A Challenge

The Target


‘Kim Sunhee’


‘Han Jinhee’


‘Lee Jiwoo’


Faces of all the girls Key had scarred starring back at him as he flips through the pages of his Black Book.


Every page was a different picture of a girl that was marked; under it, a brief description of how the relationship went and, of course, two dates from when it started to when it was finished.


Jonghyun, Minho and Taemin also have their own. It’s a way they could record and remember what they’ve done to the targets. A personal journal for their eyes only.


But as Key look through his book, he realizes that recently his dates were getting shorter and shorter by each target. His skills with leaving scars on their hearts have not faded but rather it was becoming too easy for him to do so. He knows what they like and what they want to hear. It was the same thing over and over, making him feel like he was stuck in a marathon of endless re-runs of Grey’s Anatomy.


How depressing…


He frowned and laid down on his group’s usual bench outside in the school‘s courtyard; his head resting on Taemin’s lap as he blocked the sunlight from hitting his face with his book. Taemin looked away from his video game and poked his friend in the chest.


“What’s wrong?”He asked.


Key sighed and just about to vent out his distress thoughts until he was interrupted when Jonghyun and Minho approached them, talking loudly.


“All I’m saying is that that girl is crazy.” Jonghyun complained.


The question Taemin had asked was shortly forgotten as he turned his attention to the two new arrivals. “I take it everything went well?” he asked.


“Yeah… for him. I had to literally peel the girl off of him. I don’t know how you do it, Minho. Your girls are getting worse and worse. I hate it how you always need me there to hold them back.”


“How fun…” Key said half-heartedly under his book.


“What’s wrong with you?”


“I’m bored.”


“Then go mark someone. It’s been weeks since you last did.”


“They’re all too easy.”


“Heh, what did you expect? They’re girls.”


He sighed. “Yeah… but there has to be one out there that’s not a waste of my time. Someone challenging. That’s all I’m asking.”


‘Seriously… all girls can’t be so easy. If they are… then that’s just really depressing…’ he thought to himself.


He felt a sudden light weight on his stomach and lift the book off his face to see. Minho was standing over him with the same emotionless face of his.


“What’s this?” Key asked sitting up with the folder he just threw on him.


“A challenge.” Minho answered in low voice.


Key read the name on the folder out loud. “Park Jihye.”


“The school president?” Taemin asked.


“Yes. I’ve been profiling her for a while now but I guess you can have her.” he said causally and sat down beside Taemin.


Key opens the folder and found himself to be slightly confused.


Minho has a weird ways of doing things. He likes to profile his targets and keeps them neatly in separate folders. There are countless of them with different girls’ name on it sitting in a corner of his room. That’s what he always does… however, Key found himself staring into a blank folder.


“Yah! What the hell is this? Why is it blank? I thought you said you‘ve been working on her for a while.”


“I was.”


He waited for him to continue but he never did.


Jonghyun looked over Key’s shoulder and sighed. “You couldn’t find anything on her too, huh?”


“Not exactly.”


“I’m lost.” Key announced to the two.


“She’s really weird. Something’s not right about her.” Taemin explained.


“What? Is she hiding something?”


“No… I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.”


“How different can she be? Every girls are the same.”


“Well, see it for yourself. She’s coming this way.”


Key looked to where the younger one was pointing. The President was walking towards their direction, holding some books in one arm. He had seen her around before but then she didn’t interest him so she just became another faceless girl in the crowd. Looking at her now, she had a slim figure with milky skin, her long black hair draped over one shoulder, hitting against her hips as she walked and a small childish face that is irresistible. An innocent beauty that can capture any guys’ heart… but that wasn’t what caught his attention.


Her huge fathomless brown eyes… there was something off about them… it was as if there was no life in them.


She stopped and turned her face to one side, not enough to look over her shoulder but to acknowledge there was someone behind her and sure enough, there was a group of guys following her. They stopped and looked around, pretending nothing was up.


Key wanted to laugh at their stupidity but kept still as he watched the girl.


She faced forward again and continued walking. The guys started to follow her again too. After a few more steps, she finally stopped and her heels to face them. The guys jumped and came to a halt as well.


“Yes?” she asked them, her voice high pitched and innocent; a voice that matched her face perfectly.


The guys fussed around a bit, struggling to push a brown haired guy forward and in the end succeed. He looked nervous, shaking a bit as he stood in front of her.


“May I help you?”


“I-I was wondering… maybe… y-you would like to… you know… go out some time?” he stuttered, scratching the back of his head with an awkward smile.


“It’s better off if you didn’t get involve with me.”




“Its for your own good.” she said dully and walked away, leaving the guy confused.


“See what I mean?” Taemin asked, uninterested after proving his point and turned back to his video game.


Key turned back from watching the girl walk into the school building. He clenched onto the folder and stared at the name once again, a smirk plastered on his face. “A challenge indeed.”

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sofina11 #1
I wonder wat Onew did...
this........why did I found your fanfic now? This is awesome (Y)
Ah I jumped from my seat when I saw this update! I haven't been reading much lately, really only sticking with this story that my friend wrote, but boy am I glad that you updated.
I like Onew's appearance here; it gives Key some healthy competition haha. I wonder what's wrong with Jihye. On the surface, she seems almost psychotic, but I don't think that's it. I mean, she doesn't want to worry her mom and has a close relationship with at least one person (Onew). I definitely hope you update more in the summer because then I'll be free to read too!
Me likey!!! Me want more! Update soon!!! :D
Ohmilord!!! I wanna know what's gonna Happen nexxxxt!! 
I thought onew was like the other members 
But I like how key hates onew here it's Different and interesting !! 
@JDog610 - Thanks for the encouragement! I didn't realize there was someone who actually missed my story (or my writing at the very least!)lolx I'll try to update more often during the summer =]
I was looking through my subscriptions and came across this once again. I miss reading this story. I think I'll re-read the chapters once I'm finished with my hw for today. I just really love the character Jihye. I don't mean to be pushy haha this comment isn't supposed to rush you to update or anything. I just want to let you know that I appreciate your story and writing.
I kinda got scared when she smirked and said "everything" o_0 <br />
I wanna know what's wrooong ,I'm as confused as key is !!! <br />
Anyways update soon~ i can't wait :D
Ahh Jihye is such an interesting character! However did you come up with something like that? So creative. She's so intriguing, I'm just as confused as Key! Please update more, your story is truly underrated...
angel_barbie #10
what's wrong with her???<br />
now, I'm really curious...<br />
please update soon...