The Adorable Fallen Angel, Lee Misool

♠FANTAJI♠ (Fantasy) New Girl Group. [IN HIATUS]

The Adorable Fallen Angel, Lee Misool

Personal Information

Full Name: Lee Misool

Nickname: SeulMi, Baby Sunny (By Onew) & Little Onew (By Sunny)

Stage Name: Seulmi

Birthdate: 9th of December, 1996

Place of Birth: Seoul, Korea

Age: 16 y.o

Nationality: full korean

Personality: Misool is a curious crybaby who gets emotional pretty easily. She's shy and not always confident with herself. Misool loves to smile and likes to listen to other people's stories. She would hug her giant, white teddy bear in her sleep or else she wouldn't sleep for the whole night. Misool is a caring girl who likes to be helpful and she doubts on herself too much. She wouldn't give up or would she stop working until she's perfect ... in other words a perfectionist.

Family Members:

  • Lee Jinki (Onew from SHINee) | he's close to her, they're stuck like glue
  • Lee Sunkyu (Sunny from SNSD) | very close, they're inseparatable
  • Kwon Sunhee (mom who's a baker and the owner of her famous bakery) | they're really close
  • Lee Byunsoo (dad, he's a famous artist / painter) | they have a good relationship

Friends: Rain (Bi) & Bora (Sistar)

Best Friends: IU, Chaejin (MYNAME), Gongchan (B1A4), Key (SHINEE), Yoona (SNSD) & G.NA

Habits: puffing her cheeks when she lost or fails, day dreaming, sleeping anywhere, gaze at people she has a crush on, smiling when she's sad, hiding under the blankets when there's a thunderstorm.

Individual Member Information

Positions: 2nd Main Vocal, 2nd Main Rapper & visuals

Persona: Adorable Fallen Angel

Solo Fanclub Name: Valentines

Solo Fanclub Color: pink and white

Group Fanclub Name Suggestion?: Fairytales or Royals? Ehehehehe~

Partner Information

Your Partner/Your Prince/Your Romeo: My partner / my prince & my romeo is ... Lee Byunghun!!!! (teen top)

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~ ^^ ~
Update soon ...
I luv this story ...
BoMIsool FTW (For The Win)
MiSool couple <3
They're both cute <3
Waaaa~~~ maybe you should start a Poll on a OTP ~ xD I'll support ChoMi! So it's, HweMi! LOL~ xD
I like BoMisool Couple!!! ^^ Kyyaaa!!!
kekekkeke!! I want more!! KYAAAA! Ljoe oppa!!! *winks*
wfall99 #7
i love my solo hahaha xD
anyway, boyfriend is so cuuute and hyper :D
wfall99 #8
kyaaaa~ so cute ^w^
yookyung is totally fine :3
hehe their own show? daebak!
and the right rinhae joke hahaha :D
the gif on chapter 14 seems to have problems xD
lololol hwaiting~
kekkekekek! ^^