The Saints Princess?!

Saints Row

"Lee,relax. We will figure something out." Haru muttered to Lee, he knew very well that Carter and Lucas were going to come looking for them. About twenty to thirty minutes ago a girl calling herself the Saints Princess was yelling at them,she had nearly tricked everyone in the store that Haru and Lee were at. A lot costumers were blocking the door to prevent them from leaving. "Lee,why don't you go and call the others?" He whispered to Lee who just nodded and took out his phone dialing the others as Haru slowly looked over the girl's facial features then coming to conclusion. "You're not part of the Saints. If you were,then you would have recognized us as Saints." He said, glaring at the girl as the costumers that believed her slowly started losing trust in her. "I am a Saint!" The girl screeched loudly,causing Haru to cover his ears. "And I thought my music was loud." A few minutes later, Lucas and Carter came running in and started at the girl who was still screaming. "Who's she?" Carter asked,Jae and Lee both shrugged before walking over to the two. "She says she's the 'Saints Princess'." Lee growled out. "What?! There's no such thing as a 'Saints Princess'!" Lucas said, nearly yelling. "Can we just go now guys? She's about to bust my eardrums." Haru whined as the others nodded and left the store,leaving the girl who almost followed them if the cashier didn't stop her. The four of them had finally returned to the Saints hideout, Haru and Lee went to their rooms to get a bit of sleep while Lucas and Carter flopped on the couch in the living room to rest.


To be continued...


((A bit of chaos to start the book off XD))



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