29th The day of Release


some time has passed by.

Today is the day of ukiss A shared Dream and Forbidden love albums and you know you just have to buy it. Luckily you have some extra money you've been saving up Just for this.

You take a bus to the mall (its a 30 minute bus ride) when you arrive you walk into one of the CD shops. You see posters of ukiss and smile widely. -Ah im so happy they are doing there best!- you think to yourself. you walk over to the case with ukiss' CD's. you pick up the ones you want and stare at the covers. * I wish I could buy all the cover versions* you think to yourself frowning a little. 

you shrug your shoulders and walk over to the store clerk getting ready to buy the CD's. you hear forbidden love being played over the intercom. you've listened to this song so many times you basically know all the words. you sing the song lowly as if whispering bobbing your head to the beat while waiting for the clerk to finish pricing your CD's.

The clerk tell you the total and you give them the money. You continue to wait as they finish packing it up when you hear a commotion from outside the store. you look up from watching the clerk and see a large crowd all huddling together making their way to the store.

you raise in eyebrow...*what is going on?* you think you yourself. you can understand Japanese but the crowd was speaking a jumble of Japanese a mile a minute and you couldn't keep up. you see the crowd make its way to the store entrance. Then you see people holding back the bystanders in the crowd and see a few figures emerge from within the crowd heading into the store.

your jaw drops. There was Ukiss and a camera crew. *OH.My.God.*- your mind goes black- *thump thump thump* you can hear your heartbeat and feel it pounding against your chest. *No way... meeting them like this...again... is too much of a coincidence.* you continue to think to yourself. trying to think rationally. *ah... are they promoting?* 

You continue to stare at the crowd and see your bias. Its been almost a month since you guys meet at the karaoke and you guys haven't texted each other really since. Because of that you're not sure if he remembers you or not. You want to know but at the same time you dont want to find out that hes forgotten you. 

you look at the clerk who now has their eyes fixed on ukiss. *ahh.....come on please give me my things* you think. You peek up again and can see ukiss and the PD talking and them speaking into the camera. You glance at your bias again..*uwahh hes looks really good in that outfit.* 

"miss?" you snap back to reality and glance back at the clerk. They held out the bag to you. You grab it and thank them. you look in the bag to make sure you have everything.you reluctantly walk out of the store but you don't go to far. you don't really want to pass up a chance like this. 

you sit down on the bench in the mall outside the store and open up the cd looking at the booklet. *Uwah* you hold your nose.. *ah i think I could really have a nosebleed*... you laugh to yourself. you flip to the page with your bias and try reading the mini message concentrating completely.

you glance up once in a while to see what ukiss is up to. you cant seem to see them from where you are sitting. they must have gone further into the store. 

*your stomach grumbles* 

ah.... you look up. there's a snack machine just inside the store with snacks and beverages. *hmm maybe I should get something.* you look on your phone.. you decide to tweet a message to ukiss. you (@) all of them and write a small message.

"just bought your album and single at _________ <- the name of the mall your in.I got so excited Im looking at it outside the shop.!do ur best ukiss! fighting~"

*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************End of chapter 4


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