An Engagement [KPOPisLUV]

Christmas Blues~ New Year Times~


Genre: Romance- Bad/Forced Engagement




“LET GO OF ME!!!” Haeyee screamed as Jungkwok grabbed her wrists and pushed her down onto the floor with a evil smile.


“Aww, come one Haeyee, I’m your future husband. You’re going to let me do this aren’t you?” He said in a sugar sweet voice but it just made Haeyee eyes widen and squirm even more.


Tears began to form in her eyes and her small voice whimpered.


“Please…let go of me…please…” He snarled at the sight of her and let her go, pushing himself up.


“You’re such a wimp. I should just tell me parents that I can’t marry a sissy like you.” Haeyee didn’t say anything. That was exactly what she wanted to do. But, she couldn’t. She was a girl and in her family, there was no such thing as gender equality.


Jungkwok turned to go and Haeyee pulled her legs in together and began to cry…




“Jung!” Haeyee said playfully and flung herself onto her boyfriends back. She heard him laugh and he began to spin around with her on his back.


Haeyee squealed with delight and they began their date with a happy note…




“Jung! I got you-“ Haeyee froze and her eyes rested upon her boyfriend with another girl, passionately entwined together in every way possible. She didn’t know how long she had stood there for but she just knew that she stood there long enough for the ice-cream to melt and slide onto her hands.


Tears fell onto the ice-cream. She turned around to go but not before a familiar voice called out to her,


“Where are you going?” Haeyee turned around and saw her boyfriend talking to her with a smile on his face as if he wasn’t cheating on her in front of her face.


“I’m going home.” Haeyee answered, her voice hurt.


“Why? We’re on a date.” He said while he began to kiss the girl on her chest.


“You’re one a date with someone else.” Haeyee instantly replied and began to turn around again but then she was stopped.


“No, I’m on a date with you.” He said again. Haeyee really wanted to slap him then and there but she didn’t think she would be able to get through him when he was so…tangled up.


“I have to go. I’m not feeling well.” Haeyee ran off.




Haeyee cried and cried. Ever since that accident, her “boyfriend” had shown his true self and things weren’t easy either since her parents announced that they were to be engaged together.


If this was before the incident, Haeyee would’ve jumped up and down in joy but now, she was just pure broken hearted.


She heard a knock on the door.


“Haeyee? It’s me, Kang.” It was her step brother.


“Go away. I don’t want to talk to you.” Haeyee said and buried herself deeper into her knees.


She knew that Kang wouldn’t do what she said and she was right. A few seconds later, her bedroom door opened and in stepped in the tall and handsome Kang.


He closed the door gently behind him and walked towards Haeyee. When he got close enough, he bent door and took her into his arms, lifted her up and then took her towards her large four poster bed and gently lay her down. He put her covered over her and then sat down beside her.


He put his hands on her face and wiped her tears away from her face.


“Are you going to tell me what happened…?” Kang said quietly and softly. Haeyee really didn’t want to tell her brother but, she was the only want he could trust now.


She told him everything.


Kang’s eyes hardened and his voice reached such a menacing level that Haeyee wanted to run away from him. She never knew that her brother could get so angry.


“I’m going to kill him.”


He began to get up but Haeyee was fast. She pulled him down and he turned to look at her.


“Please don’t hurt him…”


He stared at him and said, his voice softening up a little.


“He hurt you so deep. How can I forgive him!” He began to try and get up but then Haeyee said,


“If you hurt him I’ll suicide.” Kang turned to looked at his baby sister and then sighed and sat back down again.


“Why are you so stubborn…that guy needs to get taught a lesson!” Haeyee gave her brother a weak smile and then said,


“I’m fine…I’m tired Kang…I want to sleep…don’t let anyone disturb me okay…?” Kang sighed and then nodded. Haeyee closed her eyes and turned her back to Kang.


“My poor baby sister…” He whispered and then he walked out of her dark room, closing the door gently behind him.


***********************THREE MORE DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS**********************


“Haeyee-ah! Give a call to your fiancé and ask him to have Christmas dinner with us! Invite his family too!” Her mother said to her with a smile.


There was three more days before Christmas would arrive and it’s been a few months since Haeyee and Jungkwok had seen each other since that incident in her bedroom.


Neither had the courage to contact each other.


Haeyee gave her mother a small smile, a small nod and then got up from her seat.


“I’m done.” She said and then she picked up her plates and walked into the kitchen giving it to the maids to wash them.


“I’m going upstairs now.” She said to her parents and brother and then walked off.


5 minutes later, Haeyee heard a knock on the door as she was daring herself to call Jungkwok. She closed her phone hurriedly and stuffed it under her pillow.


