Well Behaved

Such a Beautiful Lie 2 - Starting Again


Sooo, better late than never? Finally done with this chapter. I am no fast writer as you see. I can't force my imagination to work xD

Anyway, enjoy and tell me what you think after! :D


Jonghyun took Hyunah to a small café nearby. He didn’t talk much. Only saying occasional things about the weather, school, explained why he could ice dance. Hyunah was as cute as ever and held Jonghyun’s arm tight. She giggled at his small jokes and gave out sounds of admiration.

  • What would you like? They looked at the wall-menu that had tons of foreign bakeries and drinks.
  • Hm, Hyunah thought long and well. Maybe, a café-latte? With a chocolate chip cheesecake?
  • A café-latte and chocolate chip cheesecake it is! Jonghyun beamed. He reached to his pocket and felt how much money he carried with him. Barely enough for Hyunah’s order and a simple coffee for himself.

They ordered and got a table by the window. Both their cheeks were blossoming from the biting cold outside. Jonghyun reached up and brushed off the little snow from Hyunah’s hat. Hyunah squeezed her eyes shut tight as Jonghyun’s hand came so close. Jonghyun chuckled at her innocence.

  • You are not very used to guys, are you Hyunah-ya? Jonghyun leaned his chin in his hands.
  • Well, not in this way at least… Hyunah flirtatiously whisked her eyelashes.

Jonghyun blushed deep and looked away from the tempting look Hyunah gave him. He cleared his throat and thanked the gods that their order right in that moment arrived. Hyunah kept her eyes on him though, as she lifted the fork and put a small piece of cake in . Jonghyun met her eyes and they laughed.


Jiyoon had sat down on a bench down in the avenue. The bench was almost hidden in the snow but she determinedly batted away a small area for her tiny bum to fit in. Small tears trickled their way down her cheeks and her nose was getting runny, both from the cold weather and from crying. Stupid Minyoung. Stupid Jonghyun. But most of all: stupid Kim Hyunah. Jiyoon really hated that girl at this state. Her looks, the way she talked, moved, held onto her brother’s arm – yes, everything! Her entire body boiled from hatred and her hands shook from frustration. She heard a shuffling noise on her left side. She looked up with her bangs as protection. A well-known skinny figure sat down close to her.

  • You wanna tell me what happened? Key’s voice was low and he didn’t look at Jiyoon.
  • No…
  • Alright. Then can we go sit somewhere else and not talk about what happened, ‘cause it’s freezing out here! Key’s teeth chattered.
  • Ok… Jiyoon took Key’s arm and they stood up. No one knew where they were going, just walking in the biting cold.

The tears had stopped falling by now, but not the runny nose.

  • Are you getting a cold? You can’t! Key immediately took off his own scarf and winded it around the shorter girl’s neck. Jiyoon smiled weakly and leaned her head on Key’s shoulder.
  • Can you take me home? I’m tired…
  • Sure, my lady. They giggled at that and Key took the first left and headed for the playground and eventually the Kim Jang apartment.


Laughter could be heard from the corner in a café in Seoul. It was the laughter of youngsters, and chemistry more sparkling than the stars themselves. Jonghyun and Hyunah had been drinking coffee for over two hours now and they still had things to talk about. The staff at the café smiled at the couple, exchanged knowing glances and even offered them a free cup of coffee each when the first two were coming to an end. Yes, Jonghyun had reluctantly let Hyunah pay for two cups after their first order. It had hurt his pride but when he saw Hyunah’s smile everything else could matter less.

  • Can’t we go to your place? Hyunah suddenly blurted out. Her eyes were twinkling with excitement.
  • Sure, why not? Jonghyun never thought of the possibility of Jiyoon being at home or anything. They downed their coffee and Jonghyun offered his arm to Hyunah as she stood up.

They bowed to the staff and thanked them at least four times over. It had started snowing more heavily now so the two hurried home to Jonghyun’s place. They laughed as they slipped on spots of ice and almost ran into people. Eventually they reached Kim Jang’s staircase. Jonghyun led the way and held Hyunah’s hand behind his back. They walked two floors up and stepped into the narrow hallway.


Jiyoon heard the front door opening and put down the book she was reading. She sneaked out from the shared bedroom and heard distant happy voices. She sighed as she recognized them: Jonghyun and Hyunah. Quietly she stepped back and took her book and sneaked into her parents’ bedroom. She crawled under the blankets in the middle and took up where she left on the page.


  • So, that’s the kitchen and living room. That’s the bathroom, over there is my parents’ bedroom and this is where I and Jiyoon sleep. Jonghyun gave Hyunah a very quick tour of the apartment, only pointing to the different rooms.
  • Cozy…
  • Yeah, even though we are short of money mom always wants our apartment to look like a real home. Jonghyun smiled and sat down on his bed.

