chapter 43



Ren's POV

"Yah Ren! Has Minki told you what she thought about Zelo yet?" Himchan eagerly asked as he slid in next to me. 

"Ani. I think she's busy this week," I smoothly replied.

"That's what you say every time we ask," Himchan whined. I shrugged. 

"It's not my problem if she doesn't tell me much. We aren't really close to begin with."

"But aren't you siblings?" Zelo asked as he wedged himself between Himchan and me.

"Yeah, but we haven't talked to each other for the past years. You probably know her better than me."

"Jinja? Well, you're twins. You should use your twin telepathy or something," Jongup pretended to be an alien as sat down at the lunch table across from us. 

"Actually, there's no such thing. According to an article I was reading, twins have their own minds. Therefore, they may think differently and don't have telepathy," Yongjae interrupted.

"Stop being such a smarty pants," Jongup snapped.

"Stop being a pea-brain," Yongjae argued.

"Girls, you're both beautiful," Yongguk broke up the arguement, "Actually, I was just kidding. You both are equally fugly, but it's okay, you're still my little buddies."

I looked across the cafeteria, wondering where Minhyun was. 

"Are you looking for Minhyun? I don't think he's here," Zelo whispered to me.

The past weeks would've been horrible if it wasn't for Zelo. Minhyun and I couldn't hang, even at home! It turned out that Hello Venus' dorm was in the neighboring building, and Yooyoung always was spying on us from that window of her's. The only times we could talk was during vocal and dance sessions (but since we were too busy practicing, it was basically never). 

Everyone keeps on asking why I don't hang out with him anymore, and I don't really know what to say. All I can say is, "I'm just giving him some space."

Instead of Minhyun now, I'm hanging around with Zelo and his crew, BAP. The fact that Zelo kind of confessed to me makes it kind of awkward to talk with him though. There was this one time when Zelo was talking about how cool my girl side was, I almost had to leave the room because I was laughing so hard. 

"Sorry, it's a habit," I bit into my sandwich, wondering why I hadn't packed more food. I was starving. 

"That Yooyoung's so desperate that I feel sorry for her," Zelo shook his head. 

"Is that a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich?" Daehyun asked from my other side, freaking me out. Daehyun was really quiet, and had movements like a cat. Just like a ninja, he could blend into the background, and no one would notice him. 

"HOLY CRAP!" I jumped a bit, "Omo, you scared me. Daehyun, you need to be louder. And yes, it's a peanut-butter sandwich."

"That's not enough nutrients. Here, have some of my food," Daehyun offered me a roll of his kimbab. 

Nodding my head in thanks, I accepted the roll.

"Here! Ren, eat some of my food, too!" Zelo piled half of his food onto my plate.

"Yah, you need to eat Zelo. You're still growing," Daehyun put the food Zelo just gave me back onto Zelo's plate.

"But you gave your food to him! That's not fair!" Zelo whined. 

"That's because Ren's my dongsaeng, too," Daehyun reasoned.

After Daehyun turned attention toward the conversation the the rest of the boys were having, Zelo whispered to me, "Don't listen to him!" 

Then he piled a whole bunch of rice onto my plate and handed it to me. I turned around to see if Daehyun was looking, but he wasn't.  

"E-eh? Oh! Kamsamehida!" I grinned, impressed by Zelo's smooth skills. "Baekhyun left early this morning, so he didn't make me lunch. Thanks for the food!" 

When I looked up after finishing my rice, I noticed that Zelo was smiling at me, and my cheeks heated up. 

Hey guys!! School started TT.TT and my life now...

yeah...this chapter was very short one will be better..i hope TT.TT

Oh cough...I started another fic ^.^...I know I shouldn't...but I had already finished all the planning for this i decided to start another one.

it's called Cuteness is Justice.

It's a fic featuring IU x Lee Joon. IU's a spy, and Lee Joon is an assassin. And it's not really anything like this fic. It's not fluffy, happy, funny, and I don't really beat around the bush as much as I do this one. That one is just going to be 100% plot. ^.^

Hope you guys take a look at it.

Thanks for reading and commenting!!! -candym0nster (omo...i still can't get used to this username) 

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sorry guys....i have exams...ONCE AGAIN TT.TT...therefore, updates are going to be VERY SLOW, until i reach chrismas break... until then, my wonderful subbies!!


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Chapter 58: I miss this story!!!
Now NU'EST in PD101 S2 make me remember about this story and I still love it because it's NU'EST~ XD
migzflickz #2
Chapter 58: This is masterpiece >.<
aung-aung22 #3
Chapter 51: I ing hate that Yooyoung , if i see her pic on somewhere i think i will remember this story and my blood will start boiling .
aung-aung22 #4
Chapter 37: Beakho in your story he is like Natsuki Shinomiya .lol.
Nata97 #5
Chapter 58: Ooh ma gosh!!!!!! This fanfic is amazing! *Q* I died a thousand deaths because of it! Love it!! Jjang authornim :*
Chapter 58: you neeeeeed to make a sequel of ms. mister! pleaseeeee!
Chapter 44: Girl, you need to calm yo hormones down. You are just thirsty for minhyun but that doesn't mean you gotta go ruin everything just because of that. If Ren is out then Minhyun is out too. Stupid.
Chapter 8: lol 100 won xD
its not enough for a piece of dollar. that's like 100 yen in japan xD and 100 yen is just enough for a bottle of soda, wow Minhyun's parents should give him more money cx
Wackobirdy #9
...SEVENTEEN IS GONNA DEBUTE SOON...OMG OMG OGM. Also I was thinking of writing a similar but different fanfic like yours. As soon as I wrote my fanfic I saw yours...*sigh* darnit.