Chapter Seven—The Persuaded

Forgotten Memories



"Soph!" called out Yoseob as he rushed right at her side.

It was clear that the other boys had wanted to help her; but they were all well aware of the fact that she didn't have the same relationship with them as Yoseob did. At least, not this version of her. It would complicate things even further and drive things more awkwardly. At the end of the day though, it pained them to just stand by and watch her like this. All clenched their fists in an attempt to withdraw the unnerving need to lift her up and hold her close.

No matter what, they'd worry about her wellbeing—because they all cared about her in their own special ways. Always and forever.

Extending his hand out to pull her up, Sophia remained planted against the dirt. With her head lowered, she explored more aspects of what her mind was basically screaming at her to notice. Haunting images from the war that had altered their destined paths continually flashed like a never ending slideshow. None of it made sense, not like it would, for it was all out of order and blurred in most aspects. Yoseob kneeled down right beside her, pressing his hands against her shoulders when she seemed unresponsive to his presence. He focused on how she just blankly stared out at whatever was in front of her. The aching worry exponentially rose at her action.

Was this really the best way of going about telling her the truth?

Creepily, the young girl began to enter an illusion where she thought she was covered in a certain red liquid. It was as if her hands were dipped in it. Attempting to wipe it off, the Princess just shoved her hands into the dewy ground. In reality, unbeknownst to her, there was nothing there. Nothing at all.

And overtime, it just... washed away. But the imprint left behind would nostalgically present itself to put her back in her place whenever she thought she was safe. She wasn't safe. And she may never feel that level of comfort.

Blood. Blood. Blood. And more blood. Everywhere.

Sophia slowly straightened herself up after gathering her mind once more. Since she had numerously fallen to meet the grassy ground, her red gown was dirtied from her knees down. It made her seem more human by destroying her perfect attributes. Such a painful and heart achingly piercing image was burned intso her brain, but a part of her knew that it wasn't just her imagination. The blood. So much blood. How red it all looked smothered against her clothes and body. How it dried cryptically all along her hands, from all of the bodies she had held onto throughout the entire war from so long ago. How it smelled—enticing and poisonous. This wasn't the fate that she had believed in for so long.

Sadly, as the reality of things revealed so suddenly, none of it was her mind playing any games. It was all the sad ending to another tragic tale.

Yoseob kept at her side, preparing for her impending need for support. He noticed how her perfect hairdo was now undone to the point that everything fell into perfect curls around her shoulders. No matter how muddied her image seemed, there wouldn't be a moment that she wasn't amazingly beautiful in his eyes. Under the moonlight or even in the sun's warmth, there wasn't any possible way for him to not look at her with anything short of love and care.

He had grown selfish. He had become greedy. He had taken advantage of her broken state as his craving for her affection manifested his heart like a disease.

Was there any way to stop it now?

The Princess remained unfocused, staring at her trembling hands. These hands have touched numerous dead bodies. These hands have been stained with the blood of many victims; and there would be no way to completely wash away her guilt and pain. "They'd know me," Sophia eerily confirmed it all. "They'd remember me. They'd love me. But they wouldn't want to find me."

A large part of her begged her to get out of there as soon as possible. It was as if a caged animal was banging down the doors of her heart, wanting a form of escape from this nightmarish reality. Get out. Get out fast. Get out now.

But why wasn't she moving?

"It was the only way to—" The King had so much he wanted to say.

"To keep us safe," Hoya growled as Dongwoo put an arm out to hold his brother back. All of the Woo brothers had an immense amount of respect for their Father, and that alone was enough to know that trying to attack anyone would only shame him. This factor alone was what kept anything even more tragic from happening that night.

"No," their Father kept his eyes locked on the withering Princess. He wanted her to know that he was serious and sincere in his choices. Had he foreseen such circumstances, he would have lingered on the options longer. "To keep you all idly waiting... until fate shoved everything back onto its proper road."

"Idly waiting? For what? For this?" Woohyun was the next to almost let the anger explode out of him like a bursting volcano.

"I know that my actions may have seemed to be selfish and not thought out thoroughly but this was all for the betterment of everyone involved."

