
That's love!

First, MyungYeol, second WooGyu, last YaDong XD slight, Sungjong in YaDong!



Hoya and Dongwoo are closest friends that love music in class, both are the only two boys who love music in their class, but they do rap songs more.

When Dongwoo enters class, he sees Hoya.


"Heyyy, Hoya!" Dongwoo exclaims excitedly. "How was your weekend?" He asks.


Hoya is slightly taken aback by Dongwoo's enthusiasm. "It was okay, I guess," Hoya replies. "How was yours?"


Hoya suddenly remembers that he and Dongwoo have planned to write another rap together after school.


"Actually, I have something to ask you," Hoya says. "How about we come up with the next rap?" Hoya suggests.


Dongwoo's expression lights up at Hoya's suggestion. "Yeah, definitely!" He says enthusiastically. "I've actually been working on some ideas. Do you want to take a look?" 


Hoya takes a seat at his desk next to Dongwoo. "Sure! Let's see what you've got." Hoya says, excited. 

Dongwoo opens his notebook. "Alright, let's start with the beat...."


Hoya and Dongwoo spend the remainder of the school day working together on developing the next rap. They work on the lyrics, come up with rhyme schemes, and ultimately, choose a beat to go with the song. By the time school gets out, both Hoya and Dongwoo are feeling good about the song they've written. They promise each other that they will record the song over the weekend and show it to their peers on Monday morning.

After a long weekend of recording and practicing, Dongwoo and Hoya anxiously wait for their moment to shine in front of their classmates. They have already sent out a group text inviting everyone to come listen to their new rap the moment they get to class in the morning. 


Just as they reach their desks, Hoya whispers to Dongwoo, "I'm so nervous, how do you feel?"

"I'm really nervous, too, but hey, let's just try to be cool." Dongwoo says. Hoya nods in agreement.


As their classmates pour into the classroom, everyone is talking about the anticipated rap. When the teacher finally calms everyone down, Dongwoo stands up and says,


"Annyeonghaseyo everyone, Hoya and I have brought you something special."


The class goes silent and all heads turn towards Dongwoo and Hoya. 


"We have written the next hottest rap song." He says. The room breaks into excitement and the class begins to chant, "Play the song!"


For a moment, Dongwoo and Hoya stand together, unable to hide their excitement that their hard work has paid off. Finally, Dongwoo says to the teacher. With that, the teacher turns on her computer and plays the song. The sound fills the room and the class erupts into cheers as they listen to Dongwoo and Hoya's masterpiece. Everyone is impressed, and even the teacher compliments the song, saying how great it is. After the song ends, the class gives Dongwoo and Hoya a standing ovation.


As the class settles down, Dongwoo and Hoya sit back down at their seats, beaming from the cheers of their classmates. They share a moment to take it all in and give each other a high five.


With a grin, Hoya says, "We did it, Dongwoo. We did it." 


"Yeah," Dongwoo agrees, "I guess we did. But this isn't the end. We gotta do another one. I've got another beat I've been working on." He added.


Hoya just smiles and shrugs. "Yeah, maybe I'll write something for that." He says, with a smirk.


"For now," Dongwoo says, putting his arm around Hoya, "Let's enjoy our victory."


The two of them settle in for a moment and watch as their classmates share their feedback for their song. The compliments and praise are making them so happy, but Dongwoo and Hoya are soaking in all of it. After what seems like an eternity of compliments from their classmates and teacher, everyone finally settles down. 

Dongwoo and Hoya look at each other and share a smile.

As Dongwoo and Hoya get settled back into their desks, Dongwoo has a thought. He has been thinking about Hoya for some time now. He looks over at him, sitting silently at his desk, and thinks to himself,


"I can't keep this to myself." He then decides to take action and begin writing a song for Hoya, a love song.


That afternoon, he brings his notebook back home and spends hours working on the lyrics. He puts his entire heart and soul into the song, making sure every line captures his feelings for Hoya.

