Chapter 3

My Heart, My Body, My Soul, My Love




♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

What? The guy is Lee Donghae? Well this is awkward. I mean I can't believe... Seohyun's guess will be right. Lee Donghae. Gosh he's an Idol

"Donghae-ya, sit beside _____." Mr. Lee said, gesturing the empty seat beside me. As soon as he sat there, I put on my fake smile. So does he.

"Aw they're cute together aren't they?" My mom squealed. Gosh mom. Why in here?

"Well, you two, get closer okay. Donghae-ya take care of her." My mom stood up. Followed by Mr and Mrs. Lee. My fake smile quickly faded. What are they planning?

"Wait mom. Where are you going?" I asked immdietly. But she just winked at me.

As soon as they left, the situation became awkward. No one spoke. I played with your fingers while Donghae just stared down blankly.

"So, What do you think about this?" Donghae finally spoke. Breaking the awkward moment, I stopped playing with my fingers.

"I don't.. Know." I answered truthfully.

"My parents are anticipating it so much though." He spoke again. I stared at his face. He looked like a lost puppy gosh. I wanted to touch him so badly and understand his feeling.

"So.. You agree?" I asked carefully. He shrug his shoulder.

"Well, why not? I don't have any girlfriend or crush at the moment." Uh he said it like nothing. NOTHING. Is going on. I sighed.

"Me neither. But isn't it a bit weird? I mean marriage. Only happens once and no love." I said all of it. Donghae scratched his neck.

"We can get a divorce?" He suggested. I stared him sarcasticly. But then... It could work

"I guess it could work." I finally said.

"I guess we got ourself a deal." He offered a hand which I gladly shake. And yes, I read his mind. I only do this for my allowance.

"Pch allowance? Seriously?" I blurted out. I closed my mouth.

"What?" He seemed in shock. I quickly waved my hand.

"Ahahah nothing. Don't mind me." I smiled foolishly. He just sighed.

Suddenly a song played. I looked around and cheked my phone. Nope not mine. Then I saw Donghae searching for something. Probably his phone.

"Yeah hyung?" He said on his phone.

"What?! Aissh fine I'll be there in 5." Donghae stood up. I looked at him with a big question mark.

"My schedule will be in 1 hour so.. Gotta go." Donghae said quickly and left. I sighed. Yeah allowance. I still don't get it. Doesn't idols make their own money?

"Sure. Yeah I'm fine." I murmured. I started to walk outside the restaurant.

I went inside my lambhorgini and driving it. I wonder if I should tell SeoKyu. But Kyuhyun's expression was like I'll-kill-that-person-who-you-marry-with when I said I'm having an Arranged Marriage. Seohyun! I dialed her number.

"_____?" She beamed

"Yeah it's me. Guess what. I've met him."

"Really?!! Who is he?!!"

"Lee... Donghae."

"BWOH?!! Whoa I can't believe that... My guess is actually right. Anyway, Did he threat you good?"

"He don't! If he did it's just for his allowance." I blurted.

"What? How do you know that?" Oops. It's not possible that I say I read his mind.


"It's written all over his face." I replied. She chuckled a bit.

"Did he looks that bad? Oh wait! He just passed by! I'll go ask him." Seohyun shouted.

"YA!! YA!!! Don't let him know we knew each other! Yah!!" I shouted at her.

"Eh why?" She sounded upset.

"Just because!" She sighed. "Anyway what are you doing now?" I distracted her. She gasped.

"God, you reminded me! I gotta dye my hair! See you later." She ended the phone before I was going to give her an answer.

I stared at my phone for awhile. It's already hard having idol friends. And now, an idol husband. How pathetic can my life be huh? Ah wait. A divorce.

I drove my car to my house but I ended up in a small cafe. It was a cozzy one with wooden wall and floor. The waiters smiled at me so I smiled back. I sat near a rounded window that shows a view of the street outside. With a jazz song played there, I felt really relaxed.

“My name is Kim Myungsoo. Can I help you miss?” A young boy approached me with a notepad on his hand. I looked at the menu before I decided my order. Rainbow Cake and Frappuchino.

“Okay. Please Wait for 10 minutes.” He said and left me. Hmm I love this cafe. What’s the name again? Kona Beans. I’ll come here again for sure.

While I was eating and enjoying my phone, My phone suddenly rang. I glanced at the screen. Mom. I quickly answer it.


“Yes sweetie. So how’s Donghae?” She said. Pch. How is he? Allowance craver guy. Selfish. Oblivious. Gah.

“He’s fine mom.” I lied. You don’t expect me to say bad things about him. Do you? I don’t wanna disappoint my mom.

“Oh really? That’s great then. I just can’t wait for you two to get married.” She squealed. I facepalmed. Seriously mom.
“But mom!” I blurted.

“What? You don’t agree to this marriage darling?” She said with a sad tone. Gosh I guess I’m wrong..

“...We haven’t had our engagement yet.” I whispered. She chuckled. Why was she chuckling?

“You both already did. Long time ago.” She said happily. Did I? How come I didn’t remember about it?

“Really? We did? I don’t remember mom. You made this up huh?” I replied.

“I don’t. Okay see you later. Be home soon! We gotta discuss about the company.” She said. We bit goodbyes and ended the call. Company? Sigh...

Actually my mother is CEO of Park Company. That’s what keeping me and my mother rich. My mother used to run it but now she wanna gave it all to me. Well, I don’t think I’m ready yet... I mean I haven’t finished my study for bussiness in Kyunghee.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

After I finished my food, I went straight to my home. Company. It was probably something important though. The moment I got out of my car, I saw my mom walking in the garden. I quickly went towards her. She smiled when she looked at me and we both walked.

“So what is it about the company?” I asked. She seemed taken aback but still a smile formed on her lip.

“I have a good news for you.” She replied antusiasticly.


“After the marriage, You’re going to supervise the company.” She squealed. For a second I just kept my dumb face.

“WHAT?! And when is that?!” I shouted.

“Well we don’t know yet. So be prepared.” How about never? sigh..

“But mom, why must Donghae? It’s not like I knew him before.” I asked. Yeah that question kept lingering in my mind since the first time I met him. I mean, I never knew mom has any relationship with Mr. & Mrs. Lee or even Donghae.

“How should I say this? You’ll know soon darling.” She said. I almost touch her but she quickly stay away.

“No! It’s my privacy. Respect it.” She scolded me. I pouted and quickly went inside the house.

Well, my mom knew about this weird power of mine. She kinda confused at the first time I say it. I mean ofcourse. Who wouldn’t  if you say you can read people minds by touching them? I can’t say this power is good. But I can’t say it’s bad either. Barge in people’s privacy is a crime to right?

“Ah yes. _____-ah, there’s a package for you in the living room.” My mom shouted. Huh? Package? I ran to the living room.

It was a brown box which have ribbons tightened the cover. Curiously, I unwrapped the box and found some flowers.

There were Lilies. My favorite flower. Wonderful pure white Lilies. Now who could’ve sent it to me... 

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I'll stop with the caps lock now. I wanna say thank you for those who comments and subcribe. I love you guys!

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nice update.....update soon ^^
Plz update
New subbie here..
Nice story Authornim <3
HeartGold426 #4
It's a great story! I really like it so far~ ^ - ^
Gosh update soon!
I'm a fishy biased but if the both of'em (fishy and evil magnae) confessed to me, heck I have no idea who to choose ._.
U.P.D.A.T.E. S.O.O.N.!!!!! >.<
Donghaeee come marry me XD
OMG!!!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!!!