Chapter Twenty

Boyfriend for hire


Three months passed since Jungso started being my pretend boyfriend and lived with us. We both agreed not tell anyone that we were living together. It would only make the situation worse. He would act sweet towards me when we were with my friends and continued to tutor me.

He usually came home late because of his part-time jobs. I knew that because I had been secretly following him after class.

I did it not because I was concerned about him or anything but I just wanted to make sure that he isn't seen by anyone together with Youna or else we'd get caught and the whole charade would be over before it eve started.

Youna. That girl really annoyed me a lot.

She was always around Jungso even when Jungso told her a million times that I was his girlfriend. Jungso never told me who she was and I was afraid to ask because he was always in a bad mood when we were together.

I don't know what I did to him tat made him hate me so much.

If it wasn't for the money, he wouldn't even give the time of day.

I wish I knew why he was like that around me.

Then Eunhyuk and Donghae transferred to the school. The tension between Super Junior, Siwon and his friends didn't seem to help either. It must be my imagination or did Heechul and the rest started hating Siwon and his friends even more since that time Jungso dropped his necklace from the rooftop.

What the heck is going on?

I don't know but why do I feel like I'm stuck in between?

When I arrived home no one was home as usual. After taking a bath, I went directly to my room to study. Exam week was coming up andI couldn't afford to fail. Even with Kyuhyun teaching me and Jungso's tutorials I still fell behind on my studies.

In the three months that I've known him, he was at the top of the class falling behind Kyuhyun by a few points and he excelled in music. The school girls even have a fanclub just for him, Eunhyuk and Donghae. Heechul and Sungmin both have separate fanclubs. Heechul was dubbed the campus prince and Sungmin was the aegyo King.

Stupid Jungso. Why did he have to be so popular and smart?

I tried my best to concentrate on my studying but Jungso's face kept popping in my head.

Argh! This is so irritating!

In the three months that I've known him, he keeps popping in my head, What's worse is that i started to day dream sweet and romantic moments with him.

I hated myself for liking the feeling. It felt right thinking about those things.

But I shouldn't. Jungso and I are in a pretend relationship.

There's no use feeling that it could be real.

"Argh! Sungye! Concentrate! You have to pass the exam or else you fail stop thinking about Jungso!" I shouted banging my head on my desk.

"Why would you be thinking about me?" A voice from behind me said.

I looked up and saw Jungso standing in my doorway. When I saw him I fell out of my chair immediately.

Good thing my cushioned my fall.

"So you were thinking about me?" He asked me with a smug lok on his face.

"Aniyo... why would I be thinking about you?" I said to him hoping he doesn't notice my face turning red.

He walked closer to and handed out his hand. I looked at it for awhile then placed my hand on top of it.

Was he helping me up?

How nice of him.

Just as our hands were about to meet he said...

"You didn't pay me earlier when I met you and your friends in the cafe near school. That'll be _____ please." He said with a smile.

I angrily got up from the floor and sat on the chair. I took my book and pretended to read it.

"Yah! Didn't you hear me? Pay up!" He said holding out his hand in front of me.

I ignored him completely. I kept reading my book though I didn't understand a word of it. He then laughed when he looked at what I was reading.

"Do you understand what you're reading?" He asked me after laughing.

"Ofcourse I do. I'm not stupid." I answered him.

He placed his hands in his pockets and turned around towards the door.

"If it were me I'd find it difficult. Especially since that book is upside down." He said as he started to laugh again.


I closed the book in front of my and threw a pillow at him.

"Aish! What are you--" He said when the pillow hit him directly on the face.

"Yah! Do you really think I'm stupid?! Do you think you're the smartest man on earth?!" I yelled at him.

"No. But I'm smart enough to know when my book is upside down." He answered.

"What did I ever do to you? How come you're so mean to me?" I yelled at him again.

"It's because you're stupid." He said.

"Yah! Alright! I'm stupid! Atleast I'm not a heartless monster like you who only cares about money!" I yelled at him some more.

He turned around and walked towards me until my back was on the wall and he was inches from my face.

"Who do you think made me that way?!" He shouted back at me.

"I don't know!" I yelled back.

I was about to say more but I couldn't because a moment after that he kissed me. I wanted to move away but my feet were frozen. Then I found myself placing my arms on his shoulders and kissing him back.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 64: Awwww....loooooooooooooved it! Anyways done reading this one ^^
Chapter 67: I just finished reading this. Haha. I loved it~~~
jchloegian #3
I love it man!!!!!! can you write another fanfic with shinee's taemin in it? sorry if i sound demanding. its just your so AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
annyeong.. here I am again.. haha last fic to be read.. wahaha.. finally i read all your fics :) wooohh...^^,
WTFFFFF TWIN??????? HUHH????????<br />
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Annyeong. New reader. I like the story line! Mian, but leeteuk's name is not jungso. Its jungsu. And yoona not youna, nontheless, i like the story line ^^
HyunNi_Shin #7
OMG!!! it ended already??? i just read from chapter 57 today~~ sorry for being late eonni... so busy from last few weeks... <br />
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Firstly, i wanna say that this story is "AWESOME"!!!! i'm so loving it!!!! u're genius eonni!!! your story is very moving and play with readers feelings a lot!! i really feel like everything that u wrote playing like a drama like some kind of image in my mind. this is so DaeBak!! how can u think to make a very.... very.... very.... uhmm... i can't even describe it in words... but seriously u're the most genius fanfic author ever!!! u should published u'r story into book u know!! so that some director will make it into drama or movie ;)<br />
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I feel bad for Haeyin TT~~ i kinda like her... and knowing that she is actually Siwon's & Leeteuk's only sister~~ hmmm~~ i don't want her to die... no now... siwon & leeteuk just knew about her truth... they haven't even spent their time as siblings together!! but still... if that(to die) makes her happy than anything else... I can't say much about it...<br />
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Wait2!! Minye is Sungye's twins right?? she fall in love with someone in the class?? dugu 2x?? is he someone that well known?? I want to know more about Minye!!<br />
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and HeeYoon couple~~~ lalalalala~~ they're not alone... does that means they're together?? as in... in love?? did they notice that already?? omo!! i can't wait to read the sequel!! all my tense from coursework disappear after reading your fics!!! love it so much!!!<br />
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lastly... CONGRATULATION!!!! another story of yours end~~ chuka-hae eonni ^o^
AllMyHeart #8
Omg! It ended (( <br />
But it was a good fanfic. <br />
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I feel so sorry for Haeyin (((<br />
But I like the ending <3<br />
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Charanda!! <br />
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