I'm Just Getting Started

The Target


Park Jihye.


Each time Key spent bothering her, the more he wanted her.


He thought it sounded silly coming from a guy like him since he considered all girls to be the same – annoying and over emotional. But somehow she was different. He couldn’t exactly describe it… but all he knows is he couldn’t found a more worthy target.


He walked to the Student Council Room after waiting with Jonghyun for his ‘girl’. With his target always confined in the Student Council Room till late into the evening, he didn’t really have much to do until she finally calls it a day a while after all the council members left. She was always the last to leave the room… and maybe even the school.


The door was left slightly open and he decided to peek inside to see what she was up to. She was standing near her desk, facing the whiteboard; the same mad look on her face like always.


He was about to break the rule and enter the room – since only members of the student council are allowed – but stopped when he heard a man’s voice inside.


He spoke with a calm and gentle voice. “You can’t keep avoiding me, Jihye.”


She continued to face the whiteboard, her eyes slightly narrowed. “I told you I don‘t want to see you anymore.”


“I can help you.”


“I don’t need your help.”




“Stop saying my name. I told you to leave me alone.”


“You can’t keep running away like this.”


“Watch me.”


“Please. Let me help you.”


She took a breath, trying hard to stay composed as she finally turned to him. “Listen, Mr. Lee--”


“You know you can call me Changmin.”


“– I don’t need your help nor do I want it. So leave me alone.”


“It won’t go away –”






“I said leave!”


He sighed in defeat.


Key couldn’t understand what was happening. Who was this guy? Why is she refusing his help?


He heard footsteps coming closer to the door and quickly went to the other side of the hall and leaned against the wall. He pulled out his phone and tried to look like he was playing a game on his phone as he was waiting for someone.


The other man came out and closed the door behind him. He was tall and looked old enough to be mistaken as one of the student teachers at the school. He sighed deeply and glanced at me for a short moment before walking away.


Key wanted to know more about this guy… why was he desperately offering to help this girl? He knew exactly who to go to if he ever wanted to find out about someone. He looked through his contacts and made sure the older man was far enough before he made the call.




“Taemin. I need a favor from you.”


“Sure. What’s up?”


“I need you to find out about someone. Hold on.”


He looked for the picture on his phone he took earlier when the man was looking at him and pressed send.


“I’m sending you a picture now. I want to know everything you can find about him.”


“You know you can count on me.”


“That’s why I’m asking.” he chuckled. “His name… Lee Changmin.”


“Okay. I’ll call you when I find something.”




He hung up and placed the phone back in his pocket before he went to open the door. She was sitting at her desk; her head buried in her arms. He walked over and squat down, folding his arms on the desk before resting his chin on it.


She didn’t seem to notice he was there.


“Hi there, my little president.”


The silence continued to drag in the room.


“How was your day?”


“Right now is not the time for me to entertain you.” She finally answered in a low voice.


“So you’re saying there are times when you can?”


“Get lost.”


“Not if you go with me.”


She didn’t look at him when she got up and grabbed her bag. He followed her when she left the room. She didn’t say anything as he walked beside her. Usually, she would yell at him to leave her alone or something but she didn’t.


“What’s wrong?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Usually you’re yelling at me to get lost.”


“I did.”


“That wasn’t yelling.”


“I told you… right now is not the time to bother me.”


“Then what’s wrong?”




“Don’t lie to me.”


“I’m not.”


“Yes, you are.”


“No, I’m not.”


He grabbed her arm and made her stop and face him.


She didn’t even bother to try to make him let go and kept her eyes to the side.


A small smile played on his lips. “Well… since you won’t tell me, I guess I have no choice.”






“What are we doing here?” she glared at him across the table after being dragged out of school. There were a few times where she tried to free herself from his grip but they were all fail attempts. It didn’t seem like she had the energy to even try but was just hoping he would just let her go once she refused.


Key sat down and placed a cup of ice cream in front of her. “Trying to make you feel better.” He said with a smile.


“I told you, I’m fine.”


“Don’t lie. You’re a terrible liar.”


She rolled her eyes.


“Well, what are you waiting for? Eat.” He said, putting spoonful of his own into his mouth.


“I hate sweet things.”




“I hate anything sweet.”


“That’s not possible. Every girl loves ice cream.”


“Well, I don’t.”










“What are you?”


“A girl. Now, are we done here?”


“No. I’m just getting started.” he smiled.


She rolled her eyes again and reached for her bag.