"Stop speaking like a ruler and talk to us like we're your sons!" exclaimed the tallest Woo brother. "It's as if it was all a business deal for you!"

Taking a step back, their Father stood aghast at his son's words. "You know it isn't like that at all."

"Look at us," the oldest wept beneath his frustration. Even being unable to stare into the depths of his eyes clearly, one could tell that the power of his glare would be enough to laser through anyone's armour. "Take a good, hard look at us. Now glance at our kingdom. It's fallen apart, just like our lives and our perspectives. You didn't just block our need to look for her, you—"

"You blocked our need to live," Myungsoo eyed Sophia, who was struggling to maintain the contact with him in return. The dark pits of her pupils reminded her too much of something she had missed. If only she had recognized it already.

A strong gust of wind burst into the atmosphere, swaying everyone's tears alongside their overpowering emotions into an escape. Sophia flashed back and forth from what was reentering her mind to what was reality. She'd picture their smiles. Their perfect, gleeful grins. Their loving gazes. Their soft touch. Their loving auras. It all paralleled what she saw now. Those seven boys—the Woo brothers—were so defeated, so broken, so damaged now. They were no longer living for a cause. There was no longer a reason to continue living; no matter how much they loved Sophia or longed for her. It was all gone.

Loving someone is easy; it's fighting the need to be by their side at all costs that is the most difficult and defining aspect of what distinguishes an obsession from a true form of romance.

"We... We've been waiting for two hundred years for something, someone, anyone to just... to just come back," the youngest was the first to transform his anger into tears. He began to wipe them away with the sleeves of his well-made suit. "We didn't care who it was... We didn't. It just... It just had to be one of you."

"And now that we finally have all we want back," Dongwoo added. One would notice how the grass around him had died from being burned. He had to redirect his pain and anger someplace. "Why does it feel even more incomplete...? How are we not fixed yet?"

Sophia focused on the six individuals who had taken care of her all along. They had lied to her. Why? Why would they do that? Easy. They cared for her; and they just... they fulfilled her last wish without objecting in any possible way. But each BEAST had known all along that it was a terrible idea. Why didn't they try to stop her? They would have been successful, that's for sure. Was it because they were just as hungry for a tight bond with the Princess? It had to be that yearning greed that showcased their humanity.

The Princess understood that they had done what they did because they loved her. It would take some time to fully accept and mold her mind to the idea warmly; but she could never hate them for fulfilling a wish. There was no possible way for her to overlook all of the memories she created with the BEASTs throughout her 'new' life and how happy she has been beside such loving individuals.

She then looked back at the Princes. Taking a mental note of how weak they all looked, she sifted through how this event opened up so many doors; yet it didn't mean she was willing to explore any of the rooms they opened up to. If anything, she felt this impending need to close them all once more and walk away without looking back. She was nothing but a coward, right?

Sophia eventually came to the conclusion that she just... she wasn't what they needed. This 'Sophia' that the seven Princes were grasping onto was gone—trapped, locked, and beaten into a critical condition that is withering away with every breath she took. And in no way was she going to pretend that she was okay with this at all.

Answering the redheaded Prince's question, she responded, "Because nothing can go back to the way it once was."

"...Soph..." A couple of them had spoken out to question her words.

Sophia had entered a trance of uneasiness. She was so lost in thought, swimming through what she thought was reality and what was fantasy, before reentering the tension. Why wasn't she angrier? Why wasn't she displaying her frustration? Was it because a part of her, a small centimeter, had been yearning for some sort of explanation for all that she had been wondering all this time? No matter how farfetched or insane the answer was... at least it was an answer. And she certainly heard a whole slew of tales that was enough to write an entire book of legends out of.

Finally taking some moments to tear it all apart in her mind—in an attempt to find a loop hole or a hammer to shatter her mental walls down—she held her breath. Something happened two hundred years ago that caused her mind to collapse suddenly; and as soon as she had the ability to make it go away, with the belief that it was for everyone's betterment, she took the moment to utilize that said advantage. The old her had used it on Damien, the one who turned her into a vampire in the first place, knowing that she was holding him back somehow—right? But what surprised her was how she didn't use it on the brothers, but on herself instead. This would have been so much easier—and would have prevented this entire mess from occurring—had she just completely wiped her from their dreams and memories. Yet she pathetically turned her back on such an act and cowardly ran away from everything herself.