Hyunah sat next to him. Jonghyun scooted a bit closer and put his hand over hers. Hyunah flinched and looked up at him. He only smiled and squeezed the hand. Hyunah smiled back and wet her lips with a pink tongue. Jonghyun unconsciously bit his lower lip and reached forward. He hesitated slightly, Hyunah too. Eventually their lips brushed on the others. Jonghyun advanced and stuck out his tongue. They kissed sweetly. No hands and no touching besides the hands.


Ri In and Junsu quickly made their way up the stairs with new groceries. They noticed the door being open, and was somewhat surprised since their children should be at the fountain ice skating.

  • Hello! Junsu called as he slipped off his shoes. There was no answer, even as Ri In stepped in and she too called.

Junsu went to put in the food in the refrigerator while Ri In went on a hunt for her children.

  • Sweeties? She peeked into their bedroom and quickly shot out again. Her son was having a little romance, huh?

She went on to find Jiyoon, if she even was there. The door to her and Junsu’s room was half open and Ri In was sure she had closed it before leaving for work. She softly stepped in and saw her daughter asleep under the covers with a book open in front of her.

  • Darling? Ri In sat down on the bed and the dip shook Jiyoon to life. Dazed Jiyoon looked up, the French braided plaits were ruffled and her eyes only half-open. Ri In laughed warmly and scooted closer.
  • Mom? You home so soon?
  • It’s already seven so I believe we are later than usual. Why are you in here?

Jiyoon hated to be reminded who else were in the apartment the very same minute. She groaned and slumped back on her side, with her back facing her mother.

  • Oh come on. Tell me? Please? Ri In tried to make her puppy eyes look, which had always worked when she was young.

Her daughter looked over her shoulder and the mother earned a small smile from those lips.

  • It’s oppa… and Hyunah. Jiyoon said her name with such spite that Ri In winced.
  • So, so, Yoonie yah… don’t be like that?
  • Yes, I will be like that! Jiyoon sat up and crossed her arms.
  • I know, that this is a tricky time, but- you need to give Jonghyun time. He will get used to it, just as I told you, remember?
  • I tried that mom! I really did. But I can’t stand her! She is vicious. There is something about her that I just can’t accept.
  • Now, Kim Jang Jiyoon. Cut the bad talk. You need to accept your brother’s relationship and feelings. End of story. Ri In hated to be so harsh on her daughter, but felt that she needed to.

Jiyoon glanced at her mother with a defiant look. She still had her arms crossed and her chin cocked up. Ri In met her eyes strong, not looking away until Jiyoon did and announced that she would ask Hyunah to stay for dinner, so she better behave. Without answering her mother she walked out of the room, knowing her mother was right. She always was. But moms didn’t understand things sometimes. Especially not these things. Jiyoon stormed into her room and sat down hard on her bed, across from Jonghyun’s. The couple making out didn’t recognize her presence and kept on with heir “kissing”. Jiyoon was really angry now. This was her room too. How can Jonghyun just stumble in there with a girl and molest her?! Frustrated that they didn’t notice her, she stood up and went out in the kitchen again.

  • Appa?
  • Yes, dear? Junsu was just putting the rice cooker on.
  • Make Jonghyun stop making out with Kim Hyunah in our room. Childishly Jiyoon stood behind her father with a pout on her face.
  • Kim Hyunah? Junsu immediately turned around with an excited look. Is she here?
  • Yes, sadly. Make her go home, appa?
  • No, not in a million years. Your brother is in love and we have the best chance to !

Like a lightning he was outside the kitchen and peeking into his children’s bedroom, giggling like a teenager himself. His fiancé passed him and looked at him with a knowing glace. Junsu didn’t notice though. Ri In sighed and slapped his . Junsu yelped and exclaimed:

  • Darling?!

Hyunah and Jonghyun shocked swung their heads to the door with scared expressions on their faces.

  • Appa?! Such a ert! Jonghyun grabbed a pillow and threw it at the door.
  • Yah, Rinnie, why did you expose me?
  • Because it is very rude to sneak peek. Ri In kept her arms crossed over her chest. Jonghyun stormed out of the room and looked with an embarrassed look he met his parents’ gaze.
  • Appa, never do that again! You totally made a fool out of me there.
  • Sorry, couldn’t help it… Junsu looked down at the floor, knowing two pairs of eyes were setting him on fire.
  • Go in and apologize to the poor girl as well! Ri In ushered him inside and stood in front of Jonghyun’s bed with Kim Hyunah on it.

