I Love You, my angel...



After two days upon hearing the news, my parents came and they all talked on what to do. I watched them cry as they talked with one another. The doctor came in after hours of their discussion. My mom and dad stood up and went to my body and my face.


“You’ve done great for the family…it’s time for you to take a rest now…we love you so much.”


Not a single eye in the room was dry when they said that. Yuri came closer as well and spoke.


“Hey you…how could you leave just like that? How could you leave us easily like that? I know you’ll be in a much better place after this. Sorry for all the things that happened wrong between us and thanks a lot for existing and for laughing and crying with me…I’ll miss you…”


Finally, Ryeowook came. He looked at my parents and they simply nodded at him. He stepped closer and held my hand again. He leaned over me and kissed my forehead. He whispered,


“Please remember me when we see each other again…I’ll miss you badly…I…love you…”


Tears fell from my eyes as I heard that. He did? He felt that way? No…it must be because he’s my friend. After saying that, my parents patted his back. He looked at them and they all forced a smile. He looked at me again and held my hand tighter.


“Til we meet again…”


He pushed the switch of the machine and the beeping stopped. The whole room was quiet for a while. Yuri fell on her knees and cried as she sat down on the floor. Minho held her close to him and let her cry there. My mom fell on my father’s arms and cried out loud. Ryeowook was staring at me motionless as tears flew down his cheeks.


After my funeral which lasted for a week, Ryeowook decided to live in my now empty apartment with his girlfriend. I was completely fine with it. He could really use someone to keep him company. That night, he felt a piece of folded paper in the pocket of his jacket as he entered my room which he never used. They used the guest room as their bed room. He took it out and read the letter I had written. After reading it he smiled and let out a tear which smudged some of the letters. I smiled and his face for the last time. It was a miracle I could touch him at that moment. I guess it’s time for me to go now. I leaned over to kiss his sleeping eyes for the first and last time. I’m a ghost now so I guess it won’t matter. A tear came out of his eye. I whispered, “Goodbye, angel…I love you” A smile made its way across his face as he, as if a miracle, whispered back, “Goodbye, _______. I love you…” I smiled and felt my body grow lighter and my appearance change. I know that meant I love you as a friend. But hearing him say that for me is enough. I walked to the light that’s been calling me for weeks now. I turned to look at him for the last time and finally, the light took me…



The Letter:



I hope you’ll get this from Yuri! J Anyway, how are you? Nah…I don’t think I have to ask. You’re having the time of your life aren’t you?! Of course, you should. Please be happy, okay?^^


Hey, do you remember the first time we met? I know it’s such a weird intro for a letter but it just crossed my mind. You were one of those quiet kids in school and I was a new-girl. We never talked to each other but you always teased me. Why on earth do you always do that? Is that your hobby?! Hahaha! Up until now, you’re still bullying me! Get yourself together, dude! Hahaha! I hope you’ll still be like that even when I’m gone. Just be the happy and ecstatic you.  Continue giving smiles to a lot of people all over the world. Don’t you know that what you’re doing gives a great pinch of happiness in a person’s sad life? So, it would be great if you would try to stop getting sad over the little things you encounter everyday. Look at the positive side of life!


Anyway, by the time you’re reading this, I won’t be by your side anymore. I’m sorry I didn’t get to say good bye but I think it’s not that much of any use right? You’re happy and I’m glad you are (so stop saying you won’t be able to sleep again because of me or else…). At least by that, I’ll be able to leave you with a smile and a light heart. By the way, about what I told you before…please understand me…My feelings for you actually grew. I hated myself sometimes for not being able to control my feelings but there, I said it. Every time you show me your little acts of kindness, my heart would skip a beat but at that moment, a bell would ring across my head asking me to wake back up to reality. To tell you the truth, I sometimes hated you for confusing me. I’ve been waiting for you but it seems like I waited for nothing at all. It’s alright. I get it. Kinda used to these kind of stuff and I was a freak for having hopes on that thought. Just make ‘her’ happy, okay? Be a good boy!^^


I’m sorry I had to leave you on such short notice and that I didn’t tell you about my sickness. It’s just that I don’t want to be a killjoy to your now perfect life. We all are a bunch of killjoys. You have to be happy no matter what, got that?! Please…don’t mourn over me too much. Thank you for being a part of my life. I’ll always be watching you from wherever I will be until we see each other again soon. I can’t believe I’ll be saying this to you so late through this letter: Do you remember about that Chinese writing you can’t understand that I was scribbling on my palm a few weeks before I left work? Well, here’s the meaning of it. I’m sorry I only got to say it through this letter but, here it goes…



~By your side forever, _______^^





A/N: My favorite story…forever…


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Chapter 6: I actually started to tear up reading the part when she died. TT.TT
Chapter 4: Oh noooo... She has cancer TT.TT