Parents can be good at times

Such a Beautiful Lie 2 - Starting Again

Jang Ri In was busy cleaning the floors of a McDonald’s restaurant in one of the bigger malls in another district from where she and her family shared an apartment. Her back was quite sore from the bending and carrying. Among the many jobs she had cleaning was the one she disliked the most. Having to take care of fiancé and teenage twins at home was enough for her. Her shift would end soon and then she would come back the same evening to take a night shift.

  • Jang Ri In! Stop lazing about and get to work. Ri In’s employer was very alike a slaver driver and always complained. One small mistake and the payment would be reduced by half. She wasn’t like this to only Ri In but to everyone there.
  • Yes, Madame! Ri In smiled and sped up her mopping. I will be out of here in no time… she whispered to herself in a try to cheer herself up. Failing tremendously.


Junsu had managed to find a job at a supermarket close to Jonghyun and Jiyoon’s school with the fitting work hours. He was very pleased and the pay was relatively good too. So far he was only packing up goods from the store house up on the shelves.     

Also, working to close by his children’s school he would be able to keep an eye on them. He still hadn’t called the other kids’ parents yet after meeting Taemin in the arcade. What Taemin had told him worried him actually. He didn’t want to believe that his kids were such jerks. Taemin really must have felt like an outcast. Tonight he would talk to Jiyoon and Jonghyun about this and he would make them fix this.  


  • Thank you and welcome back! Ri In chimed from behind the disk of a bakery. This was her afternoon shift.

She liked the bakery. It was small and cozy with a touch of a French café. The backs of the chairs were squiggly and white painted steel. The tables were cute and round but didn’t fit many seats around it; something Ri In thought should be changed. Overall the café looked quite luxurious without having the aura of that no just “anyone” could go in there. At the café Ri In did everything that the other staff needed help with. She served the customers, helped in the preparations for the baking that would start at two a.m. as well as cleaning. The staff was very friendly. It was a young girl that owned the bakery and she was a little inexperienced but usually got the hang of the situations.

  • Ri In unnie, you can leave now. Your shift is over. Yuri, the owner, tapped her shoulder and smiled.
  • Neh, thank you for your hard work! Ri In bowed and went out in the changing room. She was sad she had to go. Her working day wasn’t over though. It was five in the afternoon so she had to get home and feed her family and then run straight back to McDonald’s.

She swiftly took off the uniform she wore at that work: a white knee-length dress with bright pink buttons on the left side of the chest. There was also a matching pink ribbon that she bound around her waist, letting the top-knot be at the right hip. She also left the pink ballet shoes in her locker before taking on her own clothes. It was actually the same clothes that she wore form her high school days. Her old jeans that she had have to patch countless times. She strapped her belt and slid a red top on. Lastly she put her jumper over her shoulders and started her walk home. She would meet Junsu up by the playground as they always did. 


Ri In stood there by the swings and waited for the man she never got enough of. The clock was twenty minutes passed five and Junsu should have been there by then. Sighing she looked at her watch again and pulled the jumper tighter around herself. The autumn winds were getting colder and the winter could be sensed in the cool air.

  • Are you cold? Two arms were suddenly around Ri In’s waist and a hot voice right by her right ear. Jumping a little Ri In quickly sensed who it was.
  • Neh, oppa… she turned around in Junsu’s bosom and sneaked her cold hands under Junsu’s coat. They stood like that for some time, just enjoying each other’s warmth and mutely expressing their worries for the winter.

It was a beautiful autumn day. The sky was clear and thin clouds covered the horizon. The slowly setting sun colored the clouds purple, orange and pink. The trees by the old playground were straining to keep their last few leaves but many were defeated by the strong wind. Junsu held Ri In close to his chest and caressed her back, now and then slipping down over her bum. Ri In slowly raised her head from its place by Junsu’s collar and nibbled on Junsu’s chin.

  • You need to shave. She laughed and nibbled again.
  • I know. I skipped it this morning.
  • Obviously, don’t do that anymore.

Junsu simply silenced her by sealing their lips. Ri In completely forgot what she just laughed at and lost herself in Junsu. Ri In was drawn closer to Junsu by him grabbing her behind and pressing their pelvises together. they enjoyed each other’s touch. The stop wasn’t voluntary. Someone harshly poked their shoulders and the couple abruptly looked to the side.

  • Do you really have to make out right in front of the kids? Jiyoon asked her mom and dad with her arms crossed over her chest.
  • Oh, kids! What are you doing here? Ri In slightly covered to hide her kiss swollen lips from her children with a surprised expression.
  • Someone wasn’t home when we were and it got quite late, and we got worried something had happened! Jonghyun answered her question.
  • Mianhae kids. We got, distracted?
  • Obviously.

Jonghyun and Jiyoon turned to walk home. Embarrassed their parents followed, still with an arm around each other’s waist.


While at home Jiyoon said she would help Ri In with the dinner and a shocked but happy Ri In accepted her help.

  • Umma, have you noticed something, strange, with oppa?
  • No, should I?
  • Aniya, it’s just that… Jiyoon couldn’t finish the sentence. Knowing her children Ri In thought she got the hang of what Jiyoon meant.
  • Is there a girl at school that has caught Jonghyun’s attention? Jiyoon nodded sadly and continued to cut the peppers. Do you feel like he prefers her over you? One more nod.