He grabbed it before she could.


“Give it back.”


“Nope. Not until you answer my questions. First one: Why don’t you like sweet things?”


“Because I just don’t. Now, give it back to me.”


“No. There’s more. ”


She glared at him.


“Why do you stay at school so long?”




“How much can there be?”


“A lot.”


“Then what do you do on your free time?”








“What’s your favorite color?”




“Favorite food?”








“Can you give longer answers?”




“Come on–”


“Look, I answer your questions. Now, can you give me my bag so I can leave?”


“But those weren’t even real answers.”


She squinted her eyes at him and he saw her reaching the cup of ice cream before her. He knew too well what was going to happen next and it will involve him walking home with a big colorful stain on his uniform.


“Okay, okay. Here.” I toss her the bag.


She stood up and left.


He couldn’t help and smirk after her. “A girl who doesn’t like sweets.” he muttered to himself, shaking his head and was about to go back to his ice cream but stopped when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out, pressing send and held it against his ear.




“Key! I got it!”




“Lee Changmin. 26 and currently living in the Junggu District. Graduated from Sacred Hearts High in 2002 and attended Seoul University where he graduated two years ago with a Psychology Major.”




“Yeah. He’s currently one of the main therapists at RAMS – a therapists place for teens. Other than that, his record is pretty clean.”




“So… why you want to know about him?”


“Just someone I came across. Thanks Taemin.”


“Sure. No big. You owe me.”


“How ‘bout right now? I’m at the Sweet Shop.”


“Aww you went there without me? How rude.” he pouted on the other end of the line.


He chuckled. “Come. I kinda bought too much.”


“Wish I could but I can’t. I’m meeting up my noona right now. Oh snap. Here she comes. Gotta go.”


He hung up the phone and placed it down on the table. He stared at the melting ice cream that was meant for her.


‘Therapist? Well, now… seems like my little president is hiding something big from me.’ he smirked to himself. ‘It’s only a matter of time till I find out.’


He went back to eating his ice cream until his phone started to vibrate again. He picked up, not bothering to check who it was.




“YEAH!? Is that how you answer your father’s calls!?!?!!!!!”


He almost choked. “D-dad?”


“Who else do you think this is!?”








“I told you to come home after school! Did you forget we’re going over to meet my girlfriend’s family today!?!?!”






He hung up before Key could say anything else.


Key stared at his phone in annoyance.


‘Damn it. Looks like I have to go after all.’


He tried to force himself to forget about the dinner but looks like the old man was going to drag him there no matter what. He couldn’t see the point of the dinner. So the old man’s girlfriend wants to meet him… okay that was somewhat understandable. Maybe a little meet and greet was fine with him. But a dinner thing at her house was going too far for him.


‘Damn. This is going to be boring…’

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sofina11 #1
I wonder wat Onew did...
this........why did I found your fanfic now? This is awesome (Y)
Ah I jumped from my seat when I saw this update! I haven't been reading much lately, really only sticking with this story that my friend wrote, but boy am I glad that you updated.
I like Onew's appearance here; it gives Key some healthy competition haha. I wonder what's wrong with Jihye. On the surface, she seems almost psychotic, but I don't think that's it. I mean, she doesn't want to worry her mom and has a close relationship with at least one person (Onew). I definitely hope you update more in the summer because then I'll be free to read too!
Me likey!!! Me want more! Update soon!!! :D
Ohmilord!!! I wanna know what's gonna Happen nexxxxt!! 
I thought onew was like the other members 
But I like how key hates onew here it's Different and interesting !! 
@JDog610 - Thanks for the encouragement! I didn't realize there was someone who actually missed my story (or my writing at the very least!)lolx I'll try to update more often during the summer =]
I was looking through my subscriptions and came across this once again. I miss reading this story. I think I'll re-read the chapters once I'm finished with my hw for today. I just really love the character Jihye. I don't mean to be pushy haha this comment isn't supposed to rush you to update or anything. I just want to let you know that I appreciate your story and writing.
I kinda got scared when she smirked and said "everything" o_0 <br />
I wanna know what's wrooong ,I'm as confused as key is !!! <br />
Anyways update soon~ i can't wait :D
Ahh Jihye is such an interesting character! However did you come up with something like that? So creative. She's so intriguing, I'm just as confused as Key! Please update more, your story is truly underrated...
angel_barbie #10
what's wrong with her???<br />
now, I'm really curious...<br />
please update soon...