Cat's Out of the Bag



The next day, I was taken to the hospital with the help of my friend, Yuri. She’s been my friend for a long time and the only one whom I can trust the most next to Ryeowook. She took care of me and made sure that Ryeowook wouldn’t know that I’m in a hospital. She made up a reason that I was asked by my parents to study abroad and leave without saying a word to anyone but to Yuri. I stayed in the hospital for two months. My condition grew worse after 3 months. One day, I closed my eyes with a smile on my face. When I opened my eyes, my body felt really light. All the pain that I was feeling was suddenly gone. I looked around and saw myself lying down on the hospital bed. Yuri was holding onto my hand. She stood up and took her phone…no, wait…it’s my phone! What’s she going to do with that?! She dialed a number and placed my phone on her ear.


“Hello? Wookie?”

“No…I’m not _______. It’s me, Yuri.”

“Well, can you come here?”

“I’m at the hospital…with _______…”


Why did she call him?! Why can’t I remember anything that happened during the other three months I was in the hospital?! Finally, it hit me. As I stayed there, my condition came to its worst state and it led me to a comatose. I was travelling through time all along. At exactly an hour later, Ryeowook came in. I cried when I saw his face. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. He ran over to my body and shook my cold hands.


“Hey…_______…you’re awake, right? You can hear me, can’t you?! _______, please~”


He started to sob. His grip on my hand tightened as he cried on it. It was the first time I saw him cry. Seeing an angel cry crushed my heart. The very sight of it hurts me. As he cried, I felt my tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. It fell after a few moments. I was crying as he cried. Yuri walked next to him and patted his back. He looked up to her and asked,


“Why didn’t she tell me earlier?!”

“Honestly…I have no idea. I may know a lot about her but that is one thing she never told me.”

He caressed my hands again. Yuri was choking back her tears.

“But all I know is that one of the last things she’s told me is to tell you she’s sorry…and…”

“…and what?”

“Well…here…she left a letter for you…”


She handed out the letter and he quickly took it. He held it and placed it in his pocket. Good. Read it later. It’ll be heavy in my heart. He decided to stay there for a while. Yuri’s husband, Minho, who was also my friend, came in to be with Yuri. Ryeowook, on the other hand, was talking to me like an idiot because he knows I won’t be able to answer but he kept on talking to me. He was talking to me about the funniest experiences we had with each other and how was he in the months I wasn’t with him anymore. I laughed and cried as he did. After hearing his stories, I realized that he should be happy now and it’s alright for me to leave him. At that moment my mind decided that, the machine supporting me began to beep wildly. Ryeowook, Yuri and Minho got up and pushed the emergency button beside my bed. The nurses and a doctor came rushing in and tried to get me back to life in every way they can. Yuri was crying hard now so Minho tried to soothe her and Ryeowook was still beside me saying my name again and again. After a few tries, the doctor said my heartbeat went back but is beating abnormally. The doctor asked them to decide if they should cut off the machine supporting me or if they would still go on. What happened earlier would happen more frequently as time would go on. Yuri and Ryeowook looked at my body again and again. They decided to call my parents for help. My parents are in another country so it is really hard for them to come over and take care of me.


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Chapter 6: I actually started to tear up reading the part when she died. TT.TT
Chapter 4: Oh noooo... She has cancer TT.TT