Mr pabo or Mr Genius ?

We are both the same

''Scissors paper stone !'' the two childish kids chanted as to determine the final decision

''See ? I told you from the start that my idea was the best ! '' Minho smirked, leaving the astonished girl in shock .

''Who says ? Your idea was the mosttttt outrageous one and Yuri would neveerrrr fall for it !!! And even if she does, you two would just drift further apart !'' Seohyun sighed , speechless at the pathetic fool who might possibly placed first in the 'Most stupid contest' .

''Really ?? Is my idea really that bad ?'' Minho asked, with a hint of suspicion

''YES. Mr ho, if you think making Yuri jealous then you might as well jump into the Han River NOW.'' Seohyun flared

''Yah, relax ! It was just an opinion....'' Minho pouted

''OPINION ? We ALMOST took that as the finalised plan if not for me being smart !'' Seohyun retorted

''Okok, my idea ,happy ?'' Minho sniffed ,'' You are sooo mean to your teacher ....''

''Cut the agyeo dude. We got business to do !'' Seohyun snapped

''Woah . I thought you hated Yuri , why are you soooo into helping us now ?'' Minho questioned

''Yah ! Yuri unnie is my heroine ! TAKE THAT !'' Seohyun replied as she sent a pillow flying straight into Minho's face

''She so freaking awesome . My role modelllllll .....'' Seohyun smiled as she gaze admiringly up into the ceiling

''YAH. WAKE UP . Don't even think about gay-ing with Yuri because she is mine !'' Minho spat

''Fine ! We'll be following my orders !'' Seohyun said

''Following  your idea would take forever !!!'' Minho whined

''YAH . Slow and steady wins the race ! Besides, I need to apologise to unnie first !'' Seohyun smacked Minho on the head as she stood up

''Too bad for you ! Onew , Taemin and Key likes Yuri too . Youuu haveeee competitorrrrssss .....'' Seohyun cooed

''Yah, Key hyung already has a girlfriend .... so that means its one down , two to go!'' Minho said

''Nuh uh . I got a strong sense of feeling Key likes Yuri too .'' Seohyun retailated

''Whatever . Yoona noona would smack him if he does .....'' Minho gasped ''So there's now 0 down and three more to go ???''

''Duh ....'' Seohyun sighed


''Yah . Lee Jinki , Lee Kim Bum . I'm going to the loo loo now . Are you two seriously going to come along ?'' Yuri hissed

''I wouldn't mind .....'' Onew murmured

''I heard that , you ert ,'' Yuri said

''Yah, baby , you can't blame us ya know ! What if you suddenly pass out like that and there no one to rescue you ?'' Key nagged

''Okok mummy . I'll be right back before you know it .So you two better stay down hereeee and quit following !'' Yuri stuck out her tongue at the brothers as she entered the washroom

''Young master, there's chicken in the-''

''Aish . That chicken addict .'' Key shook his head at the long-gone brother . ''Yay, now I can have Yul baby all to myself ...'' Key grinned

''Young master , Miss Yoona is waiting for you in the living room ....''

''Yoona ? What is she doing here ?'' Key asked

''She said she wanted to go shopping-''

''..... okay .... have a nice day ..... masters ....'' the housekeeper scratched his head in confusion as walked off

Meanwhile, Minho and Seohyun who were hiding behind the wall heaved a sigh of relieve . ''Thank God their gone . Now Yul's mineeeee ....'' Minho giggled as he stepped out of his hideout but was immediately pulled back by Seohyun

''Yah , remember . Take Yuri to where I instruct you to , ok ? Onew and Key would realise that they had been tricked soon !!'' Seohyun whispered as she pushed Minho out

''Hwaiting !'' Seohyun mouthed

''Deh . '' Minho took in a deep breath as he scurried over to where the girl of his dreams making her way out of the washroom

Yuri was taken aback when she felt someone pulling on her wrist . Just when she was about to scream , the voice that she was dreading to hear spoke.

''Come with me .''

Go with him ? What made him think that she would go with him after all he did to her ?

''Let go .'' Yuri said firmly as she struggled her wrist out of his hands . Minho ignored the frowning girl and using the least strength to pull Yuri with him so that he would not hurt the fragile girl, they made their way to a secret hideout in the huge mansion .



''Young master , the dishes for today are fish with garlic sauce , sweet and sour pork and black pepper beef ...... but rest assure that spring chicken would be available tommorow.....''


''Who the hell said Yoona was here ? Now I can't go shoppingggggg !!!!!'' Key whined

''Hehehehehehehehe , sorry young masters ...... the genius Seohyun had no choice but to fool you both like this ..... yah , that Minho better thank me for the awesome plan !!!'' Seohyun giggled as she resumed her work

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nice story! ^^
babyul #2
Chapter 44: update soon pls, i love this fict so muc <3
Anaqah #3
Chapter 44: Awesome! Please update quick!
Chapter 20: update pls... pls do continue with the story...
iloveyul #5
new reader here...
omg this fanfic really AWESOME..!

please update soon.
very very good storie
i like your storie
update soon pleasee !!
InseparableMinyul #7
aigooo pretty please please please update again. I REALLY love this story kkk
make it onyul pweasee!
*lol**ruined ur plan*
can't wait 4 next...
blowthebubble #9
Please update! I can't wait till the final kekeke