Dongwoo reads the song over and over again, thinking about the moment that he shares it with Hoya. Finally, he decides that he has it perfect and is ready to play it for Hoya. The next day, he walks into class and sits next to Hoya, waiting for the right moment. 


Dongwoo finally takes a deep breath and says, "Hey, Howon- Hoya..., I wanted to share something with you." Hoya looks over at Dongwoo, who looks very nervous. "I wrote a song," Dongwoo says, "And it's for you."


Hoya's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He is shocked that Dongwoo has written a love song for him. "A song for me?" Hoya says, "Are you serious?" 


Dongwoo nods in response. "Yes, totally serious," He says. "I spent all of last night writing it. I just felt like I had to tell you the way I feel." 


Hoya is at a loss for words. He is touched that Dongwoo would write a song for him and can't wait to hear it.


"Show me," He says. "I need to see it right now."


Dongwoo nods and reaches for his notebook on his desk. He flips through the pages and stops on the one with the lyrics of the song.


"Take a look at this," Dongwoo says to Hoya. "It's a lyrics to a song I wrote." Hoya is intrigued and leans in to see the lyrics. He immediately notices that the lyrics are filled with phrases of love and affection. 


After a moment, Hoya looks at Dongwoo and says, "Where did you get these ideas from?" Dongwoo just smiles and says, "I just wrote what was on my mind."


Hoya smiles back at Dongwoo and then looks at the lyrics again. There is no doubt in his mind that Dongwoo wrote this about him. He feels like his heart is going to burst out of his chest. 


"Can I..." Hoya starts to ask, but Dongwoo cuts him off. "You can have this," Dongwoo says, pushing the notebook in Hoya's direction.


"I wrote it especially for you." He continue. Hoya's eyes go wide.


"You're kidding, right?" Hoya asks. "You wrote this about me?"


Dongwoo nods his head and says sincerely, "I did. You know how I've been thinking about you for a while now. Well, this song is just one way to express my feelings to you." He watches closely as Hoya takes the notebook and looks at the lyrics. 


"I was thinking about you constantly when I wrote this." Dongwoo adds.


Hoya is in absolute shock and turns to Dongwoo. "Is this really for me?" He asks. Dongwoo nods and says, "Yes, it really is."


Hoya smiles and looks down at the lyrics again as he processes what has just happened. A love song written just for him, by the boy he has been falling for the past few months.

Dongwoo sits quietly next to Hoya, waiting for a reaction. Hoya's silence is making Dongwoo nervous.


But then Hoya finally looks at him and says, "I didn't expect this from you." Then Hoya is silent again as he takes in the lyrics of the song.


Dongwoo's heart thumps loudly in his chest. He's been waiting and nervously predicting Hoya's reaction, but his heart is racing at this moment of truth. He can't help but bite his lip as he looks at Hoya, waiting for him to say something else. 


After what feels like an eternity, Hoya turns to Dongwoo and says, "I have something to confess as well." Dongwoo's eyes go wide as he looks at Hoya. "Oh, really?" He says in excitement way.


Hoya nods and says, "Yes."


Before thay, Hoya suddenly hears someone calling out Dongwoo's name, and the voice sounds familiar.


He looks up and sees Sungjong, a fellow classmate of his and Dongwoo's. "Hey, Dongwoo hyung!" Sungjong yells.


Dongwoo looks over at Sungjong, but then turns back to Hoya, wanting to hear what he has to confess. But, Hoya is quiet and seems preoccupied with the lyrics of the song. 


Suddenly, Sungjong taps on Dongwoo's shoulder, "hyung, I need to talk to you now."


Dongwoo reluctantly turns his attention towards Sungjong, leaving Hoya to look at his lyrics.


"What's up, Sungjong?" Dongwoo asks.


Sungjong looks around the classroom and checks to make sure no one is listening. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asks. "Of course, what's up?" Dongwoo says.


Sungjong leans towards Dongwoo and whispers, "It's about Hoya." Dongwoo's eyes go wide. "Hoya?... What about him?" He whispers back.


