Chapter 1

Eye contact


~Kim Minhee’s POV~

It’s been months since we last interacted. I remembered that moment very well. We would have mini conversations despite not knowing anything about each other excluding our names and the fact that we’re school mates of the same cohort. It was good while it lasted.


“So for tonight, the lucky duo would be Kim Minhee and Lee Byunghun!” the teacher announced.

At that moment, my mind went blank. Byunghun? Who is he again? Byung… Oh! That guy who borrowed a pen from me just now. Wait! This would be awkward. I don’t even know him!


I acted as composed as I can. He was right there in front of me, joining in the conversation with other school mates. Never once had I noticed him in school. Now that I’m THIS close to him, I was able to scrutinize him from the ends of his hair to the tip of his toe. His defined jawline and the two tiny moles under his left eye enhanced the perfection of his facial features. The glimmer of his eyes disappeared as his eyes curved up when he smiles, showing off his white, pearly teeth and healthy, pinkish gums.

Why haven’t I noticed this gorgeous being before? Without realising, I was dazed while looking at him. He turned to look at me and caught my eyes. We stared at each other for what seemed like hundred years.

Babo! Look away!

I was panicking because I know I was caught. However, the friendly smile he flashed calmed my nerves. I mirrored his smile with hesitation at first but when I was sure it was fine, my lips curved up naturally.

The whole night, we forgot the fact that we didn’t know each other. We were like friends who have known each other since forever. We talked and joked. We exchanged glances.


Now that everything was done, we were back to our normal selves. We act like we don’t know each other. I wonder… Where’s the friendship that we’d built during that night? I thought we were friends but then again that was just my THOUGHT.

I feel weird. Is it just me? Have I gone overboard with my feelings? It is really just me that really acknowledged the “marriage” bond we had and took it seriously?

I’m tired. My eyes followed his every move the moment he was in my sight. I anticipated everyday in school, hoping to see him. It has always been the same… We would have eye contact and exchange of shy smiles but never had we uttered a simple, “hi”.


~Lee Byunghun’s POV~

Months have passed since the “wedding”. That was the first time I ever had a girl linking her hands with me. Yes, I’ve never dated anyone despite being recognised by the girls in the school. I flirt but I don’t date. That’s inevitable in a teenage boy’s life.

The memories were still fresh in my head. The moment I heard that it was Minhee that was going to be my “bride”, I was stunned. I’ve only interacted once with her. It wasn’t even a proper conversation.


I needed a pen for the tabulation of marks but I realised I had forgotten to bring one. I was looking at everyone thinking of the possibility that they might have a pen at that second until I saw Minhee with her bag slung around her.

“Urm, excuse me Minhee-shi, do you have a pen now? Can you lend it to me, please?” I asked as I approached her.

“Oh, sure sure. Wait a second.”

I stood in front of her while waiting for her to dig for a pen in her bag. Unconsciously, my eyes traced over her features. She has big, round bambi eyes and smooth milky skin. I figured it was a habit of hers to pout her lips and close one eye when she’s focused on searching or determined to get something.


Things seemed to get awkward now. We don’t talk. I would return her smile when she smiled at me or vice-versa. I tried not to get caught by my friends or they would tease me.

Every time I saw her during break, there’s this distinct feeling that enveloped me. My heart thumped fast as if I just completed a triathlon race. At the same time, I felt calm. My eyes coulnld’t help stealing glances at her. As long as she’s in my vision, her every movement was amplified.

Sometimes while staring at her, she would catch me. Many people would start swearing and cursing at themselves for being caught. However, I would look away with a wide smile due to the fact that I caught her staring at me too. That’s a big deal to me. Just knowing she noticed me could send me flying to the sky.

So it’s not just me right? Feeling this incredible feeling?

Here I am again scanning the cafeteria for any possible signs of her. I saw her, as usual, sitting at one of the last few benches at the back while chatting animatedly with hand gestures and smile that reached her ears. There, again, the warm feeling engulfed me. I wonder how she was able to keep on smiling in spite of the fact that she was having a hard time trying to cope with studies. This, I got to know through her twitter account.

“Stop staring or you’ll pierce her with the intensity of your stare,” Chunji nudged me and continued, “Just confess already.”

Chunji knew that I had developed strong feelings for Minhee. He’s my best friend after all.

“Nah, I don’t think I would risk that move,” I replied with a dejected sigh.

Deep down, I knew I had to do something. Actually, I have a confession to make: I’ve my eyes on Minhee for quiet sometime now. The “wedding” was as if a moment in life telling me to go for it. I’m just afraid of being rejected.



Hello! seems like it's gonna be three shots at most. 

next possible update: 15/3/2012



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awwww~ BYUNGGIE really likes her~ :3
l.joe.i love him !!!!
so sweet. :)
This is just awesome. Its so cute and makes me smile by myself...
Aww! Damn cute! I'm practically hyperventilating out of overloading cuteness~!=D
ASDFGHJKL! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, THIS IS WHY I LOVE LJOE NOT LIKE HIM. :'D i like this! like this yo like this. *dances to Wonder Girls's like this :P* xD
WAHHH that was so cuuuteeeeee!
sequel!!!! sequel!!!!!! please? hehe ^^
snowjoker #10
This is just so sweet. Hope there will be a sequel XD