Chapter 1

Lucky Fate

The things I must do after I wake up.

Brush my teeth, comb my hair, check my schedule, and prepare for my work.

I’m Heidi.

Well my mom was the reason why I ended up being an idol. One day on my summer vacation she enrolled me in a singing slash modeling slash acting slash dancing workshop. My mom is a very talented woman and I guess I got some of her talent. I really want to be a model. I love wearing clothes and sometimes I try to walk like a super model—well of course I’m not good but it could be develop or maybe not.

“Heidi, open your mouth a bit wider”

“Yes Ma’am”

“That’s better. Okay that is enough for today. Tomorrow will be your modelling lessons. Heidi you are getting better and better each day I bet you would be just like your mother. Well I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Thank you”

That was really tiring, so I went to get my bag at the locker but as I went there I saw someone roaming around the corridors of the studio. He has broad shoulders wearing a red sweatshirt and a black pants. As I walk to see the face of the unknown man, someone called me.

“You must be Heidi?” Said a man in an elegant suit

“Yes I am and you are?” still trying to look at the place where I saw the man standing but he was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh! I’m Mr. John of JB Entertainment and I have a business proposal for you. Would you mind if I invite you to coffee?”

“Oh… Uhm….Sure”

So here I am walking with a man that is completely a stranger to me. Well it would be rude to say no and besides he doesn’t look like a rowdy boy. He even said that he was in this JB Entertainment. So we went outside the building to see this sleek black car that I think would cost a million dollars. The other man is waiting beside the car door and I think he is the chauffeur. He opened the door for me and after I went inside John came in as well. At first I can’t see anything because there were no lights. But after the chauffer came in he started the engine and the lights came in. I was so surprised that the car was even larger than it seems. It has a compartment of drinks and snacks.

“You can get some if you like” Offered Mr. John

“No, Thanks” I said.

But I really wanted to get one of those California maki on the tray. I love Japanese food. I always crave for it whenever I think about it. So when John isn’t looking I took one then shot it on my mouth then chew quickly. I hope he didn't see it because that would be so embarrassing.

So John faced me and asked

“Where would you like to go?”

“Oh, No thanks I’d rather not eat I’m still full” I said but my stomach is growling and I wish John didn't notice.

“So I guess I would make my proposal to you now”

His face turned serious and a lot more executive now. So trying to make a straight face I listened whole-heartedly to what he is about to say

“Would you like to work as an idol to JB Entertainment?” He smiled

Feeling taken aback I answered

“A what?! Are you serious? You are not kidding me because if you do I’ll jump out of your car and go home”

“Do I look like I’m joking young lady?—“He laughed “—I’ve been watching you for a week and I think that you have potentials of being an idol. So I followed you— sorry for that. And now I’m here telling you if you would like to be our new talent”

I sat there dumbfounded on what was this man telling me. I’m starting to think that he was a maniac. I calmed myself down and replied

“I better ask my mom about that because like me I still can’t believe what you are saying. I’ll call you tomorrow to say me decision. Thank you” I opened the door but then John called

“Where are you going? I could drop you off to your house if you want to”

“I can go home by myself John and besides my house is nearby so I’ll just walk instead. Thanks again” after that night my life has changed and I don’t know if I can ever walk in this street again without being followed.


“Heidi! What took you so long?” Mom shouted downstairs.

I guess she’s trying to impress John of how responsible and early person I am. After that night my mom was all paranoid of what we’re going to do for my first day of work. Well to be honest I hate waking up early in the morning. I usually wake up 10 am but now I have to wake up 5 am so we could go straight to the office. I bet it would be a very busy day.

“I’m Coming mom!”

“Ok… Wait what’s that on your hair? Did you brush your teeth? And why do you have those pimples?and—”

“Mom! It’s alright. I’m an adolescent of course I would have pimples and stop making yourself nervous. We’re going to be fine” I said. Trying to convince her that I’m not nervous though I am. Then suddenly my mom hugged me

“I’m so proud of you” Said my mom who's on the verge of crying

“Mom stop it. It doesn’t suit you well you’re the reason why I’m here right now you’re the one to be thank and proud of”

and with that she didn't argue and together she drived me off to the office.


It’s already 6:20 am when we arrived at Mr. John’s office. I was so amazed of what I saw with my very own eyes. The lobby of the office was amazing. It has a very large and extravagant chandelier. The paint is classic white and the floor was so shiny I could see my face clearly. The furniture was expensive with just the look of the eyes. The employees were nowhere to be seen. By that time I saw John walking towards us.

“Oh! Heidi you’re here!” said Mr. John excitedly

“Good morning Mr. John. I’m sorry we’re a bit late but promise—“

“Oh you don’t have to apologize in fact you're way too early” said Mr. John almost laughing

“I am?” sounding a little bit surprised because for the first time I wasn’t late—I’m usually late in this kind of important events.

“Yes you are my new idol. I’ve been talking to this producer and he said he already have a project for you.”

When I heard that I couldn’t react immediately. It’s like yesterday I’m just a teenage girl who attends the singing workshop and now I’m being told that I already have a project to start.

“Thank you Mr. John! I couldn’t believe this”

You should believe this and in fact you’re going to be picked by the producer himself and it should take like… right now”

When I turn my head to look outside the door—that is still open, my mom probably left it open because just like me I’m still amazed by the house. I saw a red BMW driven by a not so old man.

“Hi! I’m Mr. Elman; I’m the producer of Teens production”

“Hello, nice to meet you Mr. Elman I’m—“

“She’s Heidi my new star!” interrupted by Mr. John excitedly

I like Mr. John not because of his total support for me but because he has this Happy attitude. It really makes me feel comfortable around him.