"Hoya is leaving," Sungjong whispers.


Dongwoo looks shocked and worried at the same time. "Hoya?... Leaving? Why? When?" He asks.


"His family is moving," Sungjong says. "They already found a new house. So, I guess he won't be coming to school next week." He pauses and then adds, "And I've heard that they're moving very far away, so we won't be seeing him ever again."


Dongwoo looks over at Hoya, sitting at his desk and listening quietly to the conversation between Dongwoo and Sungjong. He doesn't want to interrupt, but he is worried now about Hoya leaving.


"Why didn't Hoya say anything?" Dongwoo asks. 


Sungjong shrugs his shoulder. "He said that he wants to keep it a secret." He then adds, "I don't know why." Dongwoo nods quietly and turns to look at Hoya again. 


Dongwoo and Hoya lock eyes, but Hoya quickly looks back down at his lyrics.


Dongwoo is left wondering, why did Hoya want to keep this a secret? He looks over at Hoya, reading the lyrics of the song. And then he decides to do something very brave. 

Dongwoo walks over to Hoya, leans over the desk next to him, and whispers the words directly to Hoya's ear. 


"Don't leave me... I've found the one thing in life that I need..."


After he whispers that in Hoya's ear, he quickly backs away and stands up, awaiting Hoya's reaction.


Hoya looks up from the lyrics and immediately looks at Dongwoo. He is speechless, but his expression is one of shock and joy.


"Those were your words... right?" Hoya asks. Dongwoo nods.


"Yes." He says. "I couldn't let you leave without telling you how I really feel about you." 


The whole class is silent as they watch and listen to Dongwoo and Hoya's interaction. Even Sungjong and the rest of the class can't believe what just happened. They all look at each other with surprised looks on their faces.

Hoya looks at Dongwoo again and the two of them lock eyes again in silence. Then, Hoya finally says, "I..."


"I won't leave..." Hoya says. Dongwoo surprised at Hoya's words.


"Wait... Really? You don't?" Dongwoo asks.


"Yes, I've made up my mind. I'm not going anywhere," Hoya says, "especially if it means I would miss your beautiful face everyday." 


The two of them remain silent, holding each other's gaze. The whole class is quiet, watching them with the anticipation of what happens next.


Suddenly, Hoya remembers something that he forgot to tell Dongwoo. "Oh, there's something else I need to tell you." Hoya says.


"What's that?" Dongwoo asks.


"My family... we aren't actually moving," Hoya says. 


Dongwoo is confused, "But... I thought... Then, Sungjong-" 


"You fell for it," Hoya chuckles. "I wanted to see how you would react to the news of me leaving. I guess I got my answer." Hoya says, looking at Dongwoo with a smirk and wink of his eye.


Sungjong laughs, then Dongwoo laughs at having fallen for Hoya's little trick. "You..... I thought it was legit." He says while blush.


Hoya nods, "Ha, I suppose. I did told him to do that. But now, now you know how I feel. I want us to be together." 


Dongwoo nods with a smile, "Me too." He says. And the two of them share another moment of eye contact, both of them knowing that this is the start of a new chapter, as both their feelings have now been disclosed.


As the school bell rings and everyone returns to their desks, the class settles down and begins to resume their conversations. Dongwoo and Hoya remain silent as they look at one another.


After a moment, Hoya leans over and smiles at Dongwoo. "So, you want to hear the rest of that song, right?" He grins.


Dongwoo nods his head excitedly. "Yeah! Let's hear it." He says.


Hoya laughs and quickly pulls out a set of earpiece from his backpack. He plugs the earpiece into his phone and presses play to start the song. Then shares with Dongwoo.









A/N : I hope that is not cringe as i used to make XD ! Happy end for YaDong! Hooray! Hooray! I'll be busy for school assignment this week! I hope everyone have a wonderful days and happy as always! Stay healthy, babe<3! Thank you! Love you mwaah!<3



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696 streak #1
Chapter 3: sunggyu being wishy-washy😅