Junsu couldn’t look up but after Ri In held up her hand in warning he met Hyunah’s eyes.

  • I am, Jonghyun’s father, Junsu… very nice to meet you Kim Hyunah!

The small girl immediately stood up and bowed ninety degrees and introduced herself. Junsu made an attempt to leave but Ri In strictly held him in place.

  • Oh, and I’m sorry for interrupting your “moment”.

You could hear Jonghyun groan in embarrassment but Hyunah only laughed and assured Junsu it was ok. There would be more times.

  • Yes, and I am his mother. Jonghyun’s I mean, not this over-grown baby. Ri In gave Junsu a vicious look and smirked. Hyunah laughed even more.
  • Your parents are so funny, Joongie oppa! Slowly Jonghyun walked inside the room again and stood by Hyunah’s side.
  • So?
  • So what? The parents looked at their son in confusion.
  • So, get out!

The couple made sounds of understanding and apologies and hurried out of the room and to the kitchen.


  • I am so sorry about that! Jonghyun exclaimed the moment the bedroom door closed.
  • It’s fine, don’t worry. They’re gone now, right? Jonghyun nodded. Then shouldn’t we take up where we left off?

Jonghyun smirked and immediately caught Hyunah’s lips with his own.


Jiyoon sat in the kitchen with an angry pout on her face. Her entire family was against her now. Not even her appa agreed with her, that was serious business! What was so great about Kim Hyunah anyway? She was just loud and annoying… Jiyoon didn’t look at her parents as they entered the kitchen and they made no attempt to get her attention. Maybe they felt her irritation. Silently they both stood by the counter and started cooking. Jiyoon heard how knives made the drumming sound on chop boards and how the vegetables frizzled in the pan. The occasional requests her parents gave each other and how they whispered about Kim Hyunah. They thought Jiyoon didn’t hear? Jiyoon had ears like a cat when it was something about Kim Hyunah.

  • Yoonie yah? Her mother snagged her out of her thoughts.
  • Yes? Jiyoon’s tone was sharp, just like the mornings where she fought with everyone.
  • Please lay the table.

With sharp and hard moves Jiyoon stood up. She took out the low tables from the closet and put them down on the floor. She harshly pushed two of them together.

  • Jiyoon, stop that! What if they break?
  • What if I just jump out of this window and kill myself? Jiyoon snapped back at her mother.
  • What if you will have to be without dinner tonight and go straight to bed? Ri In held her hands on her hips with a stern look.

Jiyoon “hmphed” and went to get the bowls and chopsticks. She quietly asked if she could fill the bowls with rice and Ri In calmly let her. Jiyoon thought about giving Hyunah less rice than anyone else, but knew her mother would notice right away. Her moves were still sharp and irritation oozed from her entire being. Junsu placed the vegetables and other side dishes onto plates and sweetly asked Jiyoon to go get her brother and girlfriend. Jiyoon almost threw up from the tone her father used but obediently went to get them. She didn’t knock before entering, it was her room!? She looked to her right and saw, not too surprisingly how Jonghyun and Hyunah were making out in bed. Their clothes were quite close to fly off but Jiyoon cleared exactly before Jonghyun pulled his sweater over his head. Once again the poor teen lovebirds got a shock from being disturbed in such manners. Hyunah’s lips were red and swollen, just as her rosy cheeks. Jonghyun was also slightly flushed but since his lips normally were so thin it didn’t really show that they had just had an encounter with someone else’s lips. Jiyoon simply stared at them and with a monotone voice told them dinner was ready. Jonghyun flew up from bed and went over to Jiyoon’s mirror on the closet and took a quick look at himself. Jiyoon left when both of them stood up and were ready to follow her. Hyunah was last so no one really saw the smirk she wore on her lips, or the gleaming eyes. All five of them sat down at the low tables and Ri In told Hyunah to help herself. Sure, Ri In was a little ashamed she had nothing more to offer her guest than vegetable dishes and one fish dish but Hyunah smiled so brightly and ate so well. Four of the five talked during dinner, Jiyoon didn’t even look up from her bowl of rice. She didn’t want to meet anyone’s gaze, especially not her oppa’s. The twins’ parents asked everything and nothing about Hyunah’s life: her family, background, favorite hobbies and music. Kim Hyunah came from a fairytale family. She was the only child and played the piano. Her parents always pushed her to do well in school and they were talking about sending her to Japan next year to study.

  • They can’t do that! Who should I be with then? Jonghyun exclaimed and pouted. They all laughed except for Jiyoon who retorted:
  • It’s not like Kim Hyunah is the only one in the world. You have more friends.

