027. You still have my heart

⌕ MISSING YOU ˖𓂃 ִֶָ ๋ ꗃ a rp confessions/reconnection thread. submissions welcome. (✧◡✧)
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027。 — ☐ ✕ your fc: your got7 bias fc of person directed at: Momoland’s Jane rp name: Polaroid   CLICK! searCh ☌ fbrp. coded by yxgurt
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Chapter 29: 026. You sound so very much like my beloved Kino. He may not have known it then, but he was always the radiant sunshine of my dullest, sometimes darkest days. I miss him dearly and can only hope that he’s found happiness and a joy that he’s always deserved. My regret is that I never told him just how much I adored him and how incredibly easy it was to love him for simply being him. If I ever cross his mind, I hope that he can think of me with a fondness just as beautiful as your words have described.
sIytherin #2
every time i come across over this thread. i can't help but bawl my eyes out as i read through everyone's confessions or stories.
being an empath allows me to have the ability to be empathetic and to sympathize to everything around me. perhaps the words i wanted to hear from someone have been said by other people that if i do ever think about that person telling me those words. i'd have a break down and cry. my heart was in pain every time there's a new update with the same situation as me or just something i went through that is relatable with that person.

and to all the submitters. i hope that you'll find a way to heal, and if you already are in the process of doing so. i just want to let you know that i'm proud of you and you're doing well. it will take some time, let your heart mourn for its love that was lost and heal at your own pace. you'll be seeing rainbows after the stormy journey you've conquered.
Chapter 46: My friend sent me a link of this confession because my roleplay screen name was mentioned here. I know who you are already.

The day you confessed that you like me as my character and you got attached to it, I just ignored it because I don't want roleplay relationships at all, but I don't know that was the start of making yourself away from me. I was guilty that I ignored your little request, which was changing my profile picture into the faceclaim I am portraying to your character just for a day. I nudged on you and I don't know that you will sulk on that. I even gave you a cold answer for that. I deeply apologize for my wrongdoings.

But when the day you deleted your Discord and I can't contact you anymore, that was the greatest mistake I've ever did. It was my fault in the first place. I completely ignored you. Now I realized how important you are to me. I don't know if you will see this or you will connect with me again, but I do hope that at least, forgive me in everything that I've done.

I did love you. I can't just express it. I miss you so much, my fool sun, and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I still love you.
Chapter 45: i get you, anon. as a new nd rp-er, i sometimes miss the times where i hv a partner to talk about everything and anything but i don't need one anymore. guess we'll have to venture out and seek new frenship all the time, huh? that's a hassle too...
Chapter 46: why do i feel that i know who's maeyou you are talking about..
Chapter 30: Aw this 💛
BabyJei #7
Chapter 30: Things like this makes me realise that damn if people wanna put effort, they will. Jdjdjckd.
bingoal #9
Chapter 15: idk if you'll see this, but i know who you're talking about since they're a friend of mine as well. they've been around here and there, but never stayed in one spot for too long because of focusing on irl. maybe you two will run into each other some day. i'll pass this on whenever i see them again.