“And she’s my mom Jenny”

“Hi nice to meet you Mr. Elman I’m Heidi’s mother”

“So are you ready to go and meet your co-stars Heidi?”

“Yes, sure” I answered.

In that moment my mom kissed me on the forehead and tells me that she needs to go.

“But mom I can’t go alone there!”

“But you’re not alone Heidi you're with Mr. Elman”

I looked at Mr. Elman and back to my mom.

“But mom I need you there, without you I would feel nervous”

“You’re going to be fine Heidi besides you’re going to be busy today you don’t want your mom being tired and slow right? I’ll go with you next time” Mom said and winked.

With that I didn’t argue I can’t let my mom being tired because of me. She already worked by a long time. So it was time for me to be independent and make it up to her by being a responsible daughter. I nodded to Mr. Elman and he walked me to his red BMW and immediately started the car. I took one last look of my mom on the mirror. It was true that it would be a long and busy day.


We drive for about 1 hour before we arrived at the location. I don’t know but I really felt like an outcast in this place. The place was filled with many people with who I don’t recognized. We walked through a lot of studios. I saw my past crush Daniel Silver Wood walking with us. I can’t believe that I’m walking beside him but that ended up quickly when he turned left and left me staring at him.

“We’re here” said Mr. Elman

When I turned to look I saw in front of us was this huge wooden doors with a gold handle.

It looked very elegant and if I were an Employee I would just ignored it to avoid trouble. Mr. Elman opened the door without hesitation. I saw people inside the room and most of them were 15 years old just like me.

“Good morning. This is Heidi our newest star treat her nicely just the way you do with the others” Said Mr. Elman grinning

“Hi I’m Heidi I’m looking forward on working with all of you”

Everybody seems nice except for the girl who keeps on rolling her eyes while looking at me. It’s like she don’t like me at all.

“Ok. Heidi sits right beside Erika”

Mr. Elman pointed at the vacant chair near to that eye-rolling girl.

At that time I felt nervous. That Erika girl keeps staring at me. It’s Like she wants to pull every strand of my hair. When Mr. Elman started talking I just focused on him to avoid eye contact with Erika. I just don’t like trouble on my first day.

After a long hour that feels like a year of discussion everyone walked towards me and greet me with friendly smiles except for Erika. I’m just wondering what is wrong with her. I mean I’m new here and I didn’t even talk to her yet. Then Mr. Elman called me.

“Heidi come here! I have a lot of people to introduce you”

Without hesitation I hurriedly go to Mr. Elman’s place. I guess this is not the right time to talk to Erika, maybe in a few days she’ll change her attitude towards me

I guess.

I met a lot of people. Most of them were executives. I can’t believe that I’m being introduced to a lot of high-respected people in this place. It’s just that am I that important to know this bunch of executive people? When Mr. Elman was done introducing me to them he asked me if I like to roam around the building. Well I have nothing to do and I also want to see different parts of this building. So I said yes.

The whole building was huge. It’s like Mr. John’s office; the only difference is that this building is the bigger version. Every place in the building is crowded with famous people. I got tired of walking so I immediately search for a place where I can rest for a bit. When I found a bench just in the center of the building I rushed to the bench to rest when someone bumped in to me. It was Erika. She changed her clothes into a fancy dress. Being beside her make me look like her personal assistant.

“Uhm. Hi” I said nervously.

“Hello. I’m Erika and I think you're Heidi”

I’m getting confused to this girl. First she snob me in the meeting room earlier but now she’s being friendly to me.

“Why are you here?”

“Um… I beg your pardon ?”

“I’m asking you why you are here in this place?” asked Erika while raising her eyebrows

I don't know if she's being mean but still I answered.

“I… was just roaming around then I got tired so I tried to search for a resting place and then I found this so I could sit for a bit” I said while I’m trying to stand straight even if my foot is really in pain. I guess I should have worn flats than heels. I wasn’t expecting that I would be walking all the time.

“Oh well then I should tell Mr. Elman that you're here. He's trying to find you”

I’ve been away for just 10 minutes and then Mr. Elman is searching for me already. I guess time is surely gold for Mr. Elman. Well for a business man like him he should always think about his time. I guess he is having a hard time to keep all his talents on time like him.

“Um. Okay but Erika why are you doing this? I mean you should just ask for someone else to find me”

“Well I guess you’re confused. I’m sorry for my attitude lately. It’s just that I don’t feel good about new talents” She said keeping her straight face.

When she said that it’s like she slap me in the face I’m still confused of her attitude. Why would she hate me for being a new talent? Because she thinks I’m going to take her place? Or maybe she doesn’t like me—that simple. I’m getting to feel suspicious of this girl

“So can we be friends?” She said while smiling

“Of course we can” I said. I don’t want to see Erika mad at me. It’s just that I don’t feel good about her.

“I’m happy that we’re friends now. I hope we could be good friends. So are you ready now so we could go back to Mr. Elman?”

“Sure. Let’s go” I said uncomfortably not because my foot is killing me but because I’m still thinking if she is a Friend or Maybe someone who would make my life being an idol a real harder than I think.

A/N : Hi guys! So did you like chapter 1? Was it too long? I hope you guys like it! :P <3

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waaaaah~!! I love it! please update! :))
yaaaah~ please dont end it too soon!!! i still want this fic to stay long! it was G R E AT !! <3
no__im_asian #3
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesh, ryo + heidi ! wooooo~
Go Yama-chan!!
no__im_asian #5


no__im_asian #6
no__im_asian #7
no__im_asian #8
kya~ she mets Ryo~
no__im_asian #9
hehe im going to comment each chapter hehehe.

I LIKE CHAPTER ONE! I LIKE LONG CHAPTERS <3 HEHE~ erika :OOOO friend or hater? hehe
Go Yama-chan!fight w/ that Jake!!