
2-Joon, 엠블랙 & 비스트

sneak peak of a the story, 3Jun (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*♥:・゚✧

PART I: "I told you I'd win Joonie-ah", I teasingly remarked showing off the gold medal we had won during the spirit completion; I had brought a victory upon MBLAQ after Mir childishly blasted at BEAST and with style lost his 100 meter run. It was childish but cute, so no one really minded. "Joonie-Hyung, come on", Doo Joon began to tug my hand as I protested in my aeygo and sat in my chair. But he was firm and stubborn, as he continued to tug on my hand. We firmly held each others hand as I was defeated and walk towards the bathroom together. I was slightly unsure of why we were going, but nevertheless it was with Doo Joon; so I honestly didn't mind.

PART II: "Joonie-ah!", as Junhyung tugged on Doo Joon's arm, grabbing onto the fabric of the leader's jacket. Doo Joon continued to walk as did the remaining member's of Beast, Junghyung was clearly in the mood to annoy Doo Joon again, but Junghyung knew his leader would give in sooner or later to his protest. But the leader refused to stop walking and the deidcated rapper refuse to stop being stubborn.

"Joonie!", he cooed again, this time in slight aeygo. It wasn't like Junhyung to perform aegyo, actually he hated it completely, but it always caught Doo Joon's attention as the handsome male turned to him. Junhyung slyly smirked, as he had won clearly, but behind his shades, his eye's were smiling. Doo Joon frowned at the smirk, feeling as though it was another cry from attention, but it really was.

"can we get ice-cream?", he asked childishly and innocently, almost. Doo Joon sighed and agreed to take him out after 8 P.M, when the rest were in bed, unsure why his best friend and practical dongsaeng always craved attention, especially from him. But the truth was, Doo Joon had always been fair towards 's, but recently he was abit distant from Junhyung and he felt guilty. Giving into his attentions cry where probably the best way to avoid the guilt he felt.

PART III: "I know what you did that night!", he bluntly stated causing his leader to stop on his tracks and turn to his dongsaeng, as saliva burned down the pit of his throat when he swallowed. He knows? Doo Joon, thought, slightly horrified that his secret was caught.

PART IV: "do you love him?", I do, Junhyung sighed, glancing down and for the first time felt his facial warming up. It was odd for the rapper but he couldn't help but to feel slightly confused, did he actually love him? The answer felt wrong, because suddenly his mind began to chart both their good points and flaws, Junghyung suddenly realized, that wasn't the correct answer as he glanced up and re-declared his answer, "No, I love both of them!", now, he, Junghyung himself, was satisfied.


Leave comments and subscription, support! regarding if I should make a squel to this one-shot, 3Jun. I'LL BE WORKING ON THIS VERY SOON!

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satrina7 #1
Chapter 4: yes sequel!!!!!
tsukiyama #2
Chapter 4: sequel, please~ >w</
Woah !
oh? i thought you posted the sequel already...:(
where is it? where ist? no soon...now...
young-gee #5
pls make it longer :)
seouldesu #6
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*♥:・゚✧ of course!
i knew it! ang hell yeah 3JUN woohoooo don't forget to leave me the link on my wall once you post the story oka??
ngeee okay that was...hot!
some1 caught them so i guess another jun?
wow! 2Joon ^^
Update pweaseeee !