Haru and Lee go missing!

Saints Row

((Note! This after what happens to Maero's face in one of the missions)) 


Early in the morning,Haru was woke up by Lee so the two of them can go eat breakfast while the others were on a mission since last night with Shandi and Carlos. They had completely forgotten about the girl they met yesterday but unbeknownst to them was that Maero and three other brotherhood members were following them,the girl had told him where he could find either Haru or Lee.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Lee was walking back to the hideout as Haru went to open his store while on the phone with Carter when he was grabbed by the Brotherhood and the Ronim. On the other end of the phones, Cater and Lucas could hear their friends struggles as they yelled into the phone at the same time. "Haru?! Are you guys okay?! Hello?!" But it was just silence,that's when they knew something was wrong when the call ended only for Lucas to get a call from Maero's girl, Jessica. Carter tried to call them back but it went straight to voice-mail. "Lucas,call Gat and the others! Haru and Lee are missing!" Carter Said and Lucas nodded before calling the others as they ran towards the hideout to formulate a plan to get them back only to run into the girl again. She had a devious smile on her face which angered Cater and Lucas. "You know where our friends are,don't you?" Carter yelled but the girl just smirked. "Carlos knows where they are too. But the three of them are currently with Maero and Shogo by now" That just sent Cater and Lucas's anger through the roof. "Take us to them...NOW!" The girl gave a pleading look to Lucas but he just turned his head to the side causing the girl to scoff. "Fine! Follow me!"


To be continued....


(Carter called Haru and Lucas called Lee)



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