Part 3: P.O

The Childbirth Scenarios: Block B


“But…but what if the other kids ? She’s so little and innocent, she’s got that push over look on her face. I mean just look at her little puffy cheeks! What if she gets hurt? I have to be near her to make sure I can protect her at all times. If I’m not there and something happens…” P.O bites his protruding bottom lip harshly, frowning as he watches your daughter run around carelessly with the little group of kids around the playground. Sunbeams reflect off of the brightly colored equipment as she laughs joyfully, squealing as another little girl gives her a light but sturdy push to help her down the slide.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine. She’s strong,” you say, your words holding a teasing tone as you link your arm through his. His frown doesn’t leave his face though and his eyes keep their gaze focused on the face of your daughter.

“Hey, pabo, you have to let her grow up sometime. Besides, this is just preschool; there’s no need to get yourself all worked up yet. We’ve got a few years left before we have to worry about her growing up and leaving us for good.” He remains silent for a few moments, a pout permanently etched into his features. You sigh tiredly in defeat and shake your head with a wry smile.

“You act like you’re the baby here,” you tease, lacing his fingers with yours. He mumbles something under his breath and you nudge his shoulder slightly. “Yah, what was that?” He finally meets your eyes and gives you the saddest look you’ve ever seen him show.

“She’s my little baby, I can’t just let her go like that!” His expression breaks and you hug him tightly, fighting back your giggles.

“She’s not moving out, it’s just a day at preschool. She’ll be back in a few hours.” He sniffles against your shoulder and you let out a breathy laugh. “I swear, you’re the biggest crybaby I’ve ever met. You’d think your daughter would be the sad one here but no, it’s her big bad appa.” He chuckles slightly and keeps his arms locked around your waist with his head buried against your shoulder.

The teacher passes by as she begins to round up the kids and raises her eyebrows at P.O. “Is he…okay?” She whispers to you. “Some parents tend to take it a little hard. Do you want to stay and watches the kids play for a little while?”

You laugh and shake your head softly. “He’ll be fine eventually, he’s just a little upset about her leaving on her own for a little bit. He’s a bit of a baby himself.” She nods in understanding as P.O lifts his head and frowns.

“I am not,” he protests, though his slightly quivering bottom lip and glimmering eyes suggest otherwise.  You nod quickly and giggle.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say honey.” He turns back to face your daughter again and an adorable little smile lights up his face as she waves eagerly to the two of you. He returns her wave and seems satisfied with the interaction before suddenly spinning around to face the teacher.

“You’re positive she’ll be okay, right?” The teacher’s mouth opens and closes for a moment in shocked silence. “Right?” She nods in response to P.O’s frantic tone and he smiles in relief. “Good.”

He shuffles around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a piece of paper covered in his familiar sloppy scrawl. “This is our phone number in case anything happens while were gone. It’s also her favorite foods, television shows, and bedtime stories. Also, any food allergies and possible future allergies that haven’t been discovered yet are listed at the bottom. Oh one more thing; these are her least favorite foods and pet peeves. She’ll get particularly cranky if one of these things happen to be even mentioned.” The teacher stares at the paper in obvious surprise as she looks up at P.O questioningly. He simply grins in response, obviously proud of his hard work and determination to protecting his baby no matter what.

“She’ll be gone for three hours max,” you mutter in exasperation, grabbing his forearm and dragging him away from the shocked teacher. You give her an apologetic smile before saying a final goodbye to your daughter. You have to physically drag your husband away from the little playground and shove him towards the car before you can finally go.

“You’re hopeless,” you say to him as he pouts unhappily. He sighs and gives you a small quirky smile.

“But…aren’t I a great dad?” He asks hopefully, eyes shining. You laugh and nod, kissing his cheek softly.

“You’re the best.” 

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Chapter 7: Ahhh~ this is just too cute! You should do a Vixx one~ I love these!!
Chapter 4: awwwww pyo jihoon is too adorable!! (///∇///)
and i love zico's story too!! so sweet~~~ ^____^
Chapter 1: park kyuuuung! :3
Chapter 3: If all the man in the world can be like P.O. in this story, I would definitely consider getting married. HAHAHA P.O.'s too adorable!
Pyoziho #5
so cute hehe. make some more of this ^^
Chapter 2: Cute and fluffy. I really can't find the right words to describe my feelings...
Chapter 7: Awwww they're all too cute! Kyung's the cute pushy daddy, poor Jaehyo for having so crappy in-laws though :\ but still Ahn Jaehyo is AWESOME so Fck off stoopid in-laws! P.O's such a cute baby daddy, it's Luke he's the one one his first day of pre-school! ZICOO I LOVE YOUU, he is so frigging sweet!! Lol B-Bomb's "blackmail" XD He's too cute with the cam :3 Taeil's so choosy with the colors! U-Kwon's such a sweet boy, I loved his ending, Perfect <3
T-O-P-oppa #8
AIGOOO! P.O's is soooo cute!I was grinning like a fool the whole time!
And I wanna hear zico sing but properly not like boo! Kekeke!
Awwwh!~ Its all so cute, sweet & romantic at the same time!!
I really loved U-Kwon's!! xD
WAAAHH ZICO!!! i would like to have one like that!!!! JUST SO CUTE!! MINHYUK!! aahh so cute also!!arrgg kill me now!!