Chapter 1 - Fantaji meets ehemm... sees their dorm..

♠FANTAJI♠ (Fantasy) New Girl Group. [IN HIATUS]

In Cheongdam, Their van was moving close to their dorm. Silence was broken when...

Hweri: Manager unni, are we there yet?

Manager: And here we are Hweri-ah~ Kaja.. *goes out the van and leads the girls out*

Bomi: Omo!!!!! This one Manager unni? *points to the building*

Manager: Yes so let's come in...


They went in the building and came up on their dorm...

Misool: It's so nice here!!

Mira: Neh unni!!

Rinhae: Let's go put our stuff on our room first before relaxing here.

Manager: Girls! Today is your debut so get ready araso?

Girls: Neh Manager unni!

Manager: Good! Let's go to the salon and get you all ready!

At the Salon...




After 10 minutes, All of them are ready and they got to Music Bank for their debut..

At the waiting room...

Girls: *comes in* Anyeonghaseyo~!! *bows to other idols* 

Manager: I'll be just outside neh? You can make friends with them too while waiting..

Girls: Neh~!

Their Manager unni goes outside of the room.. 

Hoya: Anyeong!

Girls: Anyeonghaseyo!

Woohyun: Hi! Infinite Woohyun imnida!

Hweri: *slightly hits his brother's arm* You don't need to introduce oppa..

Woohyun: Okay...

B.A.P members walked to the girls, bowed and sat down..

Bomi: Oppa!

Yongguk: Aegi! *pats Bomi's head* Good luck to you girls.

Girls: Komawo oppa!

Misool: You guys too oppa! Hwaiting!

B.A.P: Komawo! 

Hweri: Ai-kii unni, there's Himchan oppa!!!

Ai-kii: And so what???? 

Hweri: You like Him? Chan? Ahahaha..

Ai-kii: Stop it Hweri-ah~~

Hweri: Ok unni! *pretends to zip *

Hoya tapped Seulhee's shoulder.

Seulhee: *turns around and bows a little* Neh?

Hoya: Your name is Seulhee neh?

Seulhee: Neh oppa. 

Hoya: Oh nice to meet chu!

Seulhee: Neh.. you too oppa! 

Myungsoo covers Bomi's eyes and said.

Myungsoo: This is Sungyeol oppa.

Bomi: You're joking me oppa..Ahahaha~!!

Myungsoo: Oh neh neh~ *uncovers Bomi's eyes* 

Bomi: Hahaha~ Crajji oppa!

Myungsoo: Yah you call your bestfriend oppa crajji??

Bomi: No I'm just joking..

Woohyun: Speaking of Crajji..Anyeong Teen top!!

Teen top: Anyeonghaseyo!!

Ljoe spots Misool and looks at her like every 5 seconds...

Mira: Wae is ljoe oppa looking at chu?? Oh maybe oppa has a crush on my unni!!

Misool: Mwoh? I don't know..

Ai-kii: He's looking at you keke..

Misool: Chincha? *tilts head* 

Bomi: Neh! Hweri unni..

Hweri: Neh?

Bomi: You like Yeollie oppa neh?

Hweri: You know I told all of you about that before, Wae are you asking me again?

Bomi: Relax! Relax unni! I was just making sure kekeke.

Hweri: Making sure of what??? This saengie.. 

Hyunseong: Guys! Why are you looking there?! Bomi is in this side!

Bomi: Oppa you're so noisy!!!

Hyunseong: Oh sorry sorry! Kekeke..

Minwoo, Youngmin and Kwangmin walks to where Hyunseong is.

Minwoo: Bomimi!

Bomi: Anyeong Minwoo!Youngmin & Kwangminnie!

Youngmin/Kwangmin: Anyeong! *bows to the girls*

Mira's reaction after being greeted:

Bomi then talked to some of her bestfriends..

Mira: Where's Jeongmin oppa?

Jeongmin: I"m here Mira! Anyeong!

Mira: Anyeong!! This is my Rinhae unni! *points Rinhae*

Rinhae: Hii!!

Jeongmin: Anyeong Rinhae-ssi!! 

Sungyeol walks over to the girls but ended up tripping on something..

Rinhae: Oppa you alright? *is shocked*

Sungyeol: Yes I'm very fine!!! (POV: Ouch!!!!!!!!!!! But I have to look cool..)

Hweri: (POV: Hmm.. Sungyeol-ssi still looks handsome even if he tripped..) 

Seulhee: *taps Ai-kii* Unni, can we stay and watch Infinite, Boyfriend & B.A.P?

Ai-kii: Ask manager unni... I mean....... I'll ask her to let us stay for awhile..

Seulhee: Yes!

Ai-kii: *smiles* I'll give her my puppy dog eyes for today..

Then their manager unni said that it's their time to perform and all of the other idols who are their friends cheered them on while they go out.

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~ ^^ ~
Update soon ...
I luv this story ...
BoMIsool FTW (For The Win)
MiSool couple <3
They're both cute <3
Waaaa~~~ maybe you should start a Poll on a OTP ~ xD I'll support ChoMi! So it's, HweMi! LOL~ xD
I like BoMisool Couple!!! ^^ Kyyaaa!!!
kekekkeke!! I want more!! KYAAAA! Ljoe oppa!!! *winks*
wfall99 #7
i love my solo hahaha xD
anyway, boyfriend is so cuuute and hyper :D
wfall99 #8
kyaaaa~ so cute ^w^
yookyung is totally fine :3
hehe their own show? daebak!
and the right rinhae joke hahaha :D
the gif on chapter 14 seems to have problems xD
lololol hwaiting~
kekkekekek! ^^