Melting 4


Mina knew she can’t work like this. Can’t function like this even.

She noticed that she is more unsettled than ever. She can’t focus on her works like before. Can’t continue her day normally without feeling a little pang in her chest. Couldn’t even sleep properly despite the numerous ways she’s done to tire herself to sleep. None of them seems to put her at ease. NONE!

Mina is growing frustrated at this feeling. Why does she feel incomplete? Why does she feel like there is something out of order? She is a woman who aims perfection, yet it seems that nothing is wrong.

So why does she feel this way?

Mina groaned for the nth time, her limbs flailing in briefly in frustration. She is currently at her penthouse, donned in the most comfortable pair of clothing she could find in the sea of luxurious fabrics in her closet. Her once clean coffee table turned into a mess of chips, cookies and empty cans of soda. The TV opened for her entertainment yet finds the moving that is playing boring.

Mina figured that she needed a time out from the “stress” at work. She figured that the cause to her misery may be the lack of time for herself to have fun. Yeah, maybe that’s it.

And so here she is, trying to be as comfortable as she can on a Saturday afternoon.

But why is she not RELAXED?!

Mina groaned again. This time, she stood up and brushed away the crumbs that have been stuck to her t-shirt, and went to the bathroom to fix herself up. Perhaps she could go to the mall? Maybe shopping could be fun. You can’t go wrong with shopping, right?

And so, she fixed herself up all pretty, changed her clothes drove herself to the mall.



Why did I waste my time on this? Mina thought to herself angrily.

She was getting frustrated. She thought the looking and buying for items that she “wants” is going to take her mind off of the misery she is feeling. But now, she has bags of items that she doesn’t know what to do with. A stuff animal?! What is she going to do with it?! She doesn’t even like toys!

And now what is left of Mina is regret and a crying wallet. So much for shopping.

She is currently taking her limbs on a well-deserved break by sitting on one of the cafes in the mall, sipping on her ice cold americano. Checking at her phone, it seems to be no one has messaged her today. Looking at her socials, nothing seems interesting today. Why is today so boring?

She puts her phone down in defeat, looking out at the window, watching the people go about their day. She seems to be a little sensitive today as she hates the smiles that is plastered on everybody’s faces. How dare they be happy in the presence of a miserable woman? How dare they.

But as she watches the people come and go, she spots a familiar face among the crowd.


Jihyo?, Mina leaned closer to the window, squinting her eyes. It seems that Jihyo has brought a friend with her to the mall.




Mina chokes on her drink, cursing the foal liquid that went to the wrong pipe. She hits her chest yet her eyes were glued to the pair. She’s now curious as to what they are doing together. From what she could remember, she doesn’t remember Jihyo hanging out with this woman.

She took the bags pooling around her feet and exits the café faster than she’s ever done. Her plan was to follow them and see what they would do.

From what she could tell from afar, Jihyo seems to be busy with her phone, nodding occasionally as she listens to the intern looking around the various shops in the mall. After some time, they seem to have stopped at one shop, with the intern dragging Jihyo by the arm and into the shop.

Mina followed them, careful to not be seen by the pair. She hides herself, stealthily croaching behind the rows of shelves that’s covering her. She finds that to be challenging as she realizes that carrying tons of bags on a stealth mission seems to be inefficient to staying quiet. The rustling of bags with them hitting her legs as she takes a step forward is starting to get annoying.


Why did she follow them in the first place?


Huh. Why did she follow them?


 She should be enjoying her “relaxing” weekend, not play detective in the middle of her break.


Mina laughs at the ridiculousness of the situation. Playing detective isn’t a part of her agenda this weekend. She should just go out of the shop and continue on with her day.

Now all she has to do is straighten those legs up and turn around and-






“Why you posing like the hunchback of notre dame?”











i'm back (from inferno) :(

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i promise you i am working on a longer chapter. and i am thinking of posting it on minayeon day cuz before that, i have exams to study for so... yeah.


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1521 streak #1
Chapter 6: She's so smooth, pleaaaase
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Chapter 5: Oh, sister! You're such a terrible stalker hahahah
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Chapter 6: Yes pls
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Chapter 4: Aaaaah i love this chapter omgggg