We meet suprisingly

My Heart, My Body, My Soul, My Love


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
"Mom? You're joking. I get it. But it's not even my birthday or april moop." I smiled awkwardly
"No sweetie. I'm not." She calmly said. My smile suddenly disappear.
"Mom! Nooo! I don't even know him!" I said hopelessly.
"You knew him. You used to play with him everyday." 
"I 'used' to know him mom. But now? I don't even know his name." After that I went upstairs and locked my door. 
Arranged Marriage? Is there such thing in 2012? I mean why would mom do such thing to me? Well I don't know. I'm to tired to read minds.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
The next morning I woke up and went downstairs to find my mom. I need an explanation for this. There she is. Staring at my fountain on a wood chair. 
"Mom." I said.
"Mom why do you do this?" I took a seat beside her.
"Well darling. I can't tell you right now okay?" 
"What? But why?" 
"I'll tell you when you get married okay?" I try to hold her hand but my moves are too slow.
“Please. Respect my secrets.” She left after she said that. I pouted. Ah yes, I can read people minds by touching them. It’s cool right? Thank you. But  I always try to keep people’s secret. I usually wear gloves or jacket with pocket to hide my hands. SeoKyu don’t know about this yet.
Ah yes! I should tell seohyun and kyuhyun about the arranged marriage thingy. I wonder if they're free today. I grab my phone and start texting them.
TO : Seohyun, Kyuhyun
Hey guys. You free today? 
My phone vibrates. Wow they answered me faster then before
From : Seohyun
I just finished shooting cf. What's up?
From : Kyuhyun
My schedule will start in 4 hours. What is it?
Hoaaah. Finally!
To : Kyuhyun, Seohyun
Let's meet up at our usual café. I need to tell you something.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
I arrived a little early. Unexpectedly I see Kyuhyun already sit near the window. I walked my feet there. 
"Kyuhyun. You're here early." I took a seat across him. 
"Of course I will. So what are you going to tell us?"
"Well, here it goes. My mom arranging marriage for me." I spat it out. He looked at me unbelieveably
"What???? With who???? Nooo you can't!" he shout at me. I sshh him.
“Why? Why not?” I ask him. Before he could answer my question somebody took a seat beside me.
“Guys! You’re here early. Or am I late? What are you guys talking about?” Seohyun came with her talkative side.
“She’ll have an Aranged Marriage.” Kyuhyun answered her before I could do it. I nodded in agreement.
“Bwoh? Well is he cute? Rich? Handsome? Sma—“ 
“I dont know him yet okay. And please! Dont name those characters. It’ll make me more nervous.” I cut her before she could name thousands of them.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know ANYTHING about him.” She look shocked.
“Well, I know he’s a Lee.” Yep that’s all I know.
“Lee? Well. It can be Lee Taemin? Lee Sungmin? Lee Hyukjae... Or possibly it’s Lee Donghae.” Kyuhyun choked when She start naming artists from her and kyuhyun’s entertaiment.
“Their famous. Can that old man allowed them to get married?” I asked her. 
“You’ve got a point. Or maybe they’ll hide it right or maybe—“ Seohyun couldn’t finish her sentence because of a sound. Kyuhyun stand up from his chair.
“The schedule is faster than I thought. I better get going.” He left us who still show a stupid face.
“Geez, what’s up with that guy?” Seohyun muttered. Suddenly my phone rang. I quickly search my pocket for it. I found it and see the screen. It’s mom.
light salmon = _____, purple = _____'s mom
“Hello _____”
“Mom, what’s up?”
“I need you to find a pair of clothes or some dress or whatever. Put some make up on too. You’re going to meet the Lees in 3 hours. I’ll be waiting in the home.” She hung up before I could say anything. 
Seohyun looked at me with a question mark on her head. My mouth shaped into a curve. I don’t know why I just felt happy and nervous.
“Seohyun-ah, my mom needs me to find some clothes. I’m going to meet him in 3 hours.” I said to her. She quickly dragged my hand out of the cafe. She felt really excited
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
After a 10 minues walk.. oh wait... After a 10 minutes run, we arrived at SMEnt. Offiice. Seohyun said she could lend me some of SNSD’s clothes. I just agree with her. Nothing is better then a free clothes.
She still drags me when we’re inside the office. But suddenly she stopped. I look in front. Hey isn’t that Kyuhyun?
“Seohyun-ah, what are you doing here with _____?” Kyuhyun asked. 
“Hey don’t you have a schedule to catch?” I said. 
“Kyuhyunnie’s schedule will start in 3 hours. He’s still in his break.” Somebody said. It’s behind him. Maybe one of ?
“No time! She’s going to meet her future husband today. Bye!” Seohyun dragged me again.
We stopped again in a white painted wall room with a wooden door. She opened the door and a load of clothes neatly hanged up. There’s dresses, trousers, jeans and even shoes! Seohyun search some clothes same as me. I heard she gasps a lot of times but I ignored her until..
“_____! I found the perfect pair of clothes for you!” I came to see what is she up to. And yes it’s beautiful! 
(here’s the preview)
“Seohyun-ah! Thank you like a thousand times okay? But can you give me a pair of gloves?” I asked her. 
“What no way! It’ll ruin everything. Just stay with this okay.” I nodded sadly.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
After a 2 and a half hour dressing, I finally came back home. I see my mom waiting for me in the living room. She looked beautiful. Very very beautiful. She smiled
“You look so beautiful. Let’s go.” She held my hand. She wore a pair of white gloves. Same with me, she have a power too. She can speaks into people’s mind. Like a telephaty. 
We arrived in a victorian style hotel. I walk beside my mom. I just couldn’t hide my feelings. Nervous and excited. And finally we arrived at a door, that may lead us to where the Lees are. With hesiation I opened the door. There’re Mr. And Mrs. Lee.
“Hello _____. You look very beauifull. Come sit beside us.” Mrs. Lee offered. I smiled at her and took a sit beside her.
“Thank you. Ajumma looks more beautifull then me.” I tried to be polite and smiled. But hey? Where is ‘he’?
“I’m sorry, He’s a little bit late.” Mr. Lee said. How can he red my minds? I smiled at him. And suddenly the door’s opened and... WAIT!!
“Sorry I’m late. I’m Lee Donghae.” He bow at all of us.
To be continued
It's just because I keep writing these on my phone and I ALWAYS forgot to save it. and It's always gone.
but here I am! Sorry if my grammar have a lot of mistakes. 
Comment please. It's an Oxygen for me haha XP
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nice update.....update soon ^^
Plz update
New subbie here..
Nice story Authornim <3
HeartGold426 #4
It's a great story! I really like it so far~ ^ - ^
Gosh update soon!
I'm a fishy biased but if the both of'em (fishy and evil magnae) confessed to me, heck I have no idea who to choose ._.
U.P.D.A.T.E. S.O.O.N.!!!!! >.<
Donghaeee come marry me XD
OMG!!!!!! UPDATE ASAP!!!!!!