Miss Princess is actually a MAID!

Miss Princess is actually a MAID!

"And another prize won by our school's perfect student, Jin Nayung. Please come and get your reward again." The principal called out while announcing the school's prize winner.

You happily got up from your seat and went up stage, "Congratulations, Nayung." Your principal called out while shooking your hand, you'd just smile. "Thank you, Mr. Shin." You bowed 180 degrees and accepted your prize.

Smiling to the cameraman, some students scowled at your perfection. Miyoung, on the other hand was furious. She gritted her teeth and curled her hand up into a tight fist.

*I'll beat you one day, Nayung. You can't keep being the school's perfection or princess.* Can't take another minute anymore, she got up and left the auditorium.

Meanwhile, you came down from the stage and went back to your seat. Your two best friends. Juni and Sujin greeted you. "Ooh! You won another prize again, Nayung! I'm so jealous." Sujin fake a pout. You'd just smile at her.

"Aish. Stop acting all childish." Juni bumped her head with her notebook. "Ow!" Sujin pouted and rubbed her aching head. "See what she did to me?!" Sujin shouted.

The principal stopped announcing the news and stopped, stare right at you and your friends. *Crap. Not again, Sujin.* Your hands grew wet and you could felt everyone's pair of eyes were on the 3 of you.

"Mianhae! Please continue! I won't let this situation happen again!" You stood up and bowed to the principal. Sujin felt sorry again, and Juni slapped her arm, hard.

"Ow!" Sujin whined and stare at Juni, who was giving her the evil eye. Sujin just pouted and lowered her head, "Sorry."

You let out a sigh, as you knew how embarrassing this is right now. 


After the meeting with the principal, you walked around the hallways and to your locker. Twirled in your combination, and pulled open it. 

*Sigh. Sujin really has to stopped her yapping every once in a while.* You thought and shut your locker after taking out your needed books. 

As you were about to leave the hallways and attend first period, you heard a crying noise. A girl's crying, infact.

*Muh?* You went into action straight away, *It'd better not be a boy.* You thought and went into another hall, "Yah! Wha'ts going on?!" You snapped while turning into another hallway.

"You again!" You pointed your finger right straight at your school's rebel kingka, L. "Me?" L blinked at you. "Yes, you! I thought I warned you to not make any girls cry anymore?!" You shouted.

L just rolled his eyes, "It's not like I did anything wrong. I was just rejecting a confession." He said, in a no big deal way.

You shot him a glare and turn to the girl that was crying and running away now. You'd just sighed, "I don't get girls that wanted to confess to you. Whats so special about you?" You scratched your head and put a confused expression on.

L just smirked at you, "You'll be surprise, Jin Nayung." With that, he walked back to class for first period. You stood there, dumbfounded. "Aish! KIM MYUNGSOOOO!!!!" You yelled out loud down the hallways.

L didn't looked back, but just kept walking. A small smile came upon his face as he entered his class. You stomped your feet on the ground and storm back to your classroom.

You angrily sat on your seat and muttered out some strange words to yourself while staring at mid-air. *What's so special about that guy that made all the girls around here flipped?! Aish. Troublemaker. I don't like seeing girls cry or bullied.* You sighed and waited for your teacher to come.


The bell rang and you got up immediately. You picked up all your books and notes and place them into your bagpack, while walking out you tripped. "Waaahh!!" You crashed onto the floor.

"Oww." You whimpered and hissed out the pain that you're having. You looked up only to hear some girls snickering right at you, it was Miyoung and her gang. You really hated her with all your guts. You never like how she has been trying to steal your spot.

"Having a nice trip, Nayung?" Miyoung spat. You'd just got up and dusted your clothes, "No. I wasn't. Sorry. I should have been more careful." You bowed and walked out of the classroom.

"Damn it! Too innocent and sweet and pure!" One of her gangs hissed. Miyoung just glare at her, "Shut up." Miyoung went to the window side and saw you racing out of the gates crazily. *Where is she off to in such a hurry?* She wondered.

You race back home and got in your small little cottage home, "I'm home!" You yelled while taking off your shoes. "Oh, unnie is back, omma!" Your 10-year-old little sister, Naeun popped her head out of her bedroom. 

"I came home early is to help with the grocery." You went to dressed into your casual clothing and came out of your bedroom with a cap and your bagpack slung over your shoulder. "Omma." You went in the kitchen, only to see your mother working so hard to made more of her kimchis.

You softened at her hardwork, "Omma, you should rest." You put a hand on her shoulder. Your mom just looked at you and smile with a shook of her head. "Gwenchanna. We needed more money." 

"But, I can handle it omma. You don't need to work so hard." You suggested. She'd just shook her head, "No, I can't put all of your father's burden on you." Your mom smile.

"If only appa didn't left us with a big debt from those gangsters, I thought he got those money from his work." Naeun suddenly appeared behind you.

"Naeun! Don't say stuffs like that!" You hissed at her. Naeun just stuck her tongue out, "Its the truth!" "Now now, come and eat." Your mom made the two of you stopped and place her home-made kimchis on the table.

"Deh." You and Naeun bowed and sat down with your mother, prayed for the food and started to eat lunch. 

