Time [B2ST_SHINee21]

Christmas Blues~ New Year Times~

To B2ST_SHINee21

Genre: Romance-Simple/Enemy -> Lover




There was one more week of school left and two more weeks until Christmas Ellen said to herself as she flipped through her school diary. She sighed happily and drew a circle around the 25th (it already had circles drawn on before).


She heard her friends speak beside her but she ignored them and just peered out the window of the 2nd floor at her school and looked out, dazed out.


The sky was so clear and so unlike the other winter times that just by looking at it, it was heart warming. The wind was blowing gently against the empty branches of the maple trees that was planted around the school and the cars on the street was passing her school one by one.


The five minute warning bell rang and the teacher strolled in.


Ellen was still staring outside the window when suddenly, a voice she hated drifted into her ears.


“…my, isn’t the little Miss Ellen Lee. What is she doing today? Oh! I see, she’s daydreaming like always!”


Ellen clenched her fists together and turned her head slowly around and up. She was met by a snickering Daniel.


Ellen gave him a fake smile and said,


“Good morning…Dan…iel.” She finished her sentence, mocking him and giving him another fake smile.


For a second, his eyes were smiling and snickering when she called him Dan but his eyes instantly clouded together when the last three letters of his name came out of .


He slammed both his hands on her table. Most girls would jump at that but she just ignored him and continued to look outside the window.


“I told you…to never call me Daniel…” He said menacingly. Ellen turned to look at him and gave him the sweetest smile she could master and whispered back to him innocently,


“Aww…why don’t…Daniel?”




“Daniel Joon. Sit down on your seat before the bell rings or you will be marked absent!” The teacher said, coming to Ellen’s resue.


“Saved by the teacher Ellen.” He said and then he walked away.


Dan and Ellen had been the worst of enemies since they both entered high school. Neither of them knew why, they just absolutely hated the sight of each other and whenever those two were together, nothing good would happen so, most of their friends tries to keep them away from each other.


But, who knew, maybe it was fate, they always ended up together. And things didn’t help that they were neighbors. They walked to school together and walked home together. Their parents were even best friends!


******************END OF SCHOOL*****************


“YAH! ELLEN LEE! WAIT FOR ME!” Ellen vaguely heard someone shout out at her but she couldn’t recognized the voice through her music (she’s listening to SHINee’s Haru Christmas Version).


She shrugged and continued walking. Suddenly, she was grabbed on the arm and was spun around, facing an angry and red faced Dan.


“I told you to wait for me!”


He shouted at her but she still couldn’t hear properly. She took the left ear phone out and looked at Dan.




Dan stared at her unbelievable and gave a sigh of exasperation.


“Nevermind. Come one, let’s get going. We’re beginning out Christmas shopping today for the decorations.”


Ellen looked at Dan go in front of her so she shrugged, plugged her ear phones back in and went to catch up with him.


For awhile, the two of them just walked next to each other quietly, neither of them said anything until…


Dan grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers in hers.


Ellen looked down at her and his hands together startled and then back up.


She saw that Dan had his head turned in the other direction and was blushing very, very read. Ellen giggled and his head turned to face her. She smiled at him and just continued walking.


*********************LAST DAY OF SCHOOL******************


“Ellen! Ellen! ELLEN!” Her friends shouted at her while Ellen just kept on walking, ignoring them. Suddenly, she bumped into someone and she stumbled backwards, her friends catching her in time.


She looked up to see who she had bumped into and when she realized that it was Dan, she stared at him, making him apologise with her eyes but he just looked back at her, with no interest.


“Apologize.” Ellen said, her voice hard. She said this because she knew that her eyes weren’t doing it’s job. Dan stared down at her, amused.


“Why should I when you were the one who wasn’t watching where you were going?”


“YAH!” Ellen shouted in his face. He looked back at her, not eve flinching.


“Be careful next time.” He walked past her.


“OI! You could’ve moved out of my way too you know!” Ellen shouted at his back, her fist clenched again.


She saw Dan slowly turn his way around and then looked at Ellen with a nonchalant expression and said,


“You shouldn’t have been daydreaming.” He reinforced and then turned back around and walked off. Ellen really wanted to run after him and give him a punch in the face but this was school, she would get in trouble.


So, she resolved to get him back after school when they would be walking home together however…she didn’t realize that she had a surprise in store for her on the way…




As they neared the traffic lights and they were already halfway away from their school and halfway back home, Ellen though that this would be the best time to get back at Dan, but, as she began to speak, Dan spoke first,


“I’M SORRY!” Ellen turned to stare at him in amazement.


“What?” She said. She swear she had heard wrong but there was no harm asking him what he said right?


