Chapter 2

Lucky Fate


I had a good sleep last night. When I woke up mom’s already preparing our breakfast.

“Good morning Heidi. Come, eat all of this you will need it”

“Thanks mom, will you go with me today?”

“If you want your over dramatic mother to come” She said half laughing

“Well I want my over dramatic mom to come”

We laugh with each other. I never did this for a long time until now. I’m just happy that my mom is with me. She’s the best mom ever. Mom already prepared the things I will need for my work today. As far as I know I will have an interview, Television appearance, photo shoot and Film shooting. After we’re packed George arrived in time.

“Hi George Thank you that your early today”

“You’re welcome miss it’s my pleasure”

George opened the door for us. Mom and I sit beside each other. After everything’s set we go now to the location.

Everything in my schedule was done except for the Film Shooting. The place is huge. It’s an open field with a very nice weather. I’ve never been to a place such as like this. It’s a Garden Beach Resort. My mom is busy taking a lot of pictures in the location. I lend her my digital camera. One of my hobbies is taking pictures. That is why I have two cameras.

“Heidi! You’ve arrived” Said Mr. John happily

Mr. John’s like a child and I like him for being like that. I hope he stays being like that all the time.

“Hi Mr. John—“

“Stop it!” Said Mr. John

I was shocked of John shouting at me. I don’t like John of all the people to be shouting or being mad at me. It’s just that I don’t want to disappoint him. John finally speak

“Please Stop being so formal. Call me John instead”

I almost had a heart attack when he just shouts at me. Well it’s good that his not angry at me.

“So Mr. — I mean John, what should I do first” I said nervously

He told me that I should meet Mr. Jake first. He will be the director of the show. He also told me that I should meet the interviewer too.

I was trying to find Mr. Jake when I saw the director’s chair. I saw a 16 year old boy sitting in it. So I asked him thinking that he might be the son of the director. Well who have the guts to sit in a director’s chair? Of course those who are connected with him or someone who knows him well.

“Excuse me can you tell me where could I find Mr. Jake?” I asked then smile.

“You must be Heidi? I’m Mr. Jake, The director of the show” He said smiling

I’m still shocked that this boy in front of me is the director. He must notice me that I’m thinking about him being the director—which is the worst thing I’ve done today.

“You must be thinking why a 16 year old boy is the director in this show” He asked

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to offend you it’s just that—“

He cut me in the middle of my explaining and panicking mode by laughing out loud.

“Um? Why are you laughing?” That was the worst question ever. I wish I could take it back.

He looked me in the eyes and tried to get a little closer to my face. Then he started talking

“You’re cute when you’re panicking” He said still near to my face

I don’t know what to do with this situation when finally John interrupted and saved me.

“Jake what are you doing to my star! How dare you do that in her first day? You scared her see?”

When John’s done scolding Mr. Jake I realized that I’m still paralyzed from my place. When I realized that John’s waiting for me to respond

“Yes, yes! I’m alright can we go now John?”

“As you wish” Said John

“Good bye Heidi I’ll see you around” Said Mr. Jake like his thinking bad ideas.

When we are far enough from Mr. Jake so far that he couldn’t hear us. I asked John if that’s the way Mr. Jake welcomes a person like me.

He said

“He likes playing around girls. It’s my fault that I allowed you to go to Jake all by yourself. If I didn’t arrive early you would have been in great danger. I don’t want my star being a victim of Jake”

“Is Mr. Jake really a 16 year old director?”

“As you can see, yes he is a 16 year old director. He came from the Kingsley clan which is famous for having a great name on directing. I guess Jake inherited it on his father so they trust him to be the director for this show. He is a professional and good director so in such an early age his directing already but I’m warning you stay away from him. You don’t want to be pregnant after a week of work don’t you?”

With John saying that I bet many stars had been a victim of Jake. With his looks and sweet sayings I bet I could be a victim of him if not for John who saved me earlier. We arrived at the dressing rooms. I saw one of the dressing rooms of my co-stars. Then at the middle of the dressing rooms there I saw my very own dressing room. My name is written in All Caps Purple Lettering.


“Is, Is this mine?”

“Yes, you and your mom could stay here during taping sessions but if you’re not satisfied I could change your dressing room”

“No I’m fine with it. You don’t need to change it I like it” I said happily

At the first glimpse of my dressing room I like it so much. It was painted purple. Purple is my favorite color. I wonder how John knew my Favorite color. At the side part of my dressing room was a huge pink feathery sofa. There I saw my mom fixing my things.

