Moment of Honesty



Kim made a mess of her room trying to find the perfect outfit for today. She was going to meet Kai in less than 30 minutes for their date.

Her hands sweat with nervousness and her heart rate increased each time she thought about being near Kai.

"I should probably start putting on my clothes," She muttered to herself.

Kim threw on her floral skirt and short sleeve shirt. She switched out her regular Converse for more feminine jelly sandals.

She looked at herself over in the mirror and shrugged at her reflection. "Good enough. Now to tame this wild nest on top of my head,"

Normally, she would put her coils in a ponytail with a scrunchie but today she decided to wear it out, plaiting a braid in the front and pinning it to the side. She deemed it finished as she fluffed her curly afro out to perfection.

She dabbed on a bit of mascara and put on cherry-flavored clear lip gloss, smiling to herself in the mirror. Not too bad if I do say so myself.


Kai was just getting off work, changing into another pair of jean shorts and a button-down shirt in the bathroom at the store. He wet his hair a bit, styling his wavy locks away from his face. He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"This'll have to do," He walked out of the small bathroom to the store counter where Taemin was listening to his Walkman and reading a magazine.

Taemin looked up from his magazine at Kai and smirked at him. "Where are you going?"

"Out," Kai said coolly, sticking his nervous and sweaty hands in his pockets.

"My lil' bro's going on a date, isn't he? Is it a girl from school? Oh! It's that girl on the phone the other day, isn't it?" He put his magazine down and head phones around his neck, getting more interested by the question.

"Maybe," Kai leaned against the countertop, his back facing Taemin.

"Who was that girl anyway?"

"Her name's Kimberly,"

"Wait, Kai. Don't tell me it's that black girl that Dad has been talking about,"

Kai turned around and stared straight into his brother's eyes, beginning to get annoyed. "So what if it is?"

Taemin put his hands up in defense. "Hey, just as long as Dad doesn't find out. You already know how he feels about her now. If he finds out you're going on dates with her, he'll surely flip his . But don't worry about me telling him. Your secret's safe with me," Taemin smiled softly at his little brother.

Kai sighed, looking down and smiling sadly. "Thanks, Tae,"

"No problem, Romeo. Besides, I remember seeing her a few times before. She's cute," Taemin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I know she is, so don't try anything!" Kai pointed, mockingly accusing him and laughing. Taemin swatted his brother's finger away from his face, laughing with him.

Taemin saw Kim approach the store and nodded at the door.

"Go get her, man,"

Kai turned around to see Kim standing outside of the store looking around. He raked his eyes along her frame, loving how her skirt swung around her sienna complected thighs.

He walked out of the store, smiling at the figure before him. He stood next to her, softly placing his hand on the small of her back to get her attention.

Kim jumped, slightly surprised at the interruption of her running mind. "Oh, hey, Kai. You scared me," She placed her hand over her heart, feeling her heart beat wildly. Partially because she was legitimately surprised by his welcome interruption, partially because of how his warm, gentle hand felt on her back.

"Hey, Kim. Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," she muttered, looking up at Kai with a nervous smile. "Let's go,"

"Hey, Kai! Hold up!" Taemin ran out of the store and handed Kai a pair of sunglasses to put on. "I don't want you or her to get hurt so just keep them on," He explained lowly in Korean.

"Thanks, Tae," Kai mumbled.

"It is pretty sunny out. I wish I brought my shades," Kim pouted, using her hand to keep the sun out of her eyes.

Taemin looked at the two sadly before perking up a bit. "Stay safe, ok? Look both ways before crossing the street and don't talk to strangers!"

Kai cracked a smile, rolling his eyes while Kim busted out in giggles. "Thanks, Dad,"

The two walked down the empty streets towards the park, where they were to spend their day together.

Like the streets, the park was pretty empty. Most people stayed inside, out of trouble. Others were downtown getting into trouble.

You could hear the many fire trucks, ambulances and police sirens blaring throughout the neighborhood. However, Kai and Kim blocked that noise out and listened to the sound of each other's voices, lost in a world only they know of.

Kim noticed a playground nearby and dashed towards the slides, leaving Kai behind watching her back get farther away from him. She stopped running and turned around to look at Kai.

"Let's go, slow poke! Aren't you coming?"

Kai grinned and ran after Kim. She realized he was going to run right into her and screamed, scrambling to run away back towards the slides.

With Kai right on her tail, Kim climbed up the stairs, climbed across the monkey bars and slid down the swirly slide. Kai was right behind her and knocked her off the slide completely, falling into the mulch-covered ground.

Kim rolled on the ground laughing out of sheer joy. Kai stared at her, catching her infectious laughter.

After their laughter died down, Kai helped the now weak girl up, picking the bits of mulch out of her fluffy hair, while she dusted the dirt off of herself, cheeks burning from laughing so much.

A bell rung. The two looked over to see a guy walking with a hot dog cart.

"You hungry?" Kai asked Kim.

"Yeah, lets go grab some hot dogs," She grabbed his hand, skip-running towards the guy.

"Hello, sir. Two hot dogs, please?" Kim ordered, fishing out two dollars from her pocket. Kai stopped her hand and paid the guy himself. Kim looked at him with a small pout.

