
The Target


Jihye stood at the front of the table, shutting her notebook as she concluded her speech. “So that’s all for this week council meeting. Are there any question?” She looked around the table and stopped when a member raised her hand.


“Uh… President? That Key guy is outside again.”


Her eyes instantly narrowed from hearing the name. “If there’s no question then--”


“What are we going to do with him?”


“We can't just keep letting him stand out there.” Another member chimed in. “The other students are starting to talk.”


She signed in frustration. “I’ll deal with him later. So if there’s absolutely nothing else, you guys are dismissed.”


There were a few nods and soon everyone started leaving the table.


She turned around and threw her papers on her desk.


‘What is wrong with that guy? Does he not understand the words ‘get lost’?’ she thought remembering the countless times the guy had bother her which had always end the same way: her getting annoyed, telling him to leave her alone. It has been days and he never seems to get bored or the message.


She gathered her things slowly, wanting all the members of the council to leave before she had to go face the arrogant fool waiting for her outside. When she walked out, sure enough, there he was – leaning against the wall across the hall, a mischievous smile on his face.


She approached him and crossed her arm. “Do you seriously have absolutely nothing better to do than harass me every day?”


“It’s not considered harassing. I just want to see you.” he said, his tone playful.


“Go find someone else to play with. I don’t have time to be your playmate.”


“But I want to play with you.”


“Get lost.”


“Go on a date with me.”




“Go on a date with me.”


She glared at him. “What does ‘no’ don’t you understand?”


“The ‘no’ part. When are you going to stop trying to deny that you’re attracted to me.”


“And when are you going to realize that I’m not nor will I ever will be.”


“You want a bet?”


She walked away.


He came up beside her. “So… date?”


She tried to ignore him.


The idea of ignoring him until he finally leaves her alone was very appealing until…


“Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date? Date?”


“Do you ever shut up?”


“Nope.” he smiled again.


“Leave me alone.”


“Not unless you go on a date with me and find out how awesome I am.”




He grabbed her arm, making her stop and look at him. He stared at her, the playfulness in his face before was gone and replaced with a serious one. She tried to make him let go but she couldn’t break his grip. He kept quiet until she stopped struggling.


“Why won’t you go on a date with me?”


“Because I don’t want to.”


“That’s not a good enough answer.”


“Listen. I would rather have a serial killer cut me open to break my rib bones so he can make wind chimes out of them all in which I’m still awake while he’s doing so.” She said slowly.


His serious gaze turned a bit horrified which gave her the opportunity to pull her arm away from his grip. “Now leave me alone.”






Key watched her walk away; a small smirk on his lips.


That pissed off look she had was very enjoyable. She’s resisting longer than any other girl he’d marked and he had to admit: it was very fun.


Taemin -- who had been watching the whole time from a distance -- came beside him and rested one of his arm on his shoulder. “Dude. That girl is creepy. I can’t believe she just said that.”


“Yeah. But it just made her more interesting.”


“You’re still going after her?”


“Do I usually abandon the targets unfinished?”


“No… but I don’t know, Key. There’s something wrong about that girl.”


“You just worry about your ‘noonas’. Speaking of which… isn’t it about time to dump her already?”


The younger boy smirked. “I haven’t exactly left my mark yet.”


“Heh. Now where’s the fun in that if you didn’t.”


They both laughed.

A/N - wanna say thanks to Eternal Happiness for the lovely posters and to all the subscribers  ^^ 
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sofina11 #1
I wonder wat Onew did...
this........why did I found your fanfic now? This is awesome (Y)
Ah I jumped from my seat when I saw this update! I haven't been reading much lately, really only sticking with this story that my friend wrote, but boy am I glad that you updated.
I like Onew's appearance here; it gives Key some healthy competition haha. I wonder what's wrong with Jihye. On the surface, she seems almost psychotic, but I don't think that's it. I mean, she doesn't want to worry her mom and has a close relationship with at least one person (Onew). I definitely hope you update more in the summer because then I'll be free to read too!
Me likey!!! Me want more! Update soon!!! :D
Ohmilord!!! I wanna know what's gonna Happen nexxxxt!! 
I thought onew was like the other members 
But I like how key hates onew here it's Different and interesting !! 
@JDog610 - Thanks for the encouragement! I didn't realize there was someone who actually missed my story (or my writing at the very least!)lolx I'll try to update more often during the summer =]
I was looking through my subscriptions and came across this once again. I miss reading this story. I think I'll re-read the chapters once I'm finished with my hw for today. I just really love the character Jihye. I don't mean to be pushy haha this comment isn't supposed to rush you to update or anything. I just want to let you know that I appreciate your story and writing.
I kinda got scared when she smirked and said "everything" o_0 <br />
I wanna know what's wrooong ,I'm as confused as key is !!! <br />
Anyways update soon~ i can't wait :D
Ahh Jihye is such an interesting character! However did you come up with something like that? So creative. She's so intriguing, I'm just as confused as Key! Please update more, your story is truly underrated...
angel_barbie #10
what's wrong with her???<br />
now, I'm really curious...<br />
please update soon...