“Hi Mom”

“Heidi, I’m done fixing your things and—“

“Mom you don’t have to do this. You’re not my P.A you’re my Mother so stop doing those things. Feel comfortable I can handle all that”

After I said that John appeared from nowhere His with a guy who carries a lot of clothes. I wonder who the owner of those clothes is. I bet all of it cost expensive. Finally I ask John

“Um. John who owns those clothes”

I was confused when John told the guy to put all the clothes in my clothes rack. Then he said

“It’s all yours Heidi. Now get ready and choose what you want to wear. I don’t want my star dressing cheap clothes. Now get moving” John said while clapping his hands

I chose an off-shoulder black dress with a belt in it. I chose it because I don’t like clothes that are fitted to my body. If I wear dress I would feel comfortable.

“Oh! That’s wonderful darling” Said John

“You sure have a fashion sense” He added

“I do? I’m glad you like it”

Mom said that it really suits me. Then John held me the script, he said that I should memorize it all for just 30 minutes. Memorizing it all is not a problem to me but I can’t memorize a 20 sheet of paper script in just 30 minutes. So as fast as I can I tried to concentrate and read it all over again. When I got tired of reading it I rest for a bit. I’m so happy that my mom is with me. She helped me with the script and made it easier. After 30 minutes John came back.

“Are you ready now Heidi?”

“Yes. I think I do” I said without hesitation and John accompanies me to meet the set and the director that I should avoid from now on.


The set is beautiful Mr. Jake decided to make the filming outdoors, the beach. John and Mom accompany me to the set. Mom told me that she will be near somewhere. She doesn’t want to be a hindrance. John told me to meet Mr. Jake he said that if anything happens to me just shout and he’ll be there. If anything will happen to me—I hope not— I won’t shout I don’t want to make a commotion here. I’ll just defend myself but I guess that won’t happen I guess Mr. Jake has good intentions since it's work we’re talking about here. I asked someone if where I could find Mr. Jake and he told me that Mr. Jake is resting over his outdoor tent. It’s far from our set and I started being nervous. If Mr. Jake is planning to do something bad he could easily do it. The spot where the tent was build is beautiful. It’s near the forest and has a lot of flowers surrounding it. I guess Mr. Jake chose this place so he would not be disturb if he tries to bring his victim here.

“Um. Excuse me could I talk to Mr. —“

I cut off mid-sentence when I saw Mr. Jake with a younger girl. What shocked me is Mr. Jake and the girl is making out in that tent and I just saw it. I bet she is just 14 years old. It took a minute for Mr. Jake to notice me.

“Oh Heidi! You’re here. I’m sorry for what you saw just now—Honey you can go now talk to you later” He said.

The girl wears her clothes and went outside the tent.

“Well Heidi what can I do for you? Would you like to—“

“I don’t like anything!” I said panicking

“Oh! Is that so? I’m just going to ask you if you want some cookies or soda”

I was so embarrassed of my actions. Could I just wait for him to finish his sentence? Ugh!

“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed. Stop being cute or else I would make you my girl and stop calling me Mr. Jake I’m only 1 year older than you”

“Uhm Ok Jake? I came here for work not for romance. So could we just continue?”

Jake didn’t respond. I guess he thinks that I’m rude but when I said that I really felt nervous what if he tells other people that I’m impolite. I don’t want people being angry with me since this is my first time. After I talked to Mr. Jake I told him that I should go now. John and mom would be worried for me.

“I need to go now Jake thank you for teaching me what to do later. I’m looking forward on working with you later”

“Ok Heidi. Though I’m surprised because of your attitude”

In that very moment I know I will be erased immediately in the Entertainment industry when he said

“Nobody rejects me. You’re the first one Heidi I really adore you”

I don’t know what to say to Jake. It’s like his already confessing his feelings for me but I shouldn’t get deceived by Jake. He has this charm that can deceive girls and to be honest it really takes effect on me or in short he is a total flirt. John once warned me that I should stay away from Jake.

I said “Jake, I came here for work and stop messing around me you don’t want me mad at you”

I was so dumb that I actually said that but it’s too late to regret it because Jake stands from his chair and walk towards me. He stands in front of me that make him closer to my face. If I just move an inch our lips would be connected. As usual I was paralyzed again I really need a help right now.

Please! John help!

But I guess I don’t have any luck right now. Jake’s moving closer now when he said

“You’re saying?” he said

I was so pissed off. I really want to punch him in the face. He really scares me to death! Just to avoid myself punching him in the face I hurriedly run to go find John. I run as fast as I can and then I realized this was not the route I took a while ago. I’m breathing heavily at that point because I run so fast. If it’s not for Jake trying to scare me I wouldn’t end up here. When I lose all my energy because of the running and searching for the way I try to find a place where I can rest.

