The Mischievous Leader, Park Akiry

♠FANTAJI♠ (Fantasy) New Girl Group. [IN HIATUS]


The Mischievous Leader, Park Akiry



Personal Information

Full Name: Park Akiry

Nickname: Ki, Ai, Akii

Stage Name: Ai-Kii

Birthdate: January 2

Place of Birth: Seoul, Korea

Age: 18 years old

Nationality: Korean - Japanese

Personality: Ai-Kii or called Akii by her friends and family, is a mischievous girl. She's also funny! Even with her naughty, cute and jokester personality, she's also the tough leader. She cares for every member of Fantaji. Well of course, she cares for her friends, family. Even strangers!

Family Members:

Park Sandara

Park Cheondoong

Friends: RongRong, Kim Taeyeon, Bang Minah

Best Friends: RongRong, Naeunnie, Lunaaaaa 

Habits: Her finger moves by the music

Individual Member Information

Positions: Leader, Main Vocal, Lead Dancer (There's still a 2nd main dancer~)

Persona: The Mischievous Leader

Solo Fanclub Name: Mischiev(s)

Solo Fanclub Color: Purple and Violet

Group Fanclub Name Suggestion?: DREAMER(S)! x3 

Partner Information

Your Partner/Your Prince/Your Romeo: Anyone who uses Kim Himchan or just Kim Himchan :3


Vocal teasers~~ >:3






Dancing teasers (teasers can dance? Really? since when??!?)






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~ ^^ ~
Update soon ...
I luv this story ...
BoMIsool FTW (For The Win)
MiSool couple <3
They're both cute <3
Waaaa~~~ maybe you should start a Poll on a OTP ~ xD I'll support ChoMi! So it's, HweMi! LOL~ xD
I like BoMisool Couple!!! ^^ Kyyaaa!!!
kekekkeke!! I want more!! KYAAAA! Ljoe oppa!!! *winks*
wfall99 #7
i love my solo hahaha xD
anyway, boyfriend is so cuuute and hyper :D
wfall99 #8
kyaaaa~ so cute ^w^
yookyung is totally fine :3
hehe their own show? daebak!
and the right rinhae joke hahaha :D
the gif on chapter 14 seems to have problems xD
lololol hwaiting~
kekkekekek! ^^