And Sophia never looked back, not like she could anyway.

Dragging along the BEAST boys was also another part that surprised her. She could have walked away in a solitary fashion; instead of asking for their help. Was it because she ultimately feared being alone in such a disastrous and mysterious world? Was it the need to have someone always protecting her? Was it because she had anticipated this—her inevitable return back on the fated course of her immortal life?

Nonetheless, the Princess was thankful. Simply thankful for all those stupid BEASTs had done for her this entire time and for all that they'd do in the future.

That is why she was less open to know the rest of this tragic tale. A huge part of her enjoyed her life now and didn't want to jeopardize it in any way shape or form. It was as it should be, correct?

"It's true," she nodded as she searched for the courage to continue. "I'm sorry. I just... I sincerely apologize for everything—for all of the pain that I've cause you over these years, and for destroying your family... I really do. But you are acting as if I'm the same girl you all knew from so long ago. And I'm not. I'm someone built upon a whole different history and background. I... I don't recall the hardships or the pain or the anger just as I should have. And none of it has distorted my view on life or on people one bit.

"I'm not that girl. I'm not the one that you all love. And I truly believe it's best for you all to just," a sigh escaped her lips. She'd really regret this moment someday, "forget about her. Turn your backs on her just as she did to you. Tell me what you want: I can manipulate memories. I ruined people's lives. I ran away like a coward. It doesn't matter to me now simply because I've spent the past centuries living a life pretty briskly not knowing that.

"I really do apologize for saying it like this. But just move on. Stop lingering on something that is doing more harm than good on your mental state and physical health. Because no one can force the girl you all knew to come back. If and only if by some sort of miracle, the memories I locked away are unleashed; then I'd become a sick and twisted mix of what I am now and what I used to be. I cannot sugarcoat the facts because no one deserves it; but that is the cold, hard truth.

"You are holding so tightly on what I apparently once was, that you won't even touch what your future can be. And in no way is that admirable as a ruler of any Kingdom. So please, do us all a favour, and let me go."

Avoiding anymore eye contact with the Woo family, Sophia immediately faced the six guardians of her Kingdom. In the sense of all of this madness, they glistened under the moonlight so magnificently. They were all she had for such a long time. It was all she knew, all she needed, all she wanted. Silence had certainly struck within all individuals present, completely paralleling the ball that seemed so close to their location.

Was this the end of it all?

"May we leave?" she asks, trying to avert any more possible mental damage.

"...Ah... yes. Whenever you'd like," Doojoon, who was clearly one of the only ones to keep his head screwed on straight throughout the entire drama, nodded. He acknowledged her choice and heaved a heavy sigh upon realizing that the six of them had finally fulfilled their goal—it was now up to Sophia's choices on what the future held.

"I'd like to leave now," Sophia stared down at her muddy dress. The reddish tint reminded her too much of the colour of blood itself. She didn't notice how her legs were shaking just like her hands, scoffing at the obvious sign of weakness.

None of the Woo brothers made a step or an attempt to try to stop her. To be honest, they were all still processing her words. And she was definitely right. She was. Sadly enough. All of them were holding onto the Sophia they had fallen in love with so desperately—that two hundred years briskly swept by in a torturous whip. They were punishing themselves for something that none had foreseen and continually begged for a moment to return to those beautiful months from so long ago.

All just continued to stare at the eternal beauty in their presence. She had the same glowing skin that was complimented by her radiant brown locks. Her chocolate brown eyes easily showcased her feelings no matter what her light pink lips may have slipped out. Everything about her physically was just as they had remembered, pictured, dreamed of. This Princess shoved down their throats the words of 'not being the same' person as they loved—but it seemed like her actions only solidified their beliefs. That girl retained her stubborn, hardheaded, strong personality through the years, that's for sure.And that trait would definitely battle their pleads for her to stay.