Ri In gave her daughter a stern look that made Jiyoon lower her eyes again and keep eating. She wasn’t hungry, like most times. The other four kept talking and laughing all through dinner and Ri In thought her daughter better learn her lesson so she paid no attention to her, except her quiet requests for the vegetables or drink. Jonghyun fed Hyunah multiple times and Hyunah even gave him a bite. The parents just could not stop smiling. Their eyes met over the table and Ri In felt a tinge shoot trough the spine and down to her stomach, just like she had felt when she first got feelings for Junsu. Junsu smiled charmingly and winked at her. Hyunah noticed and giggled, even Jiyoon saw the exchange of eyes and couldn’t help but smile.


In the late winter evening Kim Hyunah left the Kim Jang family’s apartment. Jonghyun and Junsu walked her home, so she wouldn’t get mugged or worse. Junsu came along so that Jonghyun would get mugged or worse on his way home.

  • So, Hyunah, did you enjoy your dinner company? Junsu said causally but with a smile. She and Jonghyun were holding hands.
  • Very much, Mr. Kim! Hyunah beamed and swung her and Jonghyun’s hands back and forth. Your wife is a marvelous cook!
  • Hey, I actually helped with that food…! Junsu whined with a smile.

They both laughed and eventually reached Hyunah’s house. It was a big villa in the nicer parts of Seoul but it looked quite homey in the dark.

  • Bye, baby! Jonghyun said and hugged Hyunah hard; he kissed her forehead and lightly pecked her cheek. Junsu nodded in leaving.

Hyunah watched the two men walk away from the street before she opened the door to the villa. Immediately heavy base was pounding through her body and she looked to the left, the living room, and saw Yesung by the mixer table. There were so many people in the house. Men, women, young teens like herself curled up in laps with beer bottles in one hand and cigarettes in the other. Some were half- or about to strip, not many wore their original outfit at the moment. Hyunah zigzagged her way through the crowd and stuffy air, up the stairs to her boss’ office.

  • He’s not here, baby-girl. A husky voice came from behind her. Hyunah spun around and her eyes caught the voice’s owner. She had learned from years in this place to never leave her back off guard.

Her eyes softened though when she saw it was only Kangin.

  • Where is he then?
  • Jong Kook is downstairs, in the dining room I think.
  • Thank you, ajusshi. Hyunah tipped her way over to Kangin and kissed his cheek. The older and muscular man smiled and tapped her .

Hyunah went downstairs again to the deafening music and filthy people. She zigzagged her way to her boss and life line. He was sitting in his throne like chair; an arm-chair really with graved frame and velvet red fluffy cladding. The frame was in regular steel but painted gold, which had faded on exploited places like the armrest. Jong Kook spotted her and gave up a shout and smiled. He called her name and tapped his lap, motioning for her to sit down. She complied and almost evilly grinned at the girl who’d had her place just seconds before. It was weird how Hyunah felt so proud to be her boss’ favorite, yet petrified of the closeness in their relationship. Hyunah whispered to Jong Kook where she had been all day and night. The hours at the coffee shop, the walk home and the dinner at Jonghyun’s home. Jong Kook complimented her and kissed her deep. She winced but answered the kiss. She quietly asked for permission to go to bed and because she had been so good, the boss let her.


She sneaked down in the big bed with only and a loose top on. She felt weird. She felt proud. Horrible. Prankish. She let the proud feelings take over her conscious and she giggled before shutting her eyes and falling into a deep sleep.  


//LOve Tackra <33

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Tackra #1
Thanks! I am supposed to receive notification when someone comments on my fics but it doesn't seem to be working. the next xhapter is under construction so please be patient :) I am a very sloooooooooow writer... ^^
asiandude-ization #2
OH, nice fic :)
Tackra #3
SO glad you are still glad to see me update! :D I'm starting on a new chapter already ;)<br />
<br />
yeah, sadly the pretty ones always get in the middle. If you crave for more SBL you can read the first one here: http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/Tackra/<br />
<br />
Personllay I think this second one is better, I write better now but if you have nothing better to do :)<br />
<br />
Thank you again! :D<br />
<br />
/Love, Emelie
Yo_Smile #4
:D you updated!! i was so happy when i saw!! ^^ <br />
D: Hyunas evil? but D:::: shes so cute with Jonghyun!!<br />
the scenes with the two of them are just soo cute!!<br />
Update soon please!!
Tackra #5
I will start writing more when summer holidays come up. I have something in every subject at the moment. Sorry for answering you so late but I didnät get a notice about it. <br />
Thank you so much for liking mys story! :D
Yo_Smile #6
Even though its been a while but please update again! I love your story ^^ and i'm enjoying the Jonghyun Hyuna pairing xD