
2-Joon, 엠블랙 & 비스트

Regardless, I managed to sleep some how with Doo Joon and woke up rubbing the edges of my eye's to see Doo Joon missing from the bedside. I brought my weight to my elbows and sat up, narrowing my eye's to examine where he could have went. He came out the shower down the hallway and was ruffling his towel against his head as he re-entered the room, locking it behind him. He turned to me with a smile as he placed the towel behind his neck.

"Joonie-Hyung, your up", he cooed softly. I smiled abit and nodded, glancing to my side at the time, the digital clock reading, 9:35 A.M. I yawn slightly and glance back at him, saying in between my exhaustion,

"Yah, Joonie-ah, I should head home now ---",

"you don't want to have breakfast with us?", Doo Joon interrupted as I assumed everyone was already at the table. I scratched the back of my neck and agreed, unable to see a frown on his plump beautiful lips. He smiled and went towards his cabinet pulling out clean and spare undergarments for me as I insisted that the clothes from last night were fine. He nods and leaves towards the kitchen to join the other's as I step into his shower and take a quick cool shower. 

"Joonie-Hyung!", Yoseob cooed, as the visual maknae instantly reminded me of Mir, I smiled and joined him as he eagerly pointed towards his left to sit beside him on the empty space. I greeted everyone as we all ate Kongnamul Bab, Bean Sprout Rice with chopsticks and waffles as well as a cup of coffee to start the day. Doo Joon smiled at me from across the table as he was impressed how easily I adjusted myself with Beast, but the truth was, Beast and MBLAQ were very close, so this wasn't the first nor last time I was visiting the dorm, but this was my first breakfast.

"Joonie-Hyung", I heard a muffle tone coming from Hyunseung as he took the chopsticks out his mouth, I rose a brow curiously, uhm?

"How come you came over so late and stayed over?", everyone's eye's slowly lifted off their dishes and curiously glared at me, not suspicious but just curious. I continued to chew, thinking of an appropriate response but was saved by Doo Joon, as he took a sip of his coffee, stating afterwards,

"Joonie-Hyung, needed help with an assignment again...", he stated and savoriness took another sip of his coffee. Everyone's eye's returned back to their dishes along with a lingering smile. They knew I was taking a similar course with Doo Joon at KHCU so, this wasn't surprising at all. I sighed in content, relieved as I too drank my coffee in peace. I felt Junghyung's eye's lingering me even though he was chewing on his waffles. I chose to ignore it, as lately tension was building between us. I remembered my last encounter with him, when he assumed Doo Joon had changed due to popularity. I was also a target in the conversation, as Beast assumed I had changed too due to popularity. I recall going down the studio as he approached me and I simply greeted him with a "Hi", then left; but that must have offended him apparently? Because the media was on my case about it, as I questioned, what I did wrong. Yoseob, suggested, I should have giving the dongsaeng, a hug.

I placed my cup down on the table and declared,

"Yeh, Joonie-ah, I have to get going now, remember we have a schedule today", as he continued to chew on his waffles and stared at me, slightly confused now. Dongwoon instantly gripped his hands and began to slightly fangirl, informing his leader, on what I was talking about.

"Hyung, we have Idol Champion this coming week, we need to go to rehearsal", as Yoseob instantly came in and began to fangirl as well. I chuckled at the two maknae's and tilted my head towards the door as I stood up. Doo Joon stood also and everyone assumed as leader it was his obligation to lead me out the doorway, as we both made our way out. I slightly felt uncomfortable feeling as though Junhyung was still glaring at me from the corner of his eyes. Aish, I thought, as this was still irritating me now.

Standing in the hallway and beside the doorway, he smile at me presently and slightly leans in. I lean in also, making the effort twice as effective as we merely peak softly against each others lips. My smile widens as I rose a brow asking,

"let's see who wins at Idol Champion?", I smirk tauntingly.

"I've already won", he cooed smoothly.



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satrina7 #1
Chapter 4: yes sequel!!!!!
tsukiyama #2
Chapter 4: sequel, please~ >w</
Woah !
oh? i thought you posted the sequel already...:(
where is it? where ist? no
young-gee #5
pls make it longer :)
seouldesu #6
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*♥:・゚✧ of course!
i knew it! ang hell yeah 3JUN woohoooo don't forget to leave me the link on my wall once you post the story oka??
ngeee okay that!
some1 caught them so i guess another jun?
wow! 2Joon ^^
Update pweaseeee !