“I’m so sorry Ellen for bumping you in the hallway today! I really didn’t mean to! You just looked so cute-“ He covered his mouth when the word ‘cute’ slipped out of his mouth.


The lights turned white but neither of them moved.


“Did you just say that I was cute?!” Ellen exclaimed after a minute and watched Dan’s face: he was blushing.


“Yeahh…” He said looking away.


Ellen didn’t really know what to say. She never thought that Dan would say that she was…cute?! Okay, he must be joking Ellen said to herself and the rest of the time they walked home, they completely ignored each other.


************************CHRISTMAS DAY*************************


“Welcome! Welcome!” Ellen’s parents exclaimed as Dan’s family entered their home. It’s like tradition that the two families would come together on Christmas day. The main reason was because neither of the families had other relatives in the states of celebrate it with.


“Come on in!” Ellen’s father exclaimed and then they began to exchange gifts. Surprisingly, unlike the previous years, Dan had gotten Ellen a Christmas present.


He gave it to her meekly and said quietly,


“Here. Merry Christmas Ellen…” He said and then walked off before Ellen got any change to respond. She frowned. They had never gotten each other Christmas presents before. Never.


“Go on honey, open it.” Her mother beckoned her to do but Ellen wasn’t sure whether or not she should in front of her parents and his as well so, she said with a smile,


“I’ll open it later.” She walked off to talk to Dan.




“Dan, are you going to explain or am I going to force it out of you?” Ellen asked as she looked at Dan’s back.


“What are you talking about?” He replied. He picked up her basketball and began to throw it into the basketball hoop.


“Why are you giving me a Christmas present?” Dan froze mid-throw and then, he threw it, a second late.


“My parents made me get you one.”


“Stop lying.” Ellen instantly retorted.


“I’m not.”


“Dan, just because we’re not friends it doesn’t mean I don’t know you! You never do anything your parents ask you to do!” Ellen clarified and crossed her arms on her chest.


“Answer my question.” Ellen said, her tone dead.


“Fine! I just…I just wanted to give you a present okay?! God, why is it so hard to get to you!” He threw the basketball into the hoop but it rebounded off the board and landed by Ellen’s feet.


She was surprised. Dan was the basketball champion and he never missed any hoops.


“Why then? That doesn’t really answer my question you know.” Ellen pestered as she picked up the ball and walked over to Dan. She threw it into the hoop and it went in. She ran to pick up the ball and turned to face Dan.


“Answer my question.” She said again and then turned back around to shoot. The ball fell through the hoop and as she was about to go and get it, she felt two arms wrap around her. She froze.




“I like you.” Dan said quietly.


“What?” Ellen said.


“I like you.”




“I like you.”




Neither of them said anything for a second until Ellen turned around to face Dan and…slapped him.


His face snapped to the right.


“DON’T PLAY AROUND WITH PEOPLE’S FEELINGS YOU !” She shouted at him and then ran off.


When she got to her room, she dropped onto her bed. She wasn’t crying. She wasn’t going to cry either. She wasn’t going to show other people her weakness. She looked at the present on her bed and decided to open it.


She unwrapped the wrapping and opened the box.


There, it lay was a Pandora bracelet with small charms hanging off it but what caught her eye the most was the three words “I LOVE YOU” on the front.


She stared at it and then, she grabbed it out of the case and ran down to the back yard where Dan was still standing there, in total shock from the impact.


She walked towards Dan and when she was finally standing in front of him she held out the bracelet and said quietly,


“Will you put it on for me?” She waited for his response.


He smiled and gently took the bracelet out of her hand and then put it on her. Ellen looked at the bracelet on her hand and at the boy in front of her.


She hugged him and said,


“Merry Christmas Dan…”


“Merry Christmas Ellen…” 

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
-xminhye #2
Aww.. Thx for the one-shot for me :D<br />
I didn't know it will end like this ! <br />
Wow ! Good plot ! <br />
Hope ur parents will be back soon ! <br />
P.s. : Sry ! That day ! I was too excited to apply .. So I forgot to subscribe.. But u still made a one-shot for me :) Thx !
omg I totally loved this! You made my day hehe ^^ Thanks Unnie. I really hope your parents get back to you. Happy Holidays.
siwon- #4
i really do hope your parents come back soon .<br />
everyone on aff is here for you .<br />
don't forget that, soph .<br />
xFlyHigh #5
It's ok Soph, just take some time off and get some rest yeah ♥ ?<br />
Hope it all works out for you ><
xFlyHigh #6
Awww ^^ !<br />
Loving the ending and dramatic hair scene xDD
aww<br />
you've always got us unnie XD<br />
hope you're parents come back soon though ^^<br />
xFlyHigh #8
Awww >< I hope your parents come back soon D:<br />
And ~ way to hype us up for your oneshots xD
Alright I'm super excited to read it ^^