy was dragged away from inside the toilet. Messy haired man, brown eyes. He was my classmate. I suppose. But it can be wrong… I don’t know. Kidnapping? Or he was simply his friend? Or his brother?’ Another doodle. Here and there. Doodle.

“Ah, yes yes, I’ll be right there Aunt, yes.”

Onew startled at his roommate presence near to him since he sat near to Minsoo’s bag. Something was going on because from Minsoo’s tone and expression, he looked panicking. He did not want bother asking him what had happened, but he felt the urge to ask.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Um… I have to go now, hyung. My aunt needs my help… umh…” He rubbed the back of his head. “H-her son was lost—umh well she had reported this to the police but still… she doesn’t believe in police so…”

“Ah. Fine, I’ll drive you to your aunt’s house then.”

Onew walked out from the studio with Minsoo, being hurried as if they were running from the time which tried to catch them. He quickly entered the car when accidentally his dark orbs spotted two men standing near to the studio, wearing black outfit. He could not tell precisely who they were, but his feelings told him that he was in danger.

He was in danger for knowing too much.

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sofie93 #1
Chapter 7: Lovely story :) I hope that you will finish it :)
kayeblaise #2
I can't wait to see where you go with this! :D Great job and...I'm so curious YEAH! (Forgive me, haha, I couldn't help myself). :3
I'm loving this mystery!
Pls update soon