“Come in!” Haeyee said nervously. She felt her heart beat so hard.


Kang walked into her bedroom and closing the door behind him, he asked his sister,


“Are you going to call him…?” He asked quietly as he went over and sat down next to her. Haeyee shrugged and then replied,


“I don’t know. If he doesn’t show up on Christmas day then mum might start pestering me as to why I didn’t ask him to come over and then-“ Her phone rang.


She frowned and then pulled it out from under her pillow: it was Jungkwok.


“Ye-yeboseyo?” She said into the receiver nervously.


“Annyeong Haeyee. How have you been?” His familiar voice said to her. Haeyee frowned for a second. Why did he sound so…nice?


“I’ve been good.” Haeyee answered quietly. Jungkwok chuckled and then said,


“Can I come over for Christmas…?” He asked.


Haeyee looked at Kang who was sitting beside her, watching her.


“Sure.” She said quietly and then Jungkwok said,


“Awesome. I’ll see you in three days soon. Bye.” He hung up before she even got a chance to reply.


“He asked me if he could come over for Christmas.” Haeyee told her brother and for a second, neither of them said anything and then, Kang stood up.


“Well, that solves everything doesn’t it?” He said to her with a smile.


Haeyee had to smile back and then she nodded.


“Yeah…it does.”


********************CHRISTMAS DAY*************************


“Come on in Jungkwok! Welcome! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you! You must come and visit us more often!” Haeyee’s parents welcomed her fiancé. Haeyee just stood in the corner and watched the three of them chatter.


The day passed quicker than expected with the five of them spending lunch together, giving out the presents and then them watching some Christmas movies together.


Soon, it was dinner time and Haeyee’s parents and her step brother Kang left the two of them alone to go and make a large dinner.


It was only 4pm but they were already starting. Haeyee and Jungkwok just stared at the plasma TV screen.


After about 10 minutes of utter silence in the living room except for the TV, Jungkwok turned to face Haeyee and she tensed up when she felt his body shift.


“I’m so sorry Haeyee…” He whispered.


Haeyee turned to face her fiancé and looked at him oddly.


“I didn’t mean to hurt you like that that day on the date…I just…I knew that you didn’t want to do it with me and I didn’t want to force you so I just…I’m sorry.” Jungkwok said.


Haeyee didn’t say anything.


“And then…that night, in your bedroom…I’m really sorry for that too…I don’t know what came to me…I just…I just…” He stopped and Haeyee knew that he didn’t know where to continue.


“Why were you so mean to me…?” Haeyee said quietly while her eyes were staring at the TV screen but she wasn’t concentrating on it.


“I didn’t know another way to communicate to you…I know I hurt you Haeyee and I’m really sorry. I can break off the engagement if you want me to. I’m just really sorry for every bad thing I’ve done to you. These few months I’ve been going to therapy to fix that problem…I promise I won’t ever do it again!” He said as he put three fingers up by his head.


Haeyee giggled and he smiled.


He took out a small box from his pocket and said,


“Haeyee, will you marry me even after everything I’ve done to you in the past…?” He asked hesitantly and his hands were shaking nervously as he waited for her response.


Haeyee smiled and nodded.


“Yes.” She said quietly and he smiled widely.


He slipped the ring onto her finger and then pulled her into a hug.


“Thank you…thank you so much Haeyee…I won’t ever do that to you again!”


“You’d better not!” Haeyee said playfully and then hugged him back.


“I love you Jungkwok.”


“I love you too…and Haeyee?”


“Mmm?” She replied.


“Merry Christmas.”

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
-xminhye #2
Aww.. Thx for the one-shot for me :D<br />
I didn't know it will end like this ! <br />
Wow ! Good plot ! <br />
Hope ur parents will be back soon ! <br />
P.s. : Sry ! That day ! I was too excited to apply .. So I forgot to subscribe.. But u still made a one-shot for me :) Thx !
omg I totally loved this! You made my day hehe ^^ Thanks Unnie. I really hope your parents get back to you. Happy Holidays.
siwon- #4
i really do hope your parents come back soon .<br />
everyone on aff is here for you .<br />
don't forget that, soph .<br />
xFlyHigh #5
It's ok Soph, just take some time off and get some rest yeah ♥ ?<br />
Hope it all works out for you ><
xFlyHigh #6
Awww ^^ !<br />
Loving the ending and dramatic hair scene xDD
aww<br />
you've always got us unnie XD<br />
hope you're parents come back soon though ^^<br />
xFlyHigh #8
Awww >< I hope your parents come back soon D:<br />
And ~ way to hype us up for your oneshots xD
Alright I'm super excited to read it ^^