While eating halfway, Naeun suddenly remembered something. "Oh! Unnie, your boss just called when you were dressing up. She said she needed more help since today many customers arrived." Naeun calmly said. 

"Bwoh?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! I'm late!" You quickly ate finish the remaining kimchis in your bowl and got up. "Annyeong! I'll be going! Omma try resting more!" You yelled and went out of the kitchen and slipped on your sneakers and went out of your house and to the next bus stop.

Once the bus came, you immediately hopped on and told the ahjusshi your work place and find an empty seat. You waited for your stop and started to study a bit for your next exam while waiting on the bus.

Minutes passed, and finally it was your stop. You got off the bus and went to the back of the cafe and got in from the back door.

Once you have just dressed into your maid uniform, your boss suddenly appeared. "NAYUNGG~!" She screamed in a happy way. "WAAAHH!" You jumped from the sudden voice.

"Nayung?" Your boss tilted her head and stare at you with a puzzled look while you were pushing yourself onto your locker. You realized it was your boss and sighed, "Oh, it was just you, boss. You shouldn't have done that. It always scares me." You got off your locker.

Your boss just had to giggled, "Ah, mian. But, still, you always looked so cute." You turned embarrassed and just slipped on your apron. "I-I'm going to work now!" You went to the front and started to greet customers that came.

"Welcome home, master." You bowed as another customer came in, "Oh! Nayung, can I take my order?" A customer that has known you for long, called out.

"Deh, Mr. Ju." You immediately went his way after taking another customers order. 

"Waitress Nayung!"

"Waitress Nayung~" 


Many customers called you daily and you had to run around busily. Your boss watched you with care, "She's so hardworking. Even though she's just served 7 customers she's still putting a strong smile and still pushing herself to work harder. I'm lucky to have her." 

"Yeah." The other waitress workers of hers were happy too as they saw your hardworking-self. 

The sun goes down as you closed up the shop and greeted the last customer out, "Thank you for coming, master." You bowed and close the door and turn the sign to a closing sign.


"AAAAHH!!! Karin!! Gwenchanna?! OMO! You're BLEEDING!" You heard your boss yelled. You sprang into action and race back to the kitchen. 

"Karin!" You yelled at one of your waitress friend and stooped down to her side and pulled her arm to your side. It was bleeding, the glasses pierced her skins, but its a good thing none of it was stuck in her skin.

"Come. I'll clean this up, later." You lifted Karin up, "Gwenchanna, Nayung. We'll take over." Jina suggested and went to put on protective gloves.

You cleaned up Karin's wound and got up and stopped, "What happened?" You asked. Karin lowered your head, "I was just playing clumsy. I tried putting the glasses and taking out the garbage at the same time." 

"Karin! You know that is dangerous!" You snapped. Karin lowered her head, "I'm sorry, dongsaeng. I know that I've worried you." 

You just sighed and shooked your head, "Ah, gwenchanna. Just be more careful. Ara? I'll take out the garbage next time. Your strength isn't enough. I'll take over." You got up immediately and was about ot leave until Karin shouted, "You don't have to!"

You stopped and turn around, flashed a smile and said, "I want to." You got out of the room and went to throw the 2 heavy garbages.

"I'll take over." You said while picking both of it out, "Be careful, Nayung!" Your boss warned. "I got it." You shouted back and kicked the door open with your foot and lifted both of it out.

"Ugh. Heavy much?" You used all your might and tried pulling it, but it was too heavy. "Ahh! Come on!" You tried pulling it again but it was useless and soon you lose your grip and started to fall back.

"Omo!" You shouted as you fell into someone's arms instead of feeling the cold floor and pain, "Wow." You heard a familiar voice that you have heard in school.

You quickly scrambled up from his arms and spun around, your eyes widened. *No. It's him.* You felt as if your hopes has crashed and everything went along too.

Everything was moving so slow as the only person you could see was .... your school's rebel kingka, L. "So, our school's Miss Princess and Perfect is actually a maid. Nice." L smirked and walked passed you. 

You quickly got in the cafe and panted crazily, you replayed the scene all over again. *Andwae! I must be dreaming! This is all a dream! I would wake up and said, 'Wow! Neat dream!' Please! Let it be just a stupid dream!* You shut your eyes and pinched your cheek.

You felt the pain and opened your eyes, you were still at the cafe and you collasped onto the ground. "ANDWAEEEE!!!!!!" You shouted. 


1 chapter up! ^^ Hehe .. Don't know if its good, but yeah xD! 


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Chapter 5: Pls update~ This is such a cute fic~ New reader~ <3
Chapter 3: I love Kaichou Wa Maid Sama~ :D and I love your story too :3 I like how you make L a _______ed stalker xDD
Dreamgirl22 #3
Chapter 7: So happy thank you so much :D
Taehyun #4
Chapter 6: Yes ^^ update soon!
SuperRandomGurl98 #5
Chapter 6: YES. PLEASE DO :3
Loving your story update soon ^^
update soon~ haha! awww! it's L's birthday! <3 <3
Last comment! Update thanks for commenting my story ^^!