Ri In sighed and put the knife down. She hugged her daughter tightly and kissed her head.

  • Your oppa is a teen boy, you know. One day you might find some boy you really like and Jonghyun will feel the same.
  • But I don’t even see what oppa sees in that, brat!
  • Calm down now, Yoonie. If he likes her you should support him. He will get used to the feelings he had for her soon and he won’t be as up in the blue as now. Just be patient, araso?
  • Ok… thanks mom… Jiyoon hugged her mother close before starting up with the pepper slicing again.


The girls being out in the kitchen Junsu had taken the chance to talk to his son, man to man.

  • I met Taemin at the arcade today. Junsu started as he walked into the room his children shared.
  • Really? He got mad at school for some reason and said he had homework. He lied, it seems? Jonghyun was sitting by the window with one of his legs put up on the broad sill. He had a pillow to support his back and the knee supported his muscular arm.
  • He said the opposite, that you had lied to him? All of you. He talked about someone new in your group: a girl?

Jonghyun couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Hyunah. He even forgot that his dad was in the room who obviously was a bit angry with him. All he could think of was those brown eyes, the curly hair tied up in pony tails. The skirt that she had chosen to cut off an inch or two, teasing anyone that looked at her to see more. He thought of the school uniform vest that-

  • Are you listening? Junsu abruptly interrupted his son’s obvious day dream.
  • Neh? Jonghyun surprised looked back at his father and a faint blush covered his cheeks as he saw his father’s smirk.
  • She seems to be someone special? Junsu moved to stand by the other side of the window and crossed his arms over his chest. Not in an intimidating fashion though, more understanding and a bit teasingly. Tell me about her!

Jonghyun got surprised by Junsu’s sudden change of mood. Junsu lightly shoved Jonghyun’s leg further back so that Junsu would fit too. He was smiling and practically begging Jonghyun to talk. Jonghyun simply shook his head and looked out the window.

  • I can’t describe her. She is, amazing! Cute, short. Good for me – then I look tall! She’s, y… Jonghyun found it quite embarrassing to talk about the girl that made his heart flutter and something else also jerk whenever he thought of her. A good student it seems. Especially with maths! She actually moved up to the second floor just to have maths with us. That’s how we met…
  • Ooh! It’s getting interesting! Junsu cheered. Does she seem to feel the same way towards you?
  • I, ah… dunno. I mean, she likes to be with all of us. She really likes Yoonie yah. She seems to look up at her. A good role model. Today, she fed me with dumplings. Jonghyun flushed red once again thinking back at the event.

Junsu almost got tears in his eyes. Jonghyun saw this.

  • Wae yo, appa? Jonghyun got scared he said something to upset his father. Did I say something wrong?
  • Aniya, it’s just that. He almost choked on his words. That you have grown so much! I can remember like yesterday when you rumbled around in diapers…! He burst out in tears and reached out his arms for his son.

Jonghyun was quick to react though and swiftly jumped to his bed just a few feet from the window.

  • Stop it dad! It’s embarrassing, dam’ it! Be a man and it up will you? Jonghyun lay down on the bed and looked up the ceiling. You’re such a …
  • Hey, it’s still your father you’re talking to! Junsu kept choking on his words and wiping off the tears.
  • Yeah, but you’re still a . But I admit I love that to father.

With swollen eyes Junsu looked up and saw his son smirking at him and gave him a small wink.

  • I love you too, son. You should confess to that girl. I didn’t even catch her name. With much difficulty Junsu managed to collect himself.      
  • Her name’s Hyunah, Kim Hyunah…

Smiling Junsu left his son alone to dream about his teen love. Just as he closed the door he remembered that he was supposed to have scolded his son. Oh, well. He could do that later.


  • How is it going with that boy? A man sitting in his arm chair by a big window with a cigar in his left hand looked out at the view of Seoul.
  • Quite good, I think sir. They don’t suspect anything. The man had a petite small girl standing in front of him, her clothes challenging any man to make a move on her.
  • Good. Now come here, my love.

The girl climbed up on the man’s lap and let the man do whatever he wanted with her body.

  • I love you…    


//LOve Tackra <33

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Tackra #1
Thanks! I am supposed to receive notification when someone comments on my fics but it doesn't seem to be working. the next xhapter is under construction so please be patient :) I am a very sloooooooooow writer... ^^
asiandude-ization #2
OH, nice fic :)
Tackra #3
SO glad you are still glad to see me update! :D I'm starting on a new chapter already ;)<br />
<br />
yeah, sadly the pretty ones always get in the middle. If you crave for more SBL you can read the first one here:<br />
<br />
Personllay I think this second one is better, I write better now but if you have nothing better to do :)<br />
<br />
Thank you again! :D<br />
<br />
/Love, Emelie
Yo_Smile #4
:D you updated!! i was so happy when i saw!! ^^ <br />
D: Hyunas evil? but D:::: shes so cute with Jonghyun!!<br />
the scenes with the two of them are just soo cute!!<br />
Update soon please!!
Tackra #5
I will start writing more when summer holidays come up. I have something in every subject at the moment. Sorry for answering you so late but I didnät get a notice about it. <br />
Thank you so much for liking mys story! :D
Yo_Smile #6
Even though its been a while but please update again! I love your story ^^ and i'm enjoying the Jonghyun Hyuna pairing xD