The day you said goodnight

warm hugs
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Son's Residence. 02:15 in the afternoon.

It was a beautiful day to walk outside. The sky is blue, birds are chirping, and the wind is blowing not too cold nor hot.

Joohyun thinks it was a good day to let her daughter walk outside. She held the hand of her daughter Seunghyun and guided her to walk together side by side. 

"Are you excited to see your Mom?" She suddenly kneeled and squeezed the hands of the child. 

"Momma Seungwan?" Joohyun nods and stares at Seunghyun giggling at the thought of seeing her other Mom. 

"Of course! I'm always excited to see her!" Joohyun saw how the eyes of her daughter sparkled. She hugged the child tight and showered her with kisses. Joohyun can't explain the happiness that she's feeling right now.

"Let's go then?" She asked after pulling away from the hug. Her daughter automatically holds her hand which reminds her of her wife. 

"Let's go!" Seunghyun smiled widely. Joohyun clearly sees how her daughter resembles Seungwan and God knows how she loved it. 

Just like that Joohyun suddenly remembered how excited She and Seungwan were when Seunghyun came into their lives and how their life changed when Seunghyun came out into this world. 


Seungwan rushes home when she received a text from Joohyun. She was trying to call Joohyun but she was not answering. 

She's blaming herself again. She was too focused on the rounds and operations that she had to ignore calls and texts from people. Even her wife too.

When she arrived home, she immediately goes to their bedroom and saw Joohyun laying down, sleeping. She brings out sighed in relief. 

"Hyun?" She put her right hand on the top of Joohyun's head as she was trying to check if she was sick. Joohyun suddenly opens her eyes. 

"I feel so heavy, Wannie," Joohyun said with a hoarse voice. 

"What else do you feel? Do you feel sick? Are you hurt somewhere? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Joohyun frowned at simultaneous questions. 

"No need, i think i'm okay. I just need to take a rest" She answered and covered herself with a blanket. 

 Seungwan held Joohyun's hands and give them kisses. "But last week you keep on throwing up. I'm  getting scared, Hyunnie..." She said looking straight into her wife's eyes, pleading. 

"Fine. But let's cuddle first, i feel so cold" Joohyun pushed Seungwan to the bed and hugged her tight. "You're so warm. I really like hugging you" She added while burying her head into Seungwan's neck. "You smell so good too, i want to cry," Joohyun said feeling emotional.

She doesn't know why she's acting like this. Maybe she missed her wife so much? They are both busy after their wedding and they only got that time for each other when they are preparing for an operation (IVF Process) to have a baby.

Joohyun decided to carry their baby that's why she's been staying at home for one month and she's planning to stay until they have the baby. The doctors said it will not be easy for Joohyun to hold the baby and it made Seungwan worried but when Joohyun insist, she didn't do anything about it because she knew her wife, if Joohyun said she'll do it then she'll do it by heart.

"Now, you're being a baby again..." Seungwan whispered but Joohyun heard it.

"What did you say?" She asked eyeing Seungwan like a hawk. Her wife smiled mischievously. 

"You heard me, my love" Seungwan answered, teasing her wife. 

"Ya!" Joohyun slaps her arm lightly but when she catches the hand of Joohyun she pulled her into a hug. 

"I love you..." Seungwan whispered, placing soft kisses on her wife's temple. 

"I love you too" Joohyun answered hugging Seungwan tighter. 

Seoul Hospital. 05:55 pm

"Hyun, be careful"  Seungwan reminded Joohyun as she was about to go outside the car.

"What am i? A five-year-old kid? Stop being like this, Seungwan you're so annoying" Joohyun 

Seungwan mouth gape "What the... why are you suddenly being gloomy?"

Joohyun rolled her eyes. "I'm not gloomy, okay? Let's go" 

Joohyun was about to step outside the car when Seungwan holds her arm "Hyun..."

Joohyun eyes softened when she saw Seungwan's worried face. It's as if there's something wrong. 