"We're on a date remember? I'll pay for the food,"

The guy chuckled at the seemingly cute couple, handing them their food.

Kim rolled her eyes at Kai. "Whatever, fine. Let's go find a bench, then. Thank you, sir!" She said, waving her hot dog at the guy.

"Hold on, I think I got something in my eye," Kai took off the sunglasses rubbing his eye.

"Wait, let me get it for you," Kim blew in his eye, helping his eyes water to get rid of the dirt particle.

The hot dog guy then noticed that Kai was not white but Asian. He gave the two a look of dislike before walking away.

Unnoticed by the couple, they left to find a bench.

The two talked and laughed amongst themselves as a few couples passed them by. An older White couple, an older Asian couple and a younger Black couple. All stared at the unusual pair, all had the same expression on their faces: disgust.

The two left the bench hand in hand, walking towards the fountains where they heard music playing by a band nearby.

Kai began to clap to the upbeat. Kim stared at him with a look of confusion, grabbing his hands to make him stop. "Okay, if you're gonna hang out with me, you're gonna have to learn rhythm. The right one. I don't know what you learned,"

Kai chuckled. "Alright, then teach me,"

"Well first, you clap on the down beat, like this," Kim demonstrated for him and Kai quickly caught on.

"Oh, now see? That sounds a lot better," Kim rolled her eyes, laughing at him. The music tempo increase and Kai grabbed her hand and waist, pulling her close to dance with her. Kai twirled her around his finger and danced in circles to the jazz music.

"You dance so well but yet you couldn't clap on the right beat? You are definitely an odd one, Kai,"

"Yeah, I may be weird but you like me," he replied, getting close to her face then pulling back to turn her around again and dip her towards the ground.

The two stared into each other's eyes with smiles gracing their faces. Kim was first to break eye contact, noticing the sky darkening.

"We better head back," Kim whispered loud enough for Kai to hear.

Kai straightened her back up and held her by the waist, walking back towards the corner store. Instead of splitting up at the store, Kai insisted on walking Kim home, or at least half way up the block in case Darren was outside.

"The coast is clear," Kim giggled, still keeping a lookout while Kai peeked over her shoulder.

"Did you have fun today?" Kai asked, hugging Kim from behind.

Kim closed her eyes, immersing herself in his warm embrace. "Yeah, I had tons of fun even though most of the time was spent running around a playground like little kids. We should do it again sometime...that is, if you want to," She looked down at her toes, nervously.

"Of course I do," Kai turned her around so she was facing him, holding onto her waist. He stared into her eyes. "I love just being around you. With you, I don't have to worry about working or my dad. It's just..."


Exactly that. Kai smiled softly, pulling Kim in to place a soft kiss on her forehead, then her nose, then he slowly leaned down lower, hovering over her lips.

Kim felt his warm breath grazing her lips, taunting her. She closed the space between them, gently pressing her lips against his.

Kai smirked into the kiss, pulling her in a little more, as their lips slowly danced with each other.

Placing one last, gentle kiss on her lips, Kai bid Kim a goodnight and walked home with a smile on his face.

Kim stared at Kai as he turned the corner with her fingers touching her lips, still feeling his warmth. Her eyes glazed over, feeling like she's on Cloud 9. She skipped up to her door and ran up the stairs to her room, squealing.

This is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be.




I want to give a very special thank you to Bites~!! She gave me the best inspiration to finish the date scene after reading her story, Black and Yellow (great story by the way~ if you love a y TOP then you will love this…and I love me some y TOP). It was the music during your character’s date that sparked it. I hope this was good :/ I know it took me a while to update and I’m so sorry >.< Thank you so much everyone for your comments and subscriptions. I can't tell you how much it makes my day.

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Here we are, we've reached the end. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck with me 사랑해 누구나~❤


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minjee4236 #1
Chapter 5: I don't know how I never heard of Latasha Harlin's before... I looked it up just now and it's so tragic and unjust! I didn't know anything about tensions between African Americans and Korean Americans either 😮
Chapter 7: This is one of my favorite stories. ^_^ It's short but it has so much meaning to it. Touches on a big point of what goes on in relationships. The reality of racism and prejudice on both sides. <3
Chapter 7: omg this story has been here for a while but im just now finding it in 2017??? Wow!! I've never seen a story like this placed in a historical setting especially something like the Rodney King riots! This was so cute and im so sad it's so short but im imagining a happy ending for them!!! Thank you for this fanfic :)
Chapter 3: I actually just asked my family, how they'd feel of I brought an asian boy home and said he was my boyfriend... and they played around and said they'd kick him out, but when they saw i was serious their tone changed...
they said as long as they don't offend the family then obviously we'll be cool with him, and i quote "this family was based off missed relations, so what's so bad with adding more asian to the mostly black and white mix"... hispanic is covered from me and a few other cousins. I just feel so honored and happy that my family is so open minded with this possiblity.
Letmeinyourseoul #5
Ive read this story 7 times so far it's my favorite fan fiction ever
Chapter 3: When I saw that her name was Kimberly I already knew I was gonna like this. Reading through as fast as I can! :)
LeeJinki-s #7
gnoboange #8
Chapter 6: please finish this story
BigBangFever2017 #9
Chapter 3: Kai and taemin are bros. Too Perfect? It's beyond that!!!