Noona, Take my Place!


Niel is sick! With only a few days until the first Crazy promotions, what is he going to do?!


"So what are we supposed to do?" CAP asked, throwing his arms up in exasperation. "He can't go on stage, and we're about to make a comeback next week!" He glanced at Niel, who lay on the hospital bed casting worried glances at everybody. "He can still sing right?" The leader furrowed his brow, concerned for the future of his friend's career.

The doctors nodded. "Ne. He'll be able to sing. However, I don't want him to be on stage just yet. He needs his rest."

Ricky and Changjo looked at eachother, and Ricky decided to ask the question the whole band was dreading. "So...Does that mean we can't promote?" He looked like he was about to cry. All of that hard work...For nothing? The thought was absolutely heartbreaking. Teen Top wouldn't be able to show how much they've improved, and the Angels would all be disappointed...

"That's what it looks like." Chunji said glumly. "I would take on his parts...But that's just way too much to sing...Besides, we can't make a comeback when we're missing a member."

The six boys all got really quiet, and eventually the doctors left, lleaving the band to wallow in their own self pity. It was as if the members had been told that their dogs all died at the same time. The air was dense with anguish, and it seemed to be smothering the boys.

The door opened, and a girl with chocolate brown hair entered the room, holding a tray of food. "Niel-ah~ Your lunch is here!" She said brightly. All of the boys turned to look at her, and she blinked, looking between all of them in confusion. Do I have something on my face?

"I'm hallucinating." Niel said in awe. This was crazy! The girl looked just like him!

"Who are you?" L.Joe asked flatly.

"Ah...I'm Lee Kyeong Eun. I'm his nurse."

"You're not by any chance related to Niel-ah, are you?" Chunji asked curiously. "You two look a lot alike."

"Ani, not that I know of..."  She set the tray down on the bedside table and examined Niel. now that she thought about it, he really did look a lot like her. Did that mean that she looked like a boy? Or that he looked like a girl? Maybe they were both just androgenous....

The six members of Teen Top looked back and forth between eachother, and nodded, coming to some unspoken agreement. CAP walked over, and wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders, flashing her a charming smile. "So, Noona....Do you like Teen Top?"


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it's so good, pls update soon
iprincesscasey #2
Don't feel bad, i liked it, it wasnt a bad chaoter at all c:
Wah, so exciting! Can't wait for the first chappie. Update soon author-ssi! n_n