Seungwan played with her hands which made her relaxed. "I just realized, what if you're pregnant? I've been thinking about this earlier, you have a lot of symptoms of being pregnant"

Joohyun's head furrowed. She's still processing what Seungwan has said right now "D-Do you think so?"

Seungwan saw Joohyun's hesitation. She cupped her face and kisses the tip of her nose. "Let's not get too worked up on this and let the doctor check up on you okay?"

"What's wrong? Are you not happy?" Joohyun asked nervously. She doesn't want to overthink things but she feels like there's something wrong with her wife.

"I am happy but i'm nervous. I'm excited too. I don't know..." Seungwan answered her wife, she can't distinguish what she should feel but this overwhelming feeling is getting worse. She needs to know if her guess is correct.

Joohyun hugged her tight. "It's okay baby, everything will be fine. We can try again if this is a false alarm okay?"

Seungwan kissed her wife's temple. "But it's already too much for your body"

"I'm okay. I can handle our baby. I want to carry him/her" Joohyun smiled that made Seungwan's heart melt. 

"Thank you, Hyun. I love you so much"

"And i love you moreee" Joohyun leave a kiss on her wife's lips and pulled her. "Let's go! I'm really excited!" she said and gets out of the car. Seungwan just shook her head with a wide smile that cannot be erased from her face.

Doctor Kim's Office.

"Doc, how is it? Is she pregnant? How many weeks? Is the baby okay and healthy?" Seungwan asked after she saw her wife.

Joohyun undergoes a lot of tests to check if there's really a baby in her womb. Seungwan agreed and understand that since her wife's chance of being pregnant is not normal.

"Wait, i know that you're so excited Dr. Son but you should relax" Doctor Kim laughs. Joohyun burst out in laughter too. They earned a glare from Seungwan.

"I'm sorry, Doc Kim" Seungwan politely said.

"It's fine," Doctor Kim said.  "You can look at the ultrasound machine. I know you know how to read it" Seungwan gladly complied as she wants to check with her both eyes if it was true.

As she saw the result, Seungwan got teary-eyed. She feels something in her stomach it is like what she felt when she first saw her wife, Joohyun. Seungwan wants to confirm everything so she looked into Doctor Kim's eyes, asking if what she saw is really true. Doctor Kim nodded and smiled at her. 

"What is it Seungwan?" Joohyun asked in confusion. She didn't know if Seungwan is crying because of happiness or the other way around.

Joohyun was taken aback when Seungwan hugged her. "We can now call ourselves Mom!"

Seungwan faced Joohyun to see her reaction. "Oh, my God!" Joohyun shouted. The two soon-to-be mommies cried while hugging. 

"Congratulations to both of you but i'm expecting that you will still take care of yourself, Joohyun. This kind of pregnancy is not easy, especially for you" Doctor Kim warned when the two already recovered from the emotional scene earlier. The two nodded their heads.

"And you Seungwan, take care of her until the baby is out okay?"

"Unnie, when i marry her i promised that i will be taking care of her until i die. You don't need to worry about that" Seungwan proudly said. Joohyun blushed at that while

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Chapter 6: When everything feels right, life would really make a way to you up. I knew it that trip has bad vibes in it. I was tearing up as i was reading that part. What's with WR author-nim and their love for angst. I'm not against it, it's just y'all are too good at writing heart wrenching story. But it's too early for me to read something like this and i think this would hunt me down until later. Great story btw author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 6: I knew it... ugh
Riscark #3
Chapter 6: Of course, the moment Joohyun asked their daughter about wanna see Seungwan, I just know it'll be painful meeting 🥲
Chapter 6: aaaackkk it hurts!!!!😭😭😭
Chapter 6: I know this chapter will be angst the moment I read the title but I wanna hurt myself so I read. This is beautifully written. Painful but worth the read.
115 streak #6
Chapter 6: WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH? 😭😭😭
ryuddaengddong #7
Chapter 2: wenrene endgame 🥰
Chapter 5: SJF indeed 🤍
Chapter 5: the time where all wenrene simps dies:
Chapter 5: wenrene is so sick letting mama shon and the staffs thirdwheeling them tbh T.T