When it's hard to believe..

Junho, the Vampire Slayer †

Hi everyone!

I'm here.. and so is the 4th Chapter ;)

Sorry it took me so long. It's the end of the term and I have a lot of work. Sometimes I have to work all night. And maybe it's the reason why I caught a cold. I wasn't feeling good but now it's better. I must be ok because on Wednesday I am going with my classmates on the Field Training. And after that.. exams -.-"

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be released but I will try  to write when it's possible ;)

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter :))

(And forgive me for mistakes.. it's an illness' fault :P :D)

Have a nice day (or night ^^).




Pale guy was staring at them with a painful expression for a while and then disappeared.
“Are you guys ok?” teacher Park asked immediately.
Junho couldn’t answer. He was still looking at the place where the pale guy was standing a moment ago. He was shaking and his breath wasn’t slowing down.
Wooyoung was feeling dizzy. He made few steps back and leaned on a large trunk of a near tree.
Park Jin Young bit his bottom lip and whispered: “Come with me..”
They were sitting in the school library still with shocked expressions, drinking a tea.
Teacher Park was staring at them blankly and didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to drag him into ‘that world’ but he knew it was too late. He knew it deep inside his mind but there was still a little hope..
“Teacher Park..” Junho finally broke silence. “Who...... or what..... was that?”
Teacher Park gulped and smiled nervously.
“And why did he call me a hunter?”
Smile on the Jin Young’s face disappeared. “W-what? He called you a hunter?”
Junho nodded.
“He almost beated him.” Wooyoung joined the conversation. “I don’t get it.. that guy was stony.. I almost broke my leg when I kicked him.. but Junho punched him..”
“He.. what??!” Teacher Park was looking at him with mouth wide open. “How can you punch a vampire? Just so.. without anything...? Are you crazy?”
“A vampire?” Wooyoung was hoping he misunderstood.
Jin Young shut his mouth and cleared his throat. He turned his head to Junho. “Did you really punch him? How was it? Did it hurt how Wooyoung described?”
“Not really.. Before I punched him.. I felt like I gained a lot of strength.  Actually I felt this way in the morning too.. but then I lost it and..”
“How old are you?” Teacher Park interrupted him with interest in his voice.
“Today is my sixteenth birthday..” Junho answered. “Why? Is it important?”
Park Jin Young began smiling. His smile grew wider and wider and then he started laughing.
Boys were watching him confusedly. It was kind of scary.
“I found you!” Jin Young’s eyes were full of joy. “My first hunter! How lucky day!” he went somewhere still laughing.
“I think he went insane..” Wooyoung whispered.
“Maybe.. but-“ Junho didn’t end his sentence because on the table right in front of him landed with the very loud bump an old dirty rucksack.
Both boys winced.
“It’s yours..” Teacher Park winked at him.
“What is it?” Junho was looking at it with doubts.
“Your weapons..” Jin Young was smiling innocently.
“Wait- what? Weapons?!” Junho stood up and his heart was now beating really fast.
“What do you mean?” Wooyoung was looking at their teacher of physics questioningly.
“I’m not a soldier!” Junho shouted shakily.
“Of course, you’re not. You’re a hunter. You have to protect this city from vampires.” Jin Young tried to explain. “And I will help you with it. I am-“
“I don’t care who you are! But surely you are crazy! I’m not gonna use weapons.. or anything.. and I’m not a hunter!” Junho was shaking all over his body. This was just.... crazy.
“I think I should go..” He said and went out of the library.
“W-wait!” Teacher Park shouted.
Wooyoung followed his friend. He looked at Park Jin Young like at the madman and left the room.
“This can’t be real..” Junho was mumbling. He was hurrying home. Wooyoung was right behind him. He was quiet. He didn’t know how to comfort his friend. Moreover in the time he was just as scared and confused as him. Junho passed Wooyoung’s house without noticing. Wooyoung stopped there and was watching Junho’s back. He was further and further. When he disappeared in the corner, Wooyoung climbed over the wall and landed on the grass in the garden. He leaned against the wall and tears began falling down his chin. The fear, the confusion, the pain.. everything grew in his chest. His ribs, his wrist, his leg hurt.. but it was nothing in the comparison of what he felt inside. He was so scared..
Junho unlocked the door shakily. He felt weakness in his legs. He came in and locked the door. The house was dark. His uncle probably still wasn’t at home. Junho slowly went to the sofa and lied down. He was looking at the dark ceiling, trying to slow down his breath and crazily beating heart. But he was breathing even faster, still in shock.
‘This can’t be real..’ he was still repeating in his head. But he knew it WAS real. He hugged tightly one of those small pillows on the sofa and closed his eyes.
‘Calm down..’ his brain was saying. But his body just didn’t listening..
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Chapter 5: Is woo going to become a vampire?
Chapter 2: The tag says ky but it seems like taec likes woo, poor taec
Chapter 1: This is interesting
Dude, you really should update this story! It's so cool! ^-^
melho91 #5
Chapter 14: i keep on reading this story over and over again. can't wait for the update T_T
annahwang #6
poor me to late to know this story
kinda urrhhh, i love this story so much >< i hope it'll be update soon :)
Chapter 14: I miss this story author-nim ;;;
Jay-Woo #8
MadMyl3mL #9
Chapter 14: Oh my god!!! An update finally!!! The story is amazing!!! Although I'm still a little bit confused!? Taec was being a jerk!!! Please don't keep us waiting author-nim we need tour story!!!