That’s where my bad luck ends. I saw a guy with a red jacket on and white jogging pants. He also wears a black hat that almost covers his face. By the looks of him I think that he's 16 years old or older. For a while I hide behind a big tree. As I watch him it’s like his trying to get away from someone. I was planning to stay where I’m standing when ants started attacking my legs. I shouted because I got surprised of the bite of ants since I’m still wearing my dress. The guy in red saw me. I don’t know what to do. What if he's a criminal running away from his crime?—I guess I’m thinking too much. The guy in red started running towards my direction. It’s like he wants to hide in my place too

Hey! This is my place go find yours!

I wanted to shout but before I could he told me

“Ssshh! be quiet they will hear us”

I obeyed him. I don’t know why I obeyed him but I think it’s a good thing to do that. After he said that, a mob came rushing and yelling. I don’t understand what they are saying because they are shouting in chorus but I’m sure that the guy beside me is involved.

“Who are you?” I asked

“Just be quiet for now I’ll explain later”

As usual I obeyed him again and we wait for the mob to disappear.


After the mob had disappeared I didn’t stop asking him to tell me the truth. We found a place where we could rest—I told him that I was attacked by a lot of ants so I don’t want to stay at the back of the tree. For the past few minutes his still quiet and I’m getting pissed off by him. Do I not exist for him to avoid answering my entire question?

“Ok! That’s enough I need explanations. Tell me who are you and why are those people trying to find you and could you please take off that hat?”

I was surprised when he took off his hat. He has a very smooth complexion, his lips are alluring, and he has this deep set of eyes. For a second I was quiet then he asked me

“Now that you know my true identity would you shout for everyone to see that I’m here?”

I don’t know what he is asking me. What true identity is he telling? I don’t even know him until I was lost in this place. Maybe he doesn’t want the world to see his beautiful face. What a selfish guy.

“Um Excuse me? Why would I shout and tell them that I’m with a guy? And what are you saying about me knowing your true identity? I don’t even know your name”

“Really? You don’t know me?”

“Who do you think you are? I’ve said it I-DON’T-KNOW-YOU! Now tell me what your name is.” I’m starting to get really angry but then he answered my question

“I’m Yama—I’m Ryo. Call me Ryo”

“Are you a Japanese? What are you doing in this kind of place?”

“Yes I am Japanese. The one to be asked is why are you in this place?”

“Well I’m running away too but then it’s too late that I knew I’m lost. Now back to you why you are in this place?”

“Um well I’m running away too. Personal reason”

“Don’t tell me—“

“No, no I’m not what you’re thinking I stay in that hotel” He pointed at the same hotel I’m staying in.

“That’s where I’m staying too. So would you like to go back with me?”

It’s like his thinking if he wants to or not but then he said

“Ok, I wouldn’t allow you to go by yourself. If something happens to you I will be responsible because I’m the one who’s with you.”

I’m starting to like Ryo. His very gentleman though his still mysterious for me. With that decided I and Ryo walk back to our hotel.

When we got back everybody is in panic mode and press is everywhere. Ryo told me we should go at the back entrance of the hotel—I followed him again—so we could quickly find our company. I wonder why Ryo is aware of all the press around us. I’m starting to get suspicious of him again. All the people are looking at him like they all know who he is. I forgot to tell him that today is my first day of work so I decided to tell him but then something happened that I didn’t expect.

“Heidi! Where have you've been? We are so worried about you!”

It was John with my mom on his side. When I decided to explain, something stopped me. I guess they don’t want to hear my explanation after looking at Ryo. They also were allured by Ryo’s Beautiful features. At first they just stare at Ryo but after a few seconds they’re like looking at Ryo like they knew who the beautiful human being is.

“I know you!” Said John

“You are… You are—“

“I’m Ryo, Heidi’s Friend. I shall leave Heidi to you.” Said Ryo as cool as ever

Ryo faced me and said

“Good bye for now. I hope we could meet again here’s my contact number call me if you can”

“Uhm. Ok Thank you Ryo for helping me I hope to see you soon too” I said while the butterflies are already scattered in my stomach.

Ryo took one last look at me and for the first time and if I’m not mistaken I just saw him


A/N : Yey! Ryo and Heidi met already! Will their friendship bloom into a wonderful relationship? Who do you prefer? Ryo or Jake?Read the next chapter :D

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waaaaah~!! I love it! please update! :))
yaaaah~ please dont end it too soon!!! i still want this fic to stay long! it was G R E AT !! <3
no__im_asian #3
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesh, ryo + heidi ! wooooo~
Go Yama-chan!!
no__im_asian #5


no__im_asian #6
no__im_asian #7
no__im_asian #8
kya~ she mets Ryo~
no__im_asian #9
hehe im going to comment each chapter hehehe.

I LIKE CHAPTER ONE! I LIKE LONG CHAPTERS <3 HEHE~ erika :OOOO friend or hater? hehe
Go Yama-chan!fight w/ that Jake!!