The seven Princes couldn't find the words or muster up the courage for her to just stay for a few more hours—as a parting gift.

If she wants them to let her go, then they shall... It'll be their last gift to the girl they pledged their lives to.

King Tablo eyed his children, noticing how they weren't even looking for a way to stop her from leaving. He was a bit annoyed by their actions. Since when did they give up so easily? He was aware that Sophia's words of moving on was running through their heads—and he knew just how hard it was to try to forget someone you loved dearly. There wasn't a moment when he didn't contemplate just parting from reality and meeting everyone else in paradise. But what kept him hanging on was them—his babies. There was too much he still had to teach them about life and there was not enough words in the world to express just how much he loved each and every single one of them. They were the pride of his entire being and the greatest achievements he could ever make as a person.

"I understand that you may want to leave this kingdom as soon as possible because of this choking air of awakwardness," the King announced, "but I personally insist that you all at least spend the night at our kingdom just for precautionary measures."

"Precautionary measures?" asked Hyunseung.

Sophia turned to face the King, trying to figure out what he meant. Then he realized how large and perfect the moon looked behind him. It was as full as it could be, shining down upon all of civilization covered in darkness. She should have taken that into note before agreeing to leave her Kingdom in the hands of others. "He's referring to the recent attacks made on travelers during the full moon."

"The questionable non-animal attacks?"

"Correct," Tablo smiled lightly. "My sons and I would not be able to rest properly tonight without knowing that you all are safely traveling."

"Our kind doesn't need sleep," Sophia refuted his words.

"That is correct, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't slip away from reality every once in a while."

"Touche," she slightly enjoyed this nagging battle with the King. "Then I guess the other two hundred or so guests within the ballroom right now are also spending the night?"

Sunggyu nodded no. "We have already taken the proper steps for them to return to their kingdoms safely tonight."

"Then there really is no need for us to stay. As you say, it's best for us to be guarded; and I assure you all—I am well protected by six extremely powerful BEASTs," the Princess was not budging a bit. "I will send a message once we reach home, if it will help you sleep at night better."

Just then, Junhyung, Kikwang, and Dongwoon all started to clinch their stomachs. They bent forward, pretending like someone had pulled out their stomachs, and growled in fake pain. Doojoon and Hyunseung just keeled over then, seemingly falling asleep on the ground. What capable guardians they were. Yoseob eyed his best friends, questioning their sanity.

"It seems like your powerful BEASTs are having issues of their own," King Tablo was just as hardheaded as her. And he knew how to defeat her logic brilliantly—she did act very similarly to her Mother afterall. "I assure you that they will feel much better after having a very large midnight snack and breakfast here at the palace."

"Food?" questioned Dongwoon and Kikwang.

"Lots of it."

"I cannot go on without food!" yelped the very chic BEAST member, Junhyung.

Sophia knew they were faking everything. All six of them were so melodramatic. But all knew that simply asking her that spending the night would be a good idea wouldn't be enough to sway her. They had learned over the years to act out such a horrid and terribly thought out scene to make her agree with them just to make it all stop. It always worked.

Yoseob lightly chuckled before whispering, "I am a bit famished. Spending the night wouldn't cause us any harm, Soph."

The Princess sighed under her breath. They win, again. "Okay. Fine. But let me clarify this, it is only for tonight. I do not want to hear six boys nag about not being fed properly on the way back home."

A light twinkled in all of the Princes hearts. They were ecstatic to have the few extra hours with her still there. All had this need to just embrace their Father for his quick thinking and they were preparing to reward the BEASTs for their impeccable acting skills. The five acting BEASTs readjusted themselves before the air in accomplishment—they get a large meal and a place to stay tonight.

"Then I shall lead you to one of our available guest rooms, Princess," the King gestured for the Princess to follow him. As he walked by his children, he whispered, "Be nice", before disappearing into the palace.

