A Victim, And Another.


A slender teenager’s body lay strewn in a mess bed with head hanging from the bed and hair fell, almost touching the floor. The dark and humid place was where he was now, with a pair of dark brown eyes kept staring at him from a warm and comfortable sofa. The man was holding a bottle of beer, eyeing silently at the teenager’s body. It was almost six hours after he ‘found’ that body. The boy was not waking up, and his breath was heavy as if the oxygen inside the room was not enough for him.

Silence. The man with a messy hair finally stood up from his comfortable sofa and walked toward the body, touching his smooth and flawless skin with his finger, scratching it with his dirty nail. The boy still laid in silence. Was he died already?

“Ahh… why is he still sleeping?” The man grabbed the body and placed it more properly in bed, then sitting next to him, still waiting. If this body stopped moving—no, but stop breathing, then it might be the worst nightmare he had ever had.

“Tch… so he’s still sleeping?” The other asked, entering the room with a box of beers and snacks. “I wonder how long he’ll be laying there unconscious. Aishh… can we just throw him away from here?”

“That’s not safe, someone’s already watching at us from the beginning.”

“Eh? Excuse me? Who?”

“This man,” the man showed him a picture of a man with brown hair, fresh and playful hint on his face. “Should we get him immediately?”

“Mah, of course we should! What the hell is in your mind?” The other replied, putting the box on the floor carelessly.

The messy-haired man looked at him with his brows raised in surprised. His friend’s tone was indeed like a panicking person, but really what they faced now was very urgent situation and they could not take it lightly. Holding the photo of the man who considered to be the ‘witness’ of their action earlier, the messy-haired man let out a heavy sigh.

“It’s not easy, man. He’s kinda my college friend. Yeah, we know each other—”

“WHAT?!” The other threw a sudden glare at him and yelled. It was unbelievable that they know each other. Now everything had become even more complicated. If the man they were talking about was indeed had a relation—even though it was only in the past—this would be a bothersome. “Man, you shall not let this dude—friend of yours intervene, get it?”

The messy-haired man nodded, wondering if they shall just finish this man, until his existence vanishing without everyone’s notice. “Yeah, got it, man. What we have to do now is…” He pointed at the body in bed. “Lock him here, I think he’ll be alright. But… don’t you think you overdosed the poison you used to him?”

“Don’t care,” the other grabbed his coat and opened the door, turning around slightly. “Now you go with me, find that person and we’ll bring him here.”

In contrast with the situation inside their house—or more precisely was their hideout—the outside panorama was pretty amusing, with bright sun appeared, shining from the east as the beginning of the day just started. The two men with black outfit just stepped from a dark and misty corner, where their dirty and humid hideout was.  Fixing his collar, the messy-haired man pulled it up to half of his lower part of his face, covering his lips as he glanced through the corner of his eyes to his friend who walked calmly beside him. His black glasses covered his dark brown eyes. Perfectly covering who he really was.

“First, why don’t we try to get his address?” The other asked, taking out a handcraft from his pocket and coughing into it.

“Nah, I had it, I mean, I know where he live.” He led the way to the subway station, tucking his hand inside his pockets. “Thirty minutes from here. I know where he works.”

“Tch, you know a lot about him, why don’t you tell me earlier?”

The messy-haired man also thought about the same issues. He remembered how they met last night, when he dragged the body out of the toilet from a bar and a pair of brown vivid eyes watched at him intensely from the corner. The space and time was like stopped for a few seconds when his eyes met the other, he wondered if this old friend of his curious—or worse, suspicious for what he had done with the body he just dragged. Simply giving him a slight smile, the messy-haired man quickly dragged the teenager’s body out of the bar, expecting his friend to pick him soon.

“Do you think he recognized you?” The other asked, startling him.


“Aigoo… so you’re not listening? Do you think he recognize you?”

“Ah well… don’t think so. But he seemed to try to remember something when our eyes met. But I know how he is. I don’t think we should worry in such thing—”

“Hell no, we shall dismiss him.” The other said while following him down to the subway station using the escalator.

“Shhh, keep this conversation until later, man.” He moved quickly before him.

Inside the subway was very quiet since there were only few people. Two men with black outfit sat near to the door and quietly stared outside the window. For fifteen minutes, the two of them were preoccupied in their own thoughts, thinking if there would be other people who wanted to intervene with their business.

“Oi,” the other poked the messy-haired man on his shoulder. “I heard there was a man who works to solve cases. And if he also works to solve a kidnapping—”

“Shut up, do you want to tell me about the man named Kim Jonghyun?” The messy haired man looked at his friend, lowering his voice.

“Yes, he is. He is quite popular, you know.”

“Indeed. And he works with a very talented forensic doctor, his name is Kim Key.”

“Fu—how did you know a lot?”

“Man, if you work for something like this, you’d better to know your enemy.” He sighed. “So it’s five minutes left before we arrived in our destination.”

The other tidied his coat and smirked. “I’m glad you’re my partner, man. Ah, come to think of it, who’s this man’s name?” He referred to their next target.

“Jinki. Lee Jinki.”

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sofie93 #1
Chapter 7: Lovely story :) I hope that you will finish it :)
kayeblaise #2
I can't wait to see where you go with this! :D Great job and...I'm so curious YEAH! (Forgive me, haha, I couldn't help myself). :3
I'm loving this mystery!
Pls update soon