Part 7: U-Kwon

The Childbirth Scenarios: Block B


Little droplets dampen your hair as you stand underneath of the enormous tree as cool rain drips from the fresh green leaves in patters all around you. You wrap your arms tightly around your torso and glance up at the gray sky peeking between the scattered leaves. Cool air washes over your skin as pounding footsteps draw your attention away from the teary sky.

“Aish, I’m sorry I took so long! Could you believe the nearest convenience store didn’t even sell umbrellas?” Your husband rushes towards you with a bright red umbrella clutched in his hand, the color standing out against the dismal afternoon. U-Kwon smiles when he reaches you and his breath comes in a rush.

“You didn’t have to get me an umbrella,” you say as he pops open the umbrella, struggling with the device for a few minutes. “I told you I like the rain.”

He shakes his head in protest and hurriedly holds the umbrella over your head, absentmindedly your damp hair with his free hand. His lips part slightly and form a sheepish smile. “I couldn’t let you get wet, especially when you’ve got a little one to think about. You can’t just get sick whenever.” He lets his fingers drop lower and brush over your growing stomach tenderly.

You smile at his gentle touch as he moves to link your fingers together, tugging you out from beneath the tall tree. Your pace matches as you follow the winding sidewalk trailing throughout the scenic park. Right foot, then left, as if to say the two of you were really the perfect match.

“I guess you’re right, I really should pay more attention to my health if it’s not just me that I’m focusing on.” He pouts and nods his head vigorously.

“Exactly! I wouldn’t be able to stand it if something happened to either of you so you have to promise me you’ll be more careful, okay?” You nod quickly in response and smile at his sincere expression. He was too cute when he was upset by something so trivial.

“I’ll try my best, though there’s not much I can do about the weather,” you tease, looking up at the gray sky. Your feet splash through the small puddles forming on the sidewalk and little droplets sprinkle onto your toes.

“Yeah, I guess your right. The weatherman said it was supposed to be sunny today!” U-Kwon frowns and gives the sky above you a cursory glance, as if angry with the clouds themselves. You giggle softly and loop your arm through his, resting your head against his shoulder as you continue your leisurely stroll.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t head back home soon?” He asks, worry etched into his features. You shake your head quickly and lead him forward along the path.

“No way, I’m enjoying this too much. It feels so nice, being out here with you. Plus, I like to think that the baby needs some fresh air, what with being cooped up in my tummy all of the time.” He grins in response and nods, giving your stomach a small glance. You can see the happiness in his eyes when he gazes at the bump. You know the feeling; that wonderful love you already share with your child seems to be showing itself more and more often.

“Fine, but if you start to feel sick or tired I want you to tell me right away, arasso?” You nod reluctantly and follow his footsteps down the sidewalk, admiring the rain drenched scenery surrounding the two of you.

“Thank you for taking me out today,” you say quietly. “And for the umbrella.” U-Kwon smiles sheepishly and pecks his lips softly against your forehead before pressing them against your own.

“No problem, I’m having a great time. Besides…” He smoothes your hair out of your eyes and props the umbrella against your shoulder, his free hand pressing gently against the bulge of your stomach.

“I’d do anything for my little family.” 

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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ this is just too cute! You should do a Vixx one~ I love these!!
Chapter 4: awwwww pyo jihoon is too adorable!! (///∇///)
and i love zico's story too!! so sweet~~~ ^____^
Chapter 1: park kyuuuung! :3
Chapter 3: If all the man in the world can be like P.O. in this story, I would definitely consider getting married. HAHAHA P.O.'s too adorable!
Pyoziho #5
so cute hehe. make some more of this ^^
Chapter 2: Cute and fluffy. I really can't find the right words to describe my feelings...
Chapter 7: Awwww they're all too cute! Kyung's the cute pushy daddy, poor Jaehyo for having so crappy in-laws though :\ but still Ahn Jaehyo is AWESOME so Fck off stoopid in-laws! P.O's such a cute baby daddy, it's Luke he's the one one his first day of pre-school! ZICOO I LOVE YOUU, he is so frigging sweet!! Lol B-Bomb's "blackmail" XD He's too cute with the cam :3 Taeil's so choosy with the colors! U-Kwon's such a sweet boy, I loved his ending, Perfect <3
T-O-P-oppa #8
AIGOOO! P.O's is soooo cute!I was grinning like a fool the whole time!
And I wanna hear zico sing but properly not like boo! Kekeke!
Awwwh!~ Its all so cute, sweet & romantic at the same time!!
I really loved U-Kwon's!! xD
WAAAHH ZICO!!! i would like to have one like that!!!! JUST SO CUTE!! MINHYUK!! aahh so cute also!!arrgg kill me now!!