Sophia didn't hesitate for a moment as she trailed after the King. There was a sense of security that she felt about being with him. He felt so familiar yet distant at the same time. This man, this King, had lost the love of his life and he left his children in search for a way to recover from it. He had done what he did because of his love for his family. It was all he had left. They were all he had left. It was purely admirable. And that's why she didn't question his motives or his choices herself; all she saw was the aching heart of a young man who lost too much too quickly.

With the two peacemakers gone, an even more awkward creepiness attacked the grouping. No one was quite sure on how to break such silence. They all just eyed each other, soaking in as much of their emotions as possible.

Sunggyu confidently spoke, "We'll have a feast ready for you shortly." This was all they could offer them as a form of consolidation for all the BEASTs had done over the years.

"Thank you," Doojoon nodded off at the Woo brother's leader, who returned the gesture.

It was true that the Woo brothers were ready to rip the BEASTs heads from their bodies or clench their hearts out of their chests when they realized they were clearly involved with Sophia's disappearance. What angered the Princes the most was that they had spent two hundred years pretending like they didn't know a thing about her whereabouts, when those darned BEASTs were actually the ones hiding her. They had been lied to. Why? All for the benefit of both parties. This frustration had almost caused them to utilize their abilities against their old friends. But the moment they opened their eyes to the fact that the six best friends could have continued on with their lives without confessing to what they were concealing from the rest of the world, their hearts also eased with happiness. They acknowledged the fact that the BEASTs were not forced to bring her back. No. They weren't. They weren't forced to protect her this whole time. They weren't forced to take her away.

The BEASTs did it all because they respected, cared, and loved that stupid little Princess named Sophia.

The coarsing pain and unnerving need to kill the six labrats melted away as the Princes warmed up the icy parts of their souls. How could they possibly hate the men they owed so much to? Not only did Sophia return, but their Father did also.

They felt eternally in debt to them.

A soft wind blew through the valley once more. Before the seven Princes returned to their ball, willing to mask their happiness and loathe the event even more, they all bowed towards the BEASTs. It wasn't a half done bow, but a ninety degree, respectable one. This fuzzy feeling that gently crept into their hearts had brightened up their auras nicely. With another simple whisk from the wind, the small trails of tears escaped the Princes' eyes. It didn't matter to them that they were crying.

These drops weren't filled with sadness, but with gratitude and relief.

Once more, the cold hearted Prince who had swept Sophia's heart so long ago smiled as genuinely as he ever could, whispering, "Thank you."


UPDATED CUZ I FINALLY GOT INSPIRATION BACK. I just realized how much of a tug and pull i've wrecked the characterizatino of Sophia. T__________T It just. Ugh. it angers me now. Iw as so excited for the sequel I didn't really think out her new personality properly. This is my attempt to fix it nicely. 

I hope you all find it in your hearts to forgive the late update. 

I may go back and fix the past chapters just for some cleanliness and better flow! I'll definitely tell you guys if I do! 

Okay, well, TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OKAY?! i panic when people don't tell me a lot D: 

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xFrozen #1
Chapter 9: Heyyyy. I went to ur urls but i cant find the stories :( can u pls give me the exact one ? :)
infiniteoppa #2
First one to up this story.
//5ever waiting for an update. :c
/5ever waiting for the next update.
Sophia needs to stop being so hard headed! I hope one of the woo brothers can help her gain her past memories.
So happy you updated ;)
Yay!you finally updated =D
I just can't wait to read the next chapters. I love your story <3
Omfg, I woke up to an update of this story.
/after reading it.
okeyokey. ;-;
lostbambi #8
You never failed me! It's as amazing as it has always been. I'm sorry I can't give you any constructive criticising, idk how to. But I truly know that this whole story has been very well written. You just blow me away, every single time, without fail. Ah, idk how to express this immense admiration I have for you. And I should THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the update! :D you made my day! And I can't wait for more! No pressure haha;) sorry for being such an awful reader.. I do have to say this; the scene where Beast were acting out and their declaration of love for food cracked me, in the middle of all the emotions I had. Well, thank you again!
You must update right now, I will harass you, until you update.
Saranghae, I love your stories, truly amazing.
beyondinfinitex3 #10