Chapter 2

Eye contact

~Kim Minhee’s POV~

“Aish! How can I fall asleep during break? At the canteen.” I ruffled my hair and rubbed my eyes as I woke up from the short nap.

My stomach growled signalling that it needed immediate attention. I looked at my pink watch and my eyes widened when I realised I only had 5 minutes left. As I placed my hand on the table for support to get up, I saw a strawberry bun. I looked around to see if it was someone else’s but it seemed that no one wanted to claim it. I just shrugged.

I saw a pink post-it attached to the packet and it read:
“Minhee-ah, firstly, I hope you don’t mind me dropping the formalities. Secondly, I saw you sleeping and was sure you haven’t eaten. I decided to buy you a bun and here it is a strawberry bun since I noticed that you like pink a lot. Thirdly, eat up and don’t starve yourself. It’s not healthy. Lastly, don’t study too much and stress yourself. Hwaiting! ^^”

I smiled. I wondered who the caring and thoughtful soul was. I rushed to class while munching on the bun.

-After school-

“Ahh, that bun helped me survived through lessons.” I rubbed my tummy as I went down the stairs.

I would be alone since everyone went home while I stayed back to study more. The canteen was empty except for the a few people who were still lingering around. I bought food and sat down at one of the last rows.

I ate quietly while focusing on my food. Suddenly, there was a shadow before me. Then I heard the bench moved and sensed the presence of someone in sitting in front of me. I sipped the soup on my spoon and wiped the corners of my lips before looking up.

I was taken aback when I found out who it was.

Lee Byunghun.

His hair was wet with sweat most probably because he just played sports. My eyes followed the droplet of sweat that trickled down from his forehead to his jawline and then vanished.

He chuckled. “Done staring?”

I looked away to hide my flushed cheeks due to embarrassment.

He chuckled again and greeted me, “Hi Minhee, how are you?”

Is Lee Byunghun talking to me now? I must be dreaming. I pinched my thighs and winched in pain. I came back to reality and replied, “I-I’m fine. N-never been better.”

There was an awkward silence before he decided to break the silence, “So… Why are you still in school?”

I took a deep breath before answering his question, “Well, I was studying alone in class. I’m going leave after I grab my stuff when I’m done eating.”

“Oh, really? I’m going home myself. Do you mind if I walk you home?”


~Lee Byunghun’s POV~

“Phew that was smooth,” I whispered while waiting for her at the gate.

“Sorry… for taking… so long,” she panted while trying to catch her breath.

“Nah, it’s okay. Come, pass me your books.”

Before she could protest, I had already snatched her books away. I blocked off all her protests and she ended up giving in.

We had mini conversation throughout the journey. I found out that she was an easy person to get along with. I could see her warming up to me… Which was a good sign right?

I didn’t realise we were already in front of her house until she said, “Urm Byunghun-shi, we’re here Thanks for carrying my books and walking me home. Have a safe trip home.”

Her smile sent me to heaven. As she was about to enter I called out, “Minhee-ah, firstly, do you mind dropping the formalities and just call me Byunghun. Secondly…” I rubbed the back of my neck and continued, “Can I have your number? Please?”

She walked towards me with a soft smile on her face and grabbed my cell phone that was in my hands and started punching in her number.

I thanked her and bid goodbye. I left with a big wide grin on my face that I thought I looked like a lunatic. I looked at her number and changed the name into “Princess <3”.

I was about to keep my cell phone away when I realised I forgot to tell her the last thing.


~Minhee POV~

I was smiling to myself while recalling the events of earlier today when suddenly my message tone made me jump in shock and come back to reality.

From: unknown number
“Minhee, this is Byunghun. The last thing I want to tell you is…”



Hello again!

Alright~! 2ND chapter is up.

Just perfect it already 15th March.

Next possible update: 15/03/2012 at a later time

I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight! :)




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awwww~ BYUNGGIE really likes her~ :3
l.joe.i love him !!!!
so sweet. :)
This is just awesome. Its so cute and makes me smile by myself...
Aww! Damn cute! I'm practically hyperventilating out of overloading cuteness~!=D
ASDFGHJKL! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, THIS IS WHY I LOVE LJOE NOT LIKE HIM. :'D i like this! like this yo like this. *dances to Wonder Girls's like this :P* xD
WAHHH that was so cuuuteeeeee!
sequel!!!! sequel!!!!!! please? hehe ^^
snowjoker #10
This is just so sweet